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Everything posted by dread74

  1. Howde all, Quick question: I have been playing with modding fallout 4 and over the past so many weeks have learned how to make a replacer mod that replaces the default in game Raider outfits. As I've learned more I've improoved and improoved the mod including recently discovering how to mod meshes and create my own outfits. It's very my taste, i.e. tight and shiny, but by the time the game has dirtied up the characters and put armour on them it really works well I think. http://imgur.com/a/WvEMK My question is... most of the meshes have come from downloads from this site, as much as I have hacked around with them, changed textures, combined with other meshes etc... they originally are not my creations and I worry that if I upload this mod I am going to get slated for that!? So.. how does that work? Just keep to myself or what ? Chars P.s. (Edit) To clarify: Originally I had no intention to share my work, it was just for meee :smile: but now its half decent I may. When it was at the just for me stage and I was playing with meshes I created a repository of sorts of useful meshes that I came across leaving me now with no certainty of where they originally came from :sad: I can tell you that: (With varying levels of re-texturing, mesh alterations/deletions etc....) -The male stuff is just re-textures and specular changes since they share some material/texture files with the fems forcing me to spit them up. So I thought I may as well make them 'simular' looking. -The skirt came from Easygirl mod - 'I think' -The leggings and catsuit are from a wetsuit mod. -There is a harleyquinn mod there which is just retextured with minor changes. -I forget where the belt, stockings and 2 tops came from - sry. If you recognise any of your work and would either like to give permission for me to release this mod or object to it then please contact me by reply or DM. Chars
  2. thx montky have done my best to make it look dirty as well - as much as I want my raider chicks running around in various latex outfits, its got to be realistic! :) Thus far I have 4 outfits for the raiders: a few different catsuit cuts, leotard and bikini and with the game generated armour and dirty-ness of them they look really good. I've converted them all to bodyslide to and given them a stereotypical post apoc raider look, slim, muscular shoulders n legs etc.. and fake looking (not too big) boobs. On top of that I've now made simular but appropriate conversions for the gunners, bos and synths. :) As a side note, it appears that some of the textures and/or material files are shared between male and female outfits resulting in half the male raiders running around in dirty latex outfits too.... but... it fits with the look I was after so I'm not overly bothered by that. I know I could fix it if I really wanted... I think once you get the idea of how it all hangs together, what settings matter most and which files point to which etc.. its 'reletively' easy to make simple changes. For anyone else struggling with or new to this: Best way (from my limited experiance) to replace in game textures/meshes is as follows: 1. Save and then kill in game character to make sure you know name of clothing 2. Open FO4Edit and find outfit/armour and which mesh it points to. 3. Using bae open Fallout4 - Meshes.ba2 file and find mesh file in Clothing or Armor 4. Open Mesh file in Nifskope and see which material file/s are pointed to. 5. Repeat step 3 for Material file/s 6. Open Material file/s in Material Editor and see which dds files are pointed to 7. Repeat step 3 for texture files 8. Everyone's happy ! :) Just remember if you are making a replacer mod that the file names all have to remain the same. Keeping to that changing a mesh is a simple as renaming and replacing the mesh file you have extracted in step 3. You then need to open with nifskope and change the material file it points at etc...
  3. http://imgur.com/a/6NywI I think it's looking pretty good thus far! ..Well given my tastes :D
  4. 1. When testing my new mods - armour/clothing in this case - when I uninstall, make a small change and then reinstall, the bodyslide settings are lost - EVEN tho I have included them (by copying from Data/bodyslide... etc...) into my mod. Is this normal ? I presumed copying the bodyslide entried from data folder into my mod would preserve the settings I had made !? But it appears not to ? 2. I create a new setting in bodyslide (myslim etc..) and assign it to all groups. Cool all works dandy. THEN I create a new group and of course none of the body setting/presets are availible for it. If I select my prior setting (myslim) and 'save as' again - now including the new group - and even overwrite the same file name it results in 2 entries for my setting (myslim) Is there a better way to do this ? Chars :)
  5. Hi there, Following everybodies help with my prior issue I would like to implement my new creations into the main game as a default clothing replacer that will appear on NPCs etc.. NOT something that I will have to craft. For example: I would like to replace the raider harness with my own mesh/texture.. Please forgive my newb understanding of all this but just to be sure - as I am a tad worried about breaking the game :/ ... is my understanding of how 'it' all works correct? What I intend to do is extract the relevant mesh/texture/material files, replace them with my texture/mesh and material files (RENAMING them to be the same as the files I have extracted), make sure the nif and bgsm files point at the right files in my extraction directory structure,... and then use NMM to load my mod. Will that work? Simple as that? Not even any need for an esp ? Further to that, my understanding of NMM is when you load a mod like this it doesn't actually overwrite the game textures etc... but creates some kind of virtual folder structure that the game will use in preference to its default textures etc... therefore allowing you to un-install a mod with no lasting damage done. Is this correct ? So in otherwords I dont have to worry about breaking my game while I play with creating this replacer mod ? Loading/unloading it etc... Thanking you all ooodles :D
  6. So is there a handy guide anywhere which details what settings in the materials file give which effect ? (as per spoiler above)
  7. Ok - got it working :D Comparing material files I noticed some differences. I applied the following changes: Gen Tab: Alpha Test ref = 127 Alpha Test = On Two Sided = Off Enviro Mapping = On Material Tab: Enviro Map Texture = Shared/Cubemaps/MetalShineTopCube01.dds That combined WITH (have checked without to be sure) the changes already made as suggested by you has provided the look I am after :D I now have a latex catsuit with no gloves or feet :) Cool... Now thirsty for knowledge, can anyone shed any light on which of the material file changes made the difference/what they did ? I know that the Enviro Map Texture had something to do with the finnish as before I changed that the outfit was mirror silver. Dont really know what the other changes did/do :) Ultimately I want to work on a sexy overhaul for fallout 4 with all/most of the female outfits replaced with sexy-er alternatives. I'd like to incorporate mods like easy girl etc.. into it making default outfits use items from mod etc... and of course lots of latex stuff here there and everywhere ! :D My ideal post apoc future ! lol
  8. Ok... doing all what you have said... I am getting a good result - black, smooth with some shine to it. I think the corrected way of saving my files removed the pixelation I was getting :) ... getting there ... BUT... its not the shine I am after. Its more like a shimmer than an all over wetlook latex look which is what I am after. If you look at this mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/5878/ .. you will see what I am after. I'm guessing at this stage I have done all I can do with the texture files, and I have tried everything combination of colour, contrast, alpha chans on/off up to and including block colours and no detail. (blk for _d nothing/lilac for _n and yellow/orange for _s) and nothing improves on the shine finish beyond the shimmer. It lacks the long mirror like reflections all over and in more smaller specular reflections where you look whilst the remainder of the outfit seems flat. I have looked at the above mod and my texture file/colours are the same as far as I can see. P.S. What 'exactly' is the _n file for ? I get the _d is general texture, the _s is the reflection/shine/metalness etc... - haven't quite worked out what the _n does :/
  9. Top man - thx again. Fountain of knowledge! :D This 3d modding certainly falls into the category of "the more you learn, the more you realise there is still to learn" Oh btw, removing the alpha chan on the _s file caused insta crash every time i tried to craft outfit. I'll get there in the end :)
  10. Thank you so much - very much appreciated -I will try all that... Umm I dont have the ATI2N save type - I have DDS from plugin I downloaded and... I can see there are mipmaps but I dont really know what they are. I just assumed they were layers they were not being used !? It seems when I save my dds files in gimp2 it loses the mini maps.
  11. Edit2: Ok, trying to keep it simple at this stage... but using your advise... as best I understand it.. I have looked at other latex mods and they seem to have the _s file as just a yellow block which is ALL red and green. and the _n file empty/invisible. I have replicated this and darkened the _d texture file and hey presto excellent immediate results. However... :smile: ... rather than a smooth finish it seems to have a visibly square pixilated look which I cant seem to establish the source of. Again lookin at other latex mods the material file is identical, and there are no entries in the textures section in the nif file... Ummm.... !??? Any ideas ?
  12. Firstly thank you for the awesome flood of replies. :smile: I will have a play and let you know how I get on... Edit: Brain hurts.... :(
  13. Hi there, I am new to 3d modding but have plenty of experience playing with gimp, textures, layers etc... What I would 'like' to do it create / edit a few simple outfits and give them that nice shiny black latex effect. I have tried to research this myself as well as seeking help on the loverslab forum and thus far the advise I have been give has been to use nifskope (which I already had from my resarch) to change the glossiness etc... I am using a simple mod from this forum - sorry I forget which now as I've been playing / banging my head against desk now... for a few weeks ! :( Anyway... a simple wetsuit mod... which I have been playing with the nif file trying and changing pretty much every setting I can see with in most cases no effect whats so ever in game - apart from making the texture completely invisible on occasion! The nif screen grabs the person (who mods for skyrim not fallout) who was trying to help me did seem to lack a few entries that seem to be present in all the nif files for fallout that I have seen - and I have downloaded and looked at pretty much every latex mod I could find... The Wet Material entry and wetness options... but again I have duplicated these settings from other latex mods and still my wetsuit mod has no latex shine. I also notice the glossines is normally set to 1 in fallout nif files for latex mods... !?!? Help - someone - please - where am I going wrong ?? Thank you in advance.
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