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  1. Here is a mod for animated flagpoles - http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9446/? and here is one for more flags - http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10708/? Not sure if that is what you're looking for or not, its all the flags but I am not sure how well they would fit indoors.
  2. Really? That's pretty handy, didn't know that! Thanks, if this mod never comes around at least knowing this should help a lot if clearing a settlement to start fresh is needed.
  3. Really? That's pretty handy, didn't know that! Thanks, if this mod never comes around at least knowing this should help a lot if clearing a settlement to start fresh is needed.
  4. That will get rid say long stretches of fencing? Or like a huge section of placed foundation? I just thought that it would make the whole process easier for everyone with a scrapping gun. Maybe it's something too big a pain in the ass to make? Not sure, but I wish I knew how to mod so things like this I could just make myself lol.
  5. Player made stuff mostly, but i do use spring cleaning, so if it worked with that also that would be a plus. I hate K&M and prefer playing my games with a controller (played consoles for most of my life until recently) and on controller you basically have to hit X and then A to confirm the scrap. Now times that by loads of things to scrap and its horrible. I guess I was thinking something that could just do a one click at whatever you are pointing crosshairs at and gun seemed the easiest. Maybe like the scrapping script being used VIA the blaster? As I said I have no real knowledge of what is able to be done.
  6. Hello! I think a tool for scrapping or deleting things quickly would be super handy. Like an Alien Blaster that scraps/deletes everything you shoot with it. Manually scrapping takes a long time when doing the 2 button system there is currently (I use controller). I found the "scrapall" console command didn't get rid of settlement stuff I had put down and I chose a 6 hour previous save so I could avoid the tedious scrapping of the 100+ or so items I had to get rid of. Just thought that a scrapping gun that scraps thing per shot would speed it up, and make it less of a hassle for people. Not sure if it is possible, but if it is, it seems like something "easy" and "straight forward" to do but I have absolutely no modding ability so I could be very wrong.
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