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About skojo6

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  1. i just had a question, doesnt portray to this mod, but im running skyrim on my mac, and i have been trying to get mods latly in order to be able to download urs once it is out, however to no avail, i managed to find sum mac instructions so i put the folder containing the esp file n other, or just the esp file into the data folder of skyrim, and then i do the text edit plugins edit where you have to put the names of the mod name underneath this title that says skyrim.esm, however wenever i turn on the game the txt edit reverts back to normal as if i never put the names of the mods underath the skyrim.esm line, if anyone is running skyrim on their mac could you plz help me! im so confused and really want to run sum skyrim mods, especially this one, any help would be greatly appreciated
  2. hey man, im not sure if this is a simple request or not, all i no is im running skyrim on my mac, and i would love this download but i cant open rar files, wen u do finish this could you plz make it a zip :)? as long as thts not too troublesome or something
  3. np dude! wats ur idea for the cap? u leavein it purple? or makin it likea fur cape the others were talkin about earlier?, not to pry in ur creation er anythin but i just think a black cape with like a templar cross on it wud fit the outfit well, just saying, love this outfit, im pumped haha :)
  4. love this mod, love everything about it! ina huge templar mood atm n this is exactly wat i was hoping to find, if not better! im so excited for this release, f***in awesome job man!!
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