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About SabinXL

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  1. Yeah, that will be one of the last things that's done right before the mod is ready for is first non-beta release. At the moment I'm going to have all of the standard blacksmiths carry every plan book to ensure that people can play test with relative ease so that I can squash bugs faster.
  2. PROJECT SKYRIM - SKILL MODULE - SMITHING Mod can be found here! Description Project Skyrim's Smithing Module looks to give the player a more meaningful experience when crafting weapons and armor. The following high level changes have been made in this module: Smithing perks are no longer required to craft weapons and armor; instead a player can learn how to craft gear by purchasing and reading a smithing plan book at the appropriate skill level. The smithing perk tree is completely redone - instead of being a tree that gives you the ability to craft gear and improve tempering, the tree now focuses on two things: improving your tempering expertise and unique benefits that only impact the gear you craft. The goal of this mod is to make the smithing tree fun and interesting, giving the player options based on how you wish develop your character. The tree can be roughly categorized into two subset: an armor focus and a weapon focus. Perks in each respective category look to improve the gear you craft in unique ways. For example, the Insulated Armor perk provides your character with a passive resistance bonus to armor you craft depending on its material; the Alloyed Metals perk provides combat bonuses to one handed weaponry you craft. The biggest change this mod provides is the decoupling of crafting from the smithing tree - you no longer need to spend perks in order to create weapons and armor. Blacksmiths across Skyrim now carry plan books; when read at the appropriate level, these books will allow the player to craft the weapons and/or armor described in the book. These changes help set the smithing tree to be in line with other perk trees in their design: to allow you, the player, to customize your character's experience. In its initial state, the smithing tree is a stale requirement for basic crafting. Upcoming Changes In no particular order, the below are features that will be implemented in this mod: Perks Additional perks will be added to further customize smithing capabilities. Plan Books Plan books will be added to loot lists in dungeons and camps, to provide the player with a variety of ways to obtain plan books. Plan book for additional weapon and armor types (Imperial armor, Stormcloak Armor, Silver weaponry, etc.) will be added in subsequent releases. Dawnguard content will be assimilated into the mod's plan book and perk system. Weapons and Armor Mod Compatibility Will incorporate plan books for popular mods that add additional weapon and armor options into the game (example: Immersive Armors) Version Change Log Beta.1.0.3 The Legendary Blacksmith perk has been removed. New Perk: Eldritch Knowledge - replaces Legendary Blacksmith. You learn how to unlock the true potential of daedric and dragonbone material in your weaponry. Daedric weaponry will paralyze and deal additional shock damage; dragonbone weaponry will deal additional frostfire damage. New Perk: Arcane Infusion - You've learned how to infuse raw magic into your craft. Glass, ebony, daedric and dragonbone armor you craft have a 5% chance to absorb hostile spells, capping at 20%. Updated Perk: Craftsmanship - The perk now gives 2.5% crit reduction per piece of crafted armor worn, capped at 10%. In addition, the perk grants 5% improved critical strike chance when wielding a crafted weapon. New Plan Book: Silver Weapon Smithing - this plan book allows the player to craft silver swords and greatswords. These recipes can be found in the MISC section of the forge. Silver weapons can now be tempered; the tempering requires a silver ingot. The benefits of the Craftsmanship perk now appear in the player's spell effects section of their UI. Several perk spell effect icons have been updated. Beta.1.0.2 Updated all crafted arrow recipes to use crafted arrows instead of baseline arrows. This will now allow the Serrated Arrowheads perk to work properly. Updated the tutorial blacksmithing quest to look for the correct items when advancing the quest and to provide the player with the requisite plan books necessary for crafting the tutorial items. Removed the Steel Shin Boots and Imperial Steel Gauntlets items from the list of armor you can create from the Steel Smithing. They will be reintroduced in the Imperial Smithing plan book. Beta.1.0.1 Updated esp file mod name to conform with future naming conventions to be used with additional modules. NOTE: If you downloaded beta 1.0, please uninstall the mod prior to installing 1.0.1 to ensure the old .esp file is removed. If you installed this mod manually, simply delete the SPP_Smithing.esp file from your Skyrim Data folder. Updated all crafted items to contain Crafted in their name so as to differentiate themselves from their non-crafted counterparts. Fixed a small display bug with the Craftsmanship tool tip to show the values associated with the perk. Updated the plan books to include the skill required to use the book in the book's text. Known Bug List Below are a current list of known bugs that are being investigated: When loading a save, crafted weapons and armor will retain vanilla baseline values until you go into your inventory and equip a new item or remove an equipped piece of gear; equipped crafted gear will then correctly leverage properties of their base equivalent. This bug has no impact on your game if you are not utilizing mods that overhaul baseline weapon and armor values. About This Mod Hi folks - the main purpose of this mod is to bring smithing to a whole new level of fun and immersion. As this is my first published mod I'm looking to iron out any kinks that are associated with deployment and sound process during the beta so that official releases go off without a hitch. I'm pretty happy with the current place of the mod with respect to perk diversity and am currently shifting my focus towards additional plan book implementation and immersion. I would be more than happy to take any kind of constructive feedback to try to make this mod as good as it can be. If you find any bugs, please report them to me so I can squash them as soon as possible!
  3. Awesome - I'll take a look at the thread and mod to see what I can snag. Appreciate the assistance.
  4. Updated the original post to be a bit more clear... It looks like the problem is with actor values not properly recalculating the updated weapon/armor values on initial game load.
  5. Hi folks, I currently have a script that goes and replaces certain values for one piece of equipment from another piece of equipment in the system. The scripts work perfectly with one catch - the actor values that weapons and armor modify (DamageResist, MeleeDamage, CarryWeight/InventoryWeight, etc) don't actually get updated with these new values until you un-equip something you're wearing or equip something different. I was wondering if anyone knows of a subtle workaround for this issue via scripting? I've been looking for some solutions in the actor scripts, but there doesn't seem to be a script that just tells the game to recalculate all actor values - anyone know if this is doable?
  6. You have a script (PSSMI_CraftedSynchArmorIron) attached to a quest (PSSMI_ArmorSynchQuest). In order to get the property to auto-fill how you want, the property type must be the name of the script, and the property name must be the name of the quest to which that script is attached. So try this: PSSMI_CraftedSynchArmorIron Property PSSMI_ArmorSynchQuest Auto EDIT: Works! Did a bit of digging on how auto-fill works to make sure I understood it, and it's definitely neat. Root cause of my issue was I had the wrong script attached to my quest, so when auto-fill was looking for properties it couldn't actually grab what it was looking for. Thanks again for all the assistance.
  7. I believe I did - checked this: I went to go populate the property, but the only thing I can select is NONE. I'm thinking something needs to be selected here (though not sure what), and I'm not quite sure how I need to reconfigure the property in order for options to populate. From steve40's post, I was under the impression that having a property set as the type of my script would do the trick and that I'd be able to figure out what to select in the property options in the dropdown.
  8. OK, I feel like i'm 90% there but I'm getting stuck on configuring my alias, it seems... Code I'm using has been updated as follows, below: Compiles just fine, and when I run a clean save the quest scripts run without a hitch. The problem is when I save, exit the game and then load the save to see if the Alias script triggers, I get nothing. Below is how I've configured my Reference Alias: I tried using a unique actor and specific reference, but I'm not sure I'm choosing the correct things. Also to note, I attached the alias script which calls the original script, but I can't select anything for the ArmorScriptIron Property... is this normal?
  9. Thanks Steve - didn't realize we could nest scripts within scripts, saves me a ton of time not having to re-apply properties :biggrin:. Much appreciate the assistance from you and taleden - I'm going to go and work on the implementation and report my results.
  10. Yes, I have the quest set to start game enabled. When I make this new script to add to the alias, will I need to change what I extend it to, like ReferenceAlias instead of Quest? Or is Quest good enough?
  11. I'm not sure offhand but I'd guess that SetAV() might not persist through a save and reload, and your OnInit() won't run again after reloading either since the quest is technically still running. So in order to re-apply the modification when loading a save, you may have to add a Player alias to that quest with an OnPlayerLoadGame() event handler. Hmm.. you're right, I just went and did a bit of testing on it. To be clear, you're talking about creating a reference alias in the quest and then attaching the scripts to that alias, changing OnInit to OnPlayerLoadGame(), yes?
  12. Awesome. That was the missing link, Steve - I thought you could only use the functions that were provided by what script you extended with. Went ahead, extended it to Quest and attached it to a quest that ran at the start of the game and it worked like a charm.
  13. Looking to get a bit of assistance on the following script I'm looking to create which takes the armor value of one piece of armor and sets it for another. I'm pretty sure I have the code right (it compiles just fine) but I think I'm getting stuck at where I should be placing and executing the script for it to work. Below is the code: Scriptname ArmorApplicationScript extends Armor Armor Property CraftedArmor Auto Armor Property OriginalArmor Auto Event OnInit() Debug.MessageBox("Script Running!") CraftedArmor.SetAR(OriginalArmor.GetAR()) Debug.MessageBox("Script Finished!") EndEvent I need to leverage the SetAR and GetAR functions from SKSE, so I went and extended my script with Armor, as this is what houses the functions I'm looking for... is this correct? I pass off the pieces of armor to CraftedArmor and OriginalArmor just fine with no issues, but I'm at the point where I'm not sure where to put the script - ideally it would be done as soon as the game is loaded. Can anyone give me advice as to whether or not my code is wrong, or where I should be executing the script for it to work?
  14. Hi folks, I'm creating a smithing mod and exploring some possibilities on how I can add modifications to crafted/tempered armor. My questions focus on tempering - specifically, whether or not I can give additional bonuses to tempered items apart from the raw armor/damage boosts. I dug around in the CK a bit and wasn't too successful in finding what I was looking for, so I figured this place was the next best resource for gathering information. Below are the questions: Is there any way to tell (through a script or a function) whether or not an item is tempered? Is there any way to find out what tempering actually does and where the information is stored in the CK? (apart from the variables found in Gameplay > Settings, as this doesn't really get at what I'm looking for) I have a solution to implement the kind of design I want by creating new items with additional keywords, but it's poor from a best practices standpoint and wouldn't want to do it unless I had no other choice. Hoping to leverage a "tempering state" for what I'm looking to achieve.
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