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Nexus Mods Profile

About GravesTC

  1. I have this problem as well. I reinstalled Skyrim and all of my 97 mods, and yet not a single one of them works.
  2. Update: I've just tried a few other mines/dungeons and none of them are the same, so it must be an issue with this specific dungeon. And I shall try that now.
  3. Hey guys, wasn't really sure where to put this. I have a problem and I have no idea what's causing it. Simply put: as soon as I enter bleak falls barrows, I get this: http://oi46.tinypic.com/2z4i7ih.jpg It's not just that area, either. It's like it in the entire dungeon. As soon as I step outside, it's back to normal: http://oi49.tinypic.com/2s6pzc5.jpg Everywhere else I've been so far (started a new game earlier on) is completely fine. I use quite a lot of mods, including sharpshooter's extreme graphics vision enb, rcrn pure and realistic lighting. It's not supposed to be like this at all. In fact, it should actually be very dark. I don't know if it's due to the fact I'm a vampire... I've been having trouble getting various night-visions to work so I just kind of left them, as it had no effect in-game. It's almost like a permanent night-vision, only I've checked my active effects and I can't see anything to do with that. Any help would be appreciated asap.
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