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About jpatca

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  1. I have no idea why no one has a defenitive answer for this problem :C
  2. I have exactly this problem!!!! HELP! Have you fixed it??
  3. s#*!. I have this issue too. The bow seems to be out of place, and whenever I'm aiming and point slighty up, the bow moves away completely from the crosshair and if I point really up, It goes like 180ยบ behind me and disapears. How the hell can I fix this and whats causing it? I had it before but can't remmember how I fixed it.
  4. So I think I have this bug in this location for as long as I can remmember, and it's at Blind Cliff Cave, when I get in, kill all the forsworn, and then get out to the towers, as soon as I walk out the door, the whole place is underwater, and the forsowrn aren't swimming, they're sitting around, non agressive and stuff. It's the whole tower and bridge that get underwater, and the only way to get out of it is either to go back in the door, or swim far away... It's weird because I've looked it up, and I found no one with the same problem I'm having. But I think I have this bug since before I even started modding... Anyone knows what's this issue?
  5. So for some reason when I leave that place, where you find the letter from -N and have to find out who N is, when you leave the place, a guy approaches you saying that he'll teach you a lesson, then whatever I say (that should cause the brawl) doesn't work, he just stands there while other NPCs approach to watch the suppoed brawl... Help, please. I have already passed this quest before in other accounts, I just got done installing all the Skyrim unofficial patches, which are suppose to help even further fixing stuff like this, but now I'm getting this freakin bug. Is it because of the pacthes? Their load order is correct aswell...
  6. I have un-installed SoS Wilds, to try Audio Overhaul for Skyrim 2, but now I get CTD everytime before I get to the main menu. I opened boss and it said: SoS - The Wilds-PatchSPO.esp Error: SoS - The Wilds.esp is not present or is not active. Skyrim will CTD when loading if using this file without SoS - The Wilds Error: SoundPropagationOverhaul.esp is not present or is not active. Skyrim will CTD when loading if using this file without SoundPropagationOverhaul SoS - The Wilds-PatchCoT.esp Error: SoS - The Wilds.esp is not present or is not active. Skyrim will CTD when loading if using this file without SoS - The Wilds Note: Use only one Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds and CoT patch. SoS - The Wilds-PatchCoTSounds.esp Error: SoS - The Wilds.esp is not present or is not active. Skyrim will CTD when loading if using this file without SoS - The Wilds Note: Use only one Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds and CoT patch. ----------------------------------------------- I already deleted all those files from Skyrim's folder, why do I keep crashing and how do I completely remove it?
  7. So, I've made a new character a few months ago, a Nord, joined the army (stormcloaks), completed the Dragonborn quest, completed the companions, helped most civilians, also completed the Thieves guild earlier for the money, mages guild, his thane in most cities, so it's kind of an hero character, and hasn't started any ''evil'' deadric quests yet.. Now, I'm sure I'll run out of quests some time, and all I'll have left will be Dark Brotherhood, Boethias call and all those dark-character type of quest. Now I'm not sure wether to make a new character and play as a dark/villan character, or to complete them with my current 'hero' character as in ''either you die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villan'' type of thing.. This is my first role-play character and my second one, the first one was just a newbie, completing quests and killing random things not knowing s*** about skyrim.. What you think, anyone has experience with these character stories or watever? I'm afraid that if I complete those 'dark quests' with my current character, I won't feel like creating a realy dark character afterwards..
  8. ` Everything is pretty much ready, I'm just waiting for one of my voice actors to get back to me with the lines- then everything will be complete. :thumbsup: Looking forward to it bro ;)
  9. I do that for fun, lol next time you need someone to test feel more then free to let me know ;) you and more two or three modders are the best at armour mods in my book.
  10. Awesome, been waiting for this mod. How can I become a beta tester for armours?
  11. REL!REL!REL! Loving it and it really comes in hand becouse I made a new character this week and I'm a Nord Stormcloak, great job
  12. Omg, I'm loving this mod when will you release it?? It's gonna be a success for sure, probably gonna be rolling on most skyrim reviwers on youtube.. You defenitly got my endorsement,
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