Maybe people are in agreeance, maybe I'm alone, maybe I'm super late here as it's almost 2023, maybe I'm just an old guy yelling at clouds. You put in all this work to create the 40th variant of a modular AK, or perhaps the 500th 1911, and you want to show off why YOUR mod is the one to download, want to show off why you deserve a hot ticket to the table, and take up one of my coveted ESP spots: You take screenshots, design photos, really go overboard with lighting, and character background, building up a plot and storyline to show off what the weapon looks like. You have 45 fantastically theatrical shots, all custom made with action poses and your favorite waifu pretending to be an operator. But here's the problem. Not a single one showing what I can expect the weapon to actually look like while I'm using the dang thing. Not a single player-view. You're too busy showing off your fallout-girlfriend, and the representation of the firearm is literally an afterthought in the photo. Personally, while I can respect the time and energy put into adding so much detail and care; I do not give one rat's butt hair about how "cool" you think your character in a video game looks. I don't care that you finally found, after days of customization, the perfect hair shade to go on to that A-symmetrical bang for your waifu, that compliments her new sunglasses you downloaded. What I want, is to see the world model, sure; but mostly what the heck the player-view is. Most people don't play in 3rd person view, or spend alot of time fawning over their character in third person camera. Maybe I'm wrong, and alot of you weirdos do, but personally I'm too busy playing the game when I have time to sit and play. Why would igaf about what it would look like if I have my character posing like an Instagram thot? tldr; images used for your weapon mods should be different than the images you make to get updoots on social media. Show me what the heck the gun looks like, thats all I need. endrant