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Everything posted by Reve23

  1. Hello! I have been searching around for a hour or so for some mod that makes it rain a bit more often than vanilla. Since I run a pretty modded game I dont want to involve any big mods like Vivid Weathers and True Storms etc. But im at a loss trying to find a mod that just makes it rain more. So I thought why not ask here where all the specialists are, Nexus Forums. It's a plus if the mod also adds some more subtle weather styles but not necessary (no snowstorms and such). Also I remember reading on some modpage that if the Timescale is modified Weather mods can have problems, is this true for all weather mods or just some of them? I welcome any suggestion that remotely fit the descreption, thanks!
  2. http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/49117/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fnewvegas%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D49117%26preview%3D&pUp=1 This one called Grab and Go. Works with food and drink from mods too as far as I can tell. I always use it, never had any problems with it!
  3. I check in every day to see if there is a new chapter, its very good so far! How many are you planning to write? Another question, Im guessing John from The Shield is the same man following and saving Sarahs life a couple of times in the story she told the Enclave. So in chronological order, his story is happening before Part 1?
  4. Hello again, just stumbled upon another topic of yours http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/269585-new-vegas-role-play-ideas-nvrpi/ Also very good to read (I see some resemblance in Sarah and the drug addict RP), do you have anymore links to Fallout related stuff you wrote?
  5. I enjoyed reading this alot! I imagined everything before me in the Fallout 3/NV graphics, with the armors and guns and the whole Pitt! I read alot of books and I think your writing is very good.
  6. Nice! Ive always wondered where they were and this seems very plausible:)
  7. Nice topic! In NVBII there is a bounty on "Bloody Brad", where upon approaching his location you will hear about the "Legion gold". This whole storyline is reminiscent/a reference whatever, of the movie "The good, the bad and the ugly". It's even more obvious since Bloody Brad is having a three-way shootout with "Tuco" (The Ugly, played by Eli Wallach) and "Clint" (The Good, played by Clint Eastwood). In Russell after Galton slaughtered the Sand Wolves. Check their camp and the cave on the hills (west from the camp I think). In the cave, their is 4 volumes of journals beloning to a Benjamin Hines. He's a Follower of the apocalypse sent to study the sand wolves, which story share many similiraties with Caesar and Graham's. (They are even mentioned in the journal) It's a long and interesting read.
  8. If somebody know of a mod like this one http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/15294/?, please tell me! Otherwise I think its a very good idea to make/port it for New Vegas and maybe Fallout 3 too :)
  9. Hello, is there any mod for Skyrim (probably not fully completed yet) with the same goal as OOO for Oblivion?
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