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Everything posted by sleekblind

  1. Is there some kind of cyber security element to this, or is it really necessary for convenience sake?
  2. I'm also currently stuck using a hotspot. The ping is fine, but bandwidth is low. So, it takes about 50-60 minutes to download a mod that's ~200 MB. Not the end of the world... except for when it randomly stop downloading and says "Failed - Forbidden"
  3. Thank you for the reply, I will try it out. I just try not to add anything straight to the world to prevent mod conflicts. I like to have a private cell to spawn everything, then move each npc item to where I want it via scripting.
  4. I suppose I should add that I did create some followers for skyrim for personal use, but they were bare-bones and had no custom scripting whatsoever. I just plopped them into the world. In NV, I used a script to add my follower to the world from a custom cell to keep my mod from conflicting with any other mods that might alter world spaces. This was my intent for FO4, as well.
  5. The last mod I made was for New Vegas. I never got into scripting for Skyrim. Once I sat down to create the Fallout 4 version of my follower mod, Hazel, I hit a brick wall, which had about 1,000 other brick walls behind it. Supposedly, Papyrus is great and allows for a lot more possibilities as far as what scripts can do, however I cannot figure out how to do F*** ALL with it. I can't even PLACE MY NPC IN THE WORLD with a script. I was unable to find any decipherable tutorials online and after not getting any replies to my original post asking for help, I literally just gave up and moved on with my life. I wasted dozens of hours of my life just trying to understand the simplest of functions with Papyrus before I finally threw in the towel. What can I do, where can I look, who can I ask to try and figure this crap out? Because I didn't get into creating mods for Skyrim, by the time I needed help with papyrus people had been scripting in it for years and all the links I could find to tutorials no longer worked, and nobody seems to suck as badly at this anymore as I do now. I am desperate to get my mod built, and I would appreciate any help anyone could give me.
  6. I think the issue was that NMM had a large update and "attempted to reinstall" all my mods. It looks like the path to my mods virtual install folder got screwed up somehow. Manually uninstalling/reinstalling fixed it, but now I have 40gb of mods on my C: drive, instead of on one of my slave drives as usual. So, I redirected NMM back to the original virtual install folder and it's reinstalling all my mods... again. XD Fingers crossed I don't have to reinstall everything manually... again.
  7. I'm having the same issue, I think. Was working fine, yesterday. Now I am unable to activate mods that should already be active. I'm going to have to reinstall every single mod that I want to be active... greeeeaaaaat.
  8. Call me a necro if you like, I still run into this problem occasionally. Over the years, I tend to forget that this is an issue. Just having the stupid folder open is enough to screw the CK up... what gives? Anyway, glad to find the answer to my problem... again...
  9. This worked for me, as well. Unfortunately, now the CK seems to crash every time I close it, but it does save and unload the mod first, so that's good. ; P
  10. http://pastebin.com/MwzBWuec The weapons are named WeapHazelSR25M11 WeapHazelM4A1SD WeapHazel9mmSMGSilenced WeapHazel10mmPistolSilenced
  11. I overwrote a voicetype? Oops! No wonder I'm having trouble. Thank you so much for looking into this for me!
  12. I uploaded all my ogg files on my mod page, way at the bottom in miscellaneous.
  13. Yeah, I used audacity. will upload the sound files- I haven't done any lip files yet since I can't even get the sound to play ingame.
  14. the mp3 files at that bit rate dont work in geck or ingame- but if I use the 128kbps mp3s they work in geck but not ingame, same with the 64kbs wav files
  15. Ah, alright- thanks a ton for responding! Will try that as soon as I get home again from work.
  16. I know the file paths and names are correct- I even went so far as to record a little sound in geck for each file, then overwrite geck's sounds with my own to ensure I had the right path/filename
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