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About JamesTruant

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  1. I know, doesnt sound like a great idea. But id love a fight with the thing! Stick it in the massive body of water when you exit the sewer at the start (Ive forgotten the name, havent played this for a while and im looking for a mod to give me a reason to reboot it.) Id love to fight the thing in Oblivion! :D
  2. Passing the hat - Cold war kids. New favorite band? I think so.
  3. After buying "as the roots undo" by circle takes the square yesterday, ive had it on repeat constantly. Amazing album. Anyone else like CTTS?
  4. This level problem could potentially be combatted with leveled servers, I.E. servers reccomended for players of certain levels, and entering at a lower level is your own fault if anything happens, and higher levels cant enter.
  5. You can fast travel right away, however I have a suspicion it wont show mod areas.
  6. If they do, id hope they produced something that had a great single player, and when you were finished you could bring your character, or say a new one into the online fray. Or just start the single player again. The world of multiplayer would have multiplayer only quests, but nothing pivotal. Id also like to see a player run economy online, as the emphasis at the moment is too much on "BEAT IT INTO DUST" instead of being able to make a decent amount of cash selling wares. Maybe even certain events to shape the multiplayer world, the argonians and khajiits entering a war together would make for an interesting online experience. Ill edit more if I come up with anything.
  7. Id also like to see diseases presenting an actual problem to the player. I have a mod for this, but itd be nice for Besthesda to take the initiative, I for one wouldnt enjoy collapsing in the middle of the wilderness.
  8. A decent reputation system. The one now just bans you from recieving blessings unless your bounties somewhat high. It might affect disposition somewhat, I'unno, but id like there to be noticable problems if youre horrible. Wahey an edit button. Id also like to see each weapon having its own unique fighting style, a system of fighting that takes time and practice to master instead of strapping yourself up with the biggest heavist hammer/claymore you can find and grinding skulls into dust, a system where the lower quality weapons are easier to control, but the higher quality weapons become slightly harder to control.
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