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Nexus Mods Profile

About WillemDaCage

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    United States

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Rookie (2/14)



  1. Hoping to get some help in finding a mod that alters the view/weapon models FOV, always like to see more of the weapons that I am using like in Halo or left 4 dead even if it takes up 80% of my screen cause I'm insane like that. Or maybe something to put in CET(Cyber engine tweaks).
  2. Idk if this is the right place, Just going out on a limb here to get some kind of direction. For starters I have zero modding experience so.. yeah~ I am looking to get the assets/models from Sons of the Forest.. and remodel them or just add more to them w/e. I just can't seem to find a way to do so. I did some research for the first game and it used assetstudio but that just isn't working for SoTF, so some words of wisdom would be super nice here, or just someone that knows what there doing telling me this is not at all how it works~ That works to lmao
  3. Curious if someone knows of a way for me to edit the models, I have an idea for a mod and... I've never made a mod before but I feel unusually motivated to do so for a quick little side project. I did some research for the first game "The Forest" and that one used AssetStudio.net to load the assets from the game so you can than retexture or model w/e~ I just can't seem to make it work for Sons, idk if I need to use something else or it just isn't possible somehow? Either way some input would be super appreciated! Also if I'm just taking the complete wrong direction.. That would be good to know as well lol
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