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Posts posted by TheLonelySurvivor

  1. Hello and welcome dear TheLonelySurvivor/Marc, nice to meet you!

    You have a very good taste in games, music and TV shows! I also love a lot of you list, for example: Star Wars: Kotor 2 ( well, basically everything with Star Wars ), Metal Gear Solid series, Metal and Rock music, Anime etc. :D I hope you will have a lot of fun here and find many new friends!



    Liebe Grüße aus der Schweiz :smile:




    welcome friend to the Nexus


    Welcome Introvert Marc! Fellow Oceanic Flight 815 passenger here :smile:

    Hope you enjoy your stay at the Nexus. There are a lot of great people around here (and a few jerks but they generally get themselves banned soon enough).


    Thanks a lot for all the warm welcomes. Wow. I didn't expect people to react so quickly! I'm really having a good first impression. :laugh:






    No problem, it's always nice to welcome someone to the forum. It's too bad MGS isn't more popular in Germany, it's a really great series. I can only assume it's due to the violence and Germany's tendency to censor those games. My very loose understanding of your countries handling of video games is that they censored a lot, so I apologize if that is incorrect.

    MGS didn't got censored ironically. I assume It's because that there aren't many games that get much love overhere. The only games that get some attention are Assassins Creed, Call Of Duty, Battlefield and so on. That's atleast what I see :huh:

  2. I'm really bad at introducing myself but oh well...here we go!




    Hello there. It's pleasure to meet you. with this post, I would like to introduce myself and tell you a little bit about myself aswell!




    -My name is Marc.

    -I'm 19 years old.

    -I live in some small german village which nobody knows or need to know anyway. (My english might be good but it's far from perfect. You have been warned!)

    -I'm going to a vocational training college to study economy and administration. I know. Sounds really boring. xD

    -I'm a huge introvert and tend to observe things instead of speaking up.


    Things that I love:


    You could say that I used to be a hardcore gamer if I think about how much time it took away from my life years ago. I might not play as much as I used to but whenever I find time and the mood to play something, I remember why I love games so much! There are a lot of games which I consider as my babys... Fallout... Star Wars: Kotor 2... CS:GO... Layers Of Fear...and many more. But my all time favorite will always be the Metal Gear Solid series!


    My music taste tends a lot to Metal and Rock genres. Stuff like: Metalcore, Transecore, Nu Metal, Deathcore, Alternative Rock, Indie Rock, Grunge Rock, Electronic Rock, Folk Rock...the list goes on.


    Besides my love for this kind of music and video games, I'm also a huge fan of The Walking Dead, Lost, And some Anime.




    Well. That's it for now I guess. Told you I'm not good at introducing myself! But anyhow. I hope that we will get along just fine. Making friends is always a great thing!



    I wish you a good evening! :happy:






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