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About warnhammer99

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  1. Hello hello; I came back to fo4 recently, and with a mod collection, ending up with hundreds of mods and no idea which. I was in a location in the northeast, Boston Deathclaw Sanctuary, when I came across a silver skull item, which had a legendary pickup screen, with a blurb about it being a mythical key to an ancient guild's treasure or something of the sort. It's now just sitting in my scrap, and I'm carefully finding its way back to a main settlement so I can store it safely. I googled around, and can't seem to find much about what this item is from. Once its safe and sound, i'll try to check via console commands?
  2. Maybe people are in agreeance, maybe I'm alone, maybe I'm super late here as it's almost 2023, maybe I'm just an old guy yelling at clouds. You put in all this work to create the 40th variant of a modular AK, or perhaps the 500th 1911, and you want to show off why YOUR mod is the one to download, want to show off why you deserve a hot ticket to the table, and take up one of my coveted ESP spots: You take screenshots, design photos, really go overboard with lighting, and character background, building up a plot and storyline to show off what the weapon looks like. You have 45 fantastically theatrical shots, all custom made with action poses and your favorite waifu pretending to be an operator. But here's the problem. Not a single one showing what I can expect the weapon to actually look like while I'm using the dang thing. Not a single player-view. You're too busy showing off your fallout-girlfriend, and the representation of the firearm is literally an afterthought in the photo. Personally, while I can respect the time and energy put into adding so much detail and care; I do not give one rat's butt hair about how "cool" you think your character in a video game looks. I don't care that you finally found, after days of customization, the perfect hair shade to go on to that A-symmetrical bang for your waifu, that compliments her new sunglasses you downloaded. What I want, is to see the world model, sure; but mostly what the heck the player-view is. Most people don't play in 3rd person view, or spend alot of time fawning over their character in third person camera. Maybe I'm wrong, and alot of you weirdos do, but personally I'm too busy playing the game when I have time to sit and play. Why would igaf about what it would look like if I have my character posing like an Instagram thot? tldr; images used for your weapon mods should be different than the images you make to get updoots on social media. Show me what the heck the gun looks like, thats all I need. endrant
  3. yeah, almost five years later; and we have everything from the entire arsenal of weaponry ever made, to mods where there's simulated fornication with my little pony and other weeaboo fur-yiffing BS, but no one has thought to pull the proverbial trigger on making a mod that adds new junk items. Unbelievable. -big shrug-
  4. -znip- I'm dumb- mods you can remove if that's your prerogative
  5. The russian translation one is still up. English is gone, because we're all imperialist spies.
  6. Hello reader- I'm looking around today to try to get started in creating some basic reskins for things, and getting started with that for morrowind. I have some limited experience with 3DS max, which I know can be used for meshes with morrowind, but for the actual texture files, I've basically found info that you need to edit the .Nif files. So, what to use? I've seen on the mwmythic site (Used to be a fantastic reference site, but problems with hosts killed nearly all the links) that the tools under "Mesh retexture" have all but disappeared from the internet. Tried using wayback machine to find download links, but it only lets me find the link and not the file. -sigh- This is the problem with Morrowind mods at this point- the game is old. The mods are old. The mods were all hosted on geocities and webhosts like that, which alot of you kids don't even remember. So, what are you guys using to produce new skins or textures over the meshes? Is there some kind of tutorial I should check out to help me along? Thanks. (This is all started because I got oreyn bearclaw's helmet, which is arguably the best helmet, but it looks like dogsh*)
  7. So, I've been playing this character for a little while now; and its a dedicated non-cheating character. Not related, but its a spellsword build with heavy armor, swords, and destructive magic. Its been pretty fun. Without cheating, I've got about 15k worth of gold and really good equipment, and I'm only level 10. So, I've been putting in quite alot of time for only level 10, and back when I was a lowly level 1, I found myself in Caldera, looking for a poor soul to kill, in order to find a new home (I hadn't installed a player-home mod yet) Long story short, I murdered an agent of the thieves guild, because it's been so long since I played, that I didn't remember. Now- I'm in the thieves guild (I'm planning on finishing all the guilds if I can), and literally no one wants to trade or train me, saying "oh you killed my friend," like its some sort of issue to spill some blood every once in a while. I cannot make amends, as this murder took place prior to joining the guild (I tried, by stealing something and making amends to no avail), and can't find anyone that fixed the issue previously online. SO- I propose that one of you lot surely must know how to find the dialogue in the editors and be able to fix this issue. I'm dying here. Any help would be greatly, greatly appreciated.
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