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Posts posted by sevad43

  1. I've just started to learn the Creation Kit and have made an npc follower. What I would like to know is how do I make my follower stay in the place I leave them, namely Bathing Beauties and Beefcake Suite.


    Any help would be muchly appreciated.

  2. As a late comer to the Elder Scrolls Games my first venture into the series has been Skyrim and I would like to now play some of the others in the series. I have bought a new copy of Oblivian so all good there so my question is, is it even going to be possible to find a new copy of Morrowind as I would much prefer this. I have found secondhand copies but is buying a secondhand copy regarded as pirating? I definately don't want to go down that track if this is the case as I would like to use some mods from Nexus in my game.Does Morrowind need to activated through Steam etc. like Skyrim does and therefore have to be a brand new copy etc.

    Apologies for my noobness just trying to do the right thing.

  3. Yeah you are absolutely right on all counts. All the Skyrim authors definately deserve our thanks. I am a late comer to The Elder Scrolls series so I haven't played Oblivion yet or any of the others. But I do have the 5th Anniversay Edition patiently waiting for me to find the time to play it. Having too much fun with Skyrim atm. :smile:

    I do try to endorse all the mods I use and will in future make sure to post a comment on their mod page. Unfortunately most of them have been around for awhile before I find them so I'm usually a bit late to vote for the mod of the month but i will keep this in mind in the future too.

  4. First of all let me say I am not a modder and more than likely never will be. I have neither the knowledge nor the abilities required to create mods. Not being that computer savvy I’m one of those peeps that when a problem occurs tend to blunder around a bit and usually come across the solution somehow by looking on the net etc, however I do have enough knowledge to realise how much work must go into running the Nexus and to create the fantatsic mods I find here.

    I first started playing Skyrim on console not really thinking at first that it would be my thing but soon found out that it was by far my favourite game.

    Then while looking around on the net one day I discovered Nexus, and to this day I still can’t believe how much information etc. there is here. I’m afraid I don’t really have much to contribute to the nexus but I have found it to be the most amazing sight and decided that in my small way I would contribute by becoming a lifetime premium member.

    I hadn’t even heard of mods for games before as I played all my games on console so when I discovered mods it was like I gotta play this on PC, this is just incredible.

    So to get to my point for wrting this post, I just wanted to say thankyou to all you modders out there for making the mods that make my Skyrim game so much more fun to play. I never get bored with Skyrim and the mods are a major factor in that.

    My apologies for the essay but figured seeing as I don’t have much to contribute it would just be nice to say thanks to you all..


    Cheers, sevad43


    PS. Moderators if I have put this in the wrong place please move it to the appropriate one. I just figured to put it here as more modders may see it.

  5. Thanks for the update and to everyone involved for all the hard work. Yes there have been problems but understand that it must be a mammoth task to keep everything running well so I patiently look forward to the improvements. 1.2million users , WOW thats just amazing. Cheers
  6. I am still using an older version of NMM but every time I try to download a file now I get the error message saying the file doesn't exist. Should I upgrade to the latest version? Any help would be most appreciated.
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