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  1. Strange, my quests countinue , havent done those 2 quests but others just continue as normal i just go out and in again 2 the dialog whith the npc in current quest if he asks me to kill a bandit somewhere and i allready done it.
  2. did u try the console~ "setstage questname 0" or something similair just google on it. i reset my relationshipmarriage quest with this "resetquest RelationshipMarriage"
  3. For the first time ever i think Bertsheda really did the wilderness authentic. It feals great and scary to be out there in the wild, and those witches are creapy, they killed my first compainon, i really liked her :( Some of the caves are fantastic, anybody else who think the wild is great?
  4. its the wastes im concern about, i could buy most of it in the citys but not outside.
  5. For me Fallout dident feal like a real world and to many small obstacles where impossible to cross event thow u could spend 10 min on walking to the other side of it. i felt like a little baby that only could crawl in the land of the adults :) If the terrain looks like i could walk there i should be able to do just that, i dont expect to be able to climb mountains but i do expect to go/walk where i can in real life.(exept the borders of skyrim of course.). When they said the rebuild the engine i sure hope its from the oblivion engine and not som kind evulution based of fallout engine. True... Still Oblivion did still have that problem, though it was worse in Morrowind. It seemed like any rock, no matter how flat, was impassable if this is just a block setting, do u think its possible to change it in the ini files or with a "mod" or u think that would break the game compleatly?
  6. For me Fallout dident feal like a real world and to many small obstacles where impossible to cross event thow u could spend 10 min on walking to the other side of it. i felt like a little baby that only could crawl in the land of the adults :) If the terrain looks like i could walk there i should be able to do just that, i dont expect to be able to climb mountains but i do expect to go/walk where i can in real life.(exept the borders of skyrim of course.). When they said they rebuild the engine i sure hope its from the oblivion engine and not som kind evulution based of fallout engine.
  7. why would u like any restrictions what so ever? are u saying u preffer restrictions before an open world? I'm saying that fallout 3 wasn't that bad .. only near the city did it get bad and if you watch the making of videos they even explain why .. they intended the city to be fully explorable and be much bigger but they said it was too easy to get lost so they chopped a lot of it out .. which clearly explains the walls everywhere near the downtown area .. aside from downtown "which was pretty small" I didnt see any of the issues in the main open world at all .. NV was freaking horrible though .. locked off everything that wasnt on the path they wanted you on .. I'm just saying it could be a lot worse and I thought fallout 3's restrictions were minor. ok i think i understand, i dident play them that mutch becose i dident like any of them as mutch as Oblivion. but i did like the zombies specially with the "im a legend" sound mod :) Really? .. Did you do many side quests? .. I remember on my first playthru I thought the game felt really locked off because I kept thinking the bulk of it was in the sewers and city .. Then I got into the side quests and exploring the open world areas and had a blast .. It wasn't as alive as oblivion but the things you could find out in the waste were far more original and varied.. I still like oblivion more but only with mods .. I'm a bit of a graphics "prostitute" LOLs at this sites strange sense of cursing xD Edit: yea .. I get that too but that was mostly with the main quests unfortunally i was only playing those games at my friends house but it discurage me so mutch i never bought the games.
  8. why would u like any restrictions what so ever? are u saying u preffer restrictions before an open world? I'm saying that fallout 3 wasn't that bad .. only near the city did it get bad and if you watch the making of videos they even explain why .. they intended the city to be fully explorable and be much bigger but they said it was too easy to get lost so they chopped a lot of it out .. which clearly explains the walls everywhere near the downtown area .. aside from downtown "which was pretty small" I didnt see any of the issues in the main open world at all .. NV was freaking horrible though .. locked off everything that wasnt on the path they wanted you on .. I'm just saying it could be a lot worse and I thought fallout 3's restrictions were minor. ok i think i understand, i dident play them that mutch becose i dident like any of them as mutch as Oblivion. but i did like the zombies specially with the "im a legend" sound mod :) sorry about the late edit, i remeber now why i dident like those games mutch.. The number one reason was that i h8ed the !small things! u couldent get over and the unbeliveble roundtrip u had to take to get to a place witch made u so frustrated that it was easyer to fast travel to south/north/west/est of the location u wanted and walk from there. and many times u had to atleast pick 2 or 3 attempts to get to the ONLY way in,dont know if i make sence in my broken english.
  9. why would u like any restrictions what so ever? are u saying u preffer restrictions before an open world?
  10. Nord, will probably practise in bar fights at first until i get a bit famus, then when i have a bit of curage i would venture out in the real world carfully :)
  11. what worries me is the size issue and the fact that he did reach the top of that mountain in what 1-2 min? atleast it fealed that way, the video was mutch longer so maybe i was just in trance :)
  12. if what we think is true it will be one hell of a game, i rather spend 4-500$ on one game i love then the average of buying 10 games that fails me to find that one true "dimond".
  13. well, not me:( i was stunned with the beuty of the game and those spaces where quicky filled with mods, mods that even expanded the play area . it also maid me search harder and still today i can run int o stuff i havent seen before.
  14. a lot of times Todd and friends repeted "the game maybe is little smaller but it feals bigger". This worries me for some reason especially sence it think he dident spend 200+ hours yet. i cross my fingers this is not the case.
  15. this could also mean that a lot of areas is unreacheble and what is reacheble is packed with stuff? After 300+ hours in oblivion the game still feals big to me and this is not the case with my friends Fallout game. when Todd speaks about big it dosent really tell me how many hours he put in to it yet?
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