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  1. I just thought I'd drop this here for those of us wondering why some of the mods are not working after today's update. Also, why the game crashes the moment it starts compiling shaders. *Known Issue: PC Game Client Due to changes to both data serialization and upgrades to our Raytracing features in the Hogwarts Legacy engine, level code changes were made that will break all 3rd Party MODs that use skeletal mesh assets made before the upcoming MODs patch.
  2. I noticed a few weeks ago that Noir Penthouse was marked as free for a while. So I decided to get it and check it out. I go inside and...the floors, walls, and ceiling are all missing. You can walk around without falling through, but you're floating high in the air. No idea what Bethesda did to break it with the new update. You know, I recall Bethesda saying Creation Club Content would get official support and be tested. But hey, it's Bethesda right? I thought it was just me, but I see numerous people have noticed the same issue. Screenshot from another user on Steam who encountered the same problem.
  3. Okay, immediately after posting this, I tried something. I checked the load order and got a message about E:\Vortex not being a valid command or something. I thought maybe it's having a problem with there being a space in the filepath. So, I removed any spaces in the filepath for the staging folder. So instead of it being "E:\Vortex Staging\Baldur's Gate 3" it's "E:\VortexStaging\Baldur'sGate3" which made everything start working fine. Mod Fixer installed and Vortex gave me no errors. I started a new character and tested the Level 30 mod and confirmed this mod is working. I hope this proves useful for someone else. Edit: I removed the spaces in the folder's name.
  4. I've been unable to get mods with PAK files installed via Vortex. I set the game down for a couple of months and thought I'd update my mods and try again. While troubleshooting this problem, I did a clean install of the game and removed all my installed mods (maybe 5 mods). I try to install them via Vortex as usual, but I get an endless loop of the "Reading PAK Files" notification. Aside from that, Vortex appears to have installed the mods with them shown as "Enabled." However, none of the mods with PAK files are working. I looked around online and people suggested an issue with LSLib/Divine Tool or something that in needs. I tried rolling back to an earlier version of LSLib/Divine Tool that some said worked for them. It did not work for me. I saw on its GitHub page that installing .NET 8.0 (Got .Net SDK 8.0.204) might help, but sadly it did not. No idea if it matters, but Vortex is installed on my C drive with my OS. BG3 is on my E: as is the Download and Staging folders. Also, no, I can't install BG3 on my C drive as it is nearly full (it's a small SSD). Deployment Method: Symlink (only option available) Am I making an error somewhere? Is there some requirement I'm missing? Do I just need to sit and wait patiently for something to be updated? Thank you for your time.
  5. Not sure if anyone has ever touched on this in other mods. I like having a large crowd density to make the environment feel alive and believable. However, when wandering Night City on foot, it seems there is a high probability of twins being born, triplets...or even quadruplets. Being a twin myself, I don't mind seeing the rare occasion of two completely identical NPCs standing on the sidewalk together. But when V walks down some steps to the sidewalk and sees 5 of the same guy wearing a white vest with an X on the back. Or 4 of the same woman wearing a purple coat waiting at a crosswalk. It stands out to me. I'm wondering if there is a mod that maybe tries to tweak how the game places NPCs that might help minimize this from happening (If this is possible). I'm running on an SSD with HDD mode turned off to hopefully help. But V was just walking down the sidewalk and saw 4 of the same woman with long hair, pink pants, and a plaid shirt.
  6. Didn't one of the Fallout games (Fallout 4 or 76) separate Aid items from Food already? Lol, you'd think Bethesda would remember this during development. I was really hoping there was a mod that did this. But we'll probably have to wait for either Creation Kit or Bethesda to do it.
  7. Well, there is the Unlock All Spells mod that unlocks all the spells from the very beginning. You can just pretend Avada Kadavra is locked until you unlock Crucio or something. Just don't use Alohomora to unlock the Faculty Tower until you get the mission from Mr. Moon. Otherwise you'll have to use a mod to undo you breaking the mission. https://www.nexusmods.com/hogwartslegacy/mods/214
  8. Just throwing this out there and hoping it would be easy to do. Now I understand that blocking players from using naughty words in their character's name in an online game is reasonable. I can even understand that in a singleplayer game like this one. But when the Restricted Words prevents you from using the surname of one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight Wizarding Families? Well, that's a bit much for me. I tried to do a playthrough using Abbott as my character's last name as there are no Abbotts in the game; now I know why. Apparently there is something in that name that is naughty. Is it possible for this to be disabled somehow via a mod? So far, I just used a save editor to bypass the blacklist. Side Note: Thanks to all the mod creators who have made some great mods for this game already.
  9. Thanks, I couldn't remember who the mod author was, so had no idea they had a dropbox.
  10. I haven't modded Fallout 4 in years and I remembered there was a mod called CWSS that added bathroom objects like toilets, showers, sinks, etc. that your character could interact with. Take a shower and get a temporary buff to your stats, sit on the toilet and hear you use it before it flushes, etc. But it seems the creator of that mod has deleted it from Nexus or something. So, I was wondering if there was an alternative mod that could fill in the gap?
  11. I've always played the game with suppressors. I typically play a "do it quietly" approach. I've done a few playthroughs using pistols, smgs, etc. Just about anything that I can use a suppressor on. I don't want to pop a gang member in the head and alert all his buddies that V is here. I've NEVER used smart guns because none of them allow for suppressors that I can see. So I don't know how hard it would be to somehow mod suppressors/silencers onto smart guns. I'd guess that would require editing every smart gun in the game, which I'd guess would be tedious. That or modification options are set by gun type instead of per gun. Yeah, I know it's a balancing thing that smart guns don't use suppressors. I'd just like to use smart guns without ditching the stealth gameplay.
  12. Buys Expensive Corpo Apartment Turns on TV and can hear it well enough Sits down and volume suddenly drops by 75% Contemplates and thinks that the game is causing the audio from the tv to drop off drastically based on distance from audio source. Is it possible to solve this problem so I can actually hear what's being played on the Apartment TVs without having to quadruple the volume on my computer? It seems CDPR has no interest in fixing this problem that has been around since day one.
  13. I'm not sure if there is a mod already on Nexus that addresses this issue. The television in the Apartment, as well as the apartments in version 1.5, have volume that is just too low. I jacked up the volume in the Japantown apartment and the background noise just drowns out the audio. I have to have V stand in front of the TV just so I can hear it. If there isn't a mod already out there than addresses this issue, I hope someone with modding knowledge can possibly do something about it. I'm going to guess that the source of the problem is Audio dropoff based on distance from the player. Even the record player in the Corpo Apartment drops off in volume after just getting 15 feet away from it. I wonder if having a second source of audio coming from the couch where V sits could remedy the problem. Just a thought.
  14. I was trying out the mod The Enigmatic Tower and was able to summon the tower before starting it's quest to do so. Summoned it before getting the quest to do so, before knowing anything about it, and before collecting the Dragon's Eye gem needed to summon it. Well, after summoning it, I got the mission to summon it. Followed the questline to do so and I can't get past "Summon The Enigmatic Tower" because it's already summoned. I've seen where you can find Quest IDs to complete quests or specific objectives in said quest. The problem is that the list I know of only lists vanilla quests and not quests from mods. Is there a console command to help me find this out?
  15. Posted this in the wrong section, so reposting it here. I'm trying to make my first mod, something simple to familiarize myself with Creation Kit. I'm trying to add something to the basements for the Hearthfire homes. Lol, after figuring out the controls to move around the Render Window, I managed to add some stuff to the Falkreath Hearthfire home. 1. I'm wondering if there is a way for me to simply copy and paste the added items to the other Hearthfire home basements so everything is consistent. 2. If I add an object that I want to be disabled until I build it, how do I do that? For example, if I add a cup that would appear on top of a table or barrel once it's built, can that be done? Not a new item to build at the work bench, just an object added to something you already build at the workbench. 3. Trying to add a Dwemer Piston that just moves up and down with little to no pause in between the upstroke and downstroke. I added the TrapDwePipePiston and placed it on the ground. Everything about it is default, so I haven't changed any settings for it except altered it's scale. I looked at the two pistons in the Alftand Dwemer Ruins for reference and saw a TrapTriggerTimeInterval linking the pistons. I added that to tinker with, but have no idea how to link it to the piston. No idea if I'll even need it since I just have one piston. From what I've gathered, I think I may need to edit a script for it? Closets experience to scripts I've ever come was building a basic webpage in Notepad. That was years ago. Thanks in advance for any advice.
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