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Everything posted by UltharSeramis

  1. My personal ranking on game music: 1) Gothic 3 (yes, I know; it's buggy as hell (without Community Patch), but the music is f***ing awesome) 2) TES IV: Oblivion 3) Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault 4) Medal of Honor: Airborne 5) The Witcher (1 & 2) I like epic music in games ;-)
  2. My last one was Interstellar (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0816692/) Really cool movie about the future of mankind on our earth.
  3. Hi, I had this idea myself one time and tried it with "setName". But I noticed while testing that the name changed by "setName" is NOT stored in the save game. The result: After restarting the game, the npc will have its old name. Sadly, I don't know if there is a function that solves this problem (I looked for one in OBSE, but I did not find any). Maybe you can ask one of the developers of OBSE or (if you are able to write programs in C++) create a plugin for OBSE which provides such a function. Ulthar Seramis
  4. If we all united under one flag and worked together, as you said, we would be able to reach goals nobody ever imagined to be possible (for example peace or the total end of poverty). But the problem is there are too many who don't want these changes. For example: Poverty on the one side of the society is the result of extreme/too high wealth on the other, but most of the rich people would never give up their wealth and living standards in order to defeat poverty. So I agree, this utopic world would be a better place as it is now from my point of view, but I don't think this utopia will ever be reachable for mankind.
  5. Dual OS should not affect this at all. I must admit that I have no clue about what's going on with your Oblivion. However, I will think about it and I hope I am able to find a solution. Greatings, Ulthar By the way, Your Oblivion is up tu date, isn't it?
  6. Hi, are all your drivers up to date? If not, update them. By the way: CCleaner is a really nice tool for deleting temp-files and so on, BUT the registry-cleaning-function is totally senseless. It's often said that the OS boots slower if there are any empty registry-entries. This is not true as the OS simply ignores such entries completely. I would recommend to never allow a tool, you don't really know (and I mean 100%) to edit your registry. This could easily lead to an unstable system or, the worst case, a system which isn't able to boot anymore. Greatings, Ulthar
  7. What exactly is the problem with understanding? Which part of the guide is it that you don't understand? Greatings, Ulthar
  8. A good start for Fallout modding is this page http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/Main_Page. A lot of good tutorials to start with and documentations of practically everything you need to create/edit a mod for Fallout. Greatings, Ulthar
  9. Hi guys, my problem is the following: I want to port the object effect (enchantment) of an armor to another one via scripting like this: Before running script: Armor A: Enchantment E Armor B: No Enchantment After running script: Armor A: Enchantment E Armor B: Enchantment E I am familiar with scripting (did a lot for Oblivion). In Oblivion this task is really easy, but in Fallout with FOSE there is only a function GetObjectEffect (which returns the enchantment of an object) and none for setting an Object effect. Does anybody know a possible solution? Greatings, Ulthar
  10. Make sure that you have installed ALL the resources of Better Cities, otherwise there will be missing meshes, textures etc. Greatings, Ulthar
  11. Hi, well, I don't know how to solve this problem (I don't have Morrowind), but you created your thread in the wrong forum. This is the forum for Oblivion, Morrowind does have its own. You will definitely get help much faster if you opened this thread in the correct forum. Greatings, Ulthar
  12. Hi and welcome to nexusmods. WMK allows only vanilla weapons to be modded. The crossover with FWE (FOIP) you are using allows just a few weapons out of FWE for modifications. Most of the weapons out of FWE are not moddable (sadly). So this is not a bug, it's the normal behaviour. Greatings, Ulthar
  13. Oh....damn. You're right. I was confusing it with FOOK. Sorry for this.
  14. I never heard about this error, but is it possible that your Anchorage - Main.bsa is corrupt (which means there problably was kind of an error during installation)? You can examine this by using a tool which is able to calculate checksums and then compare the checksum of the archive on your harddisk with the checksum of the archive on the installation media. If they are different your archive is definitely corrupt.
  15. Hi and welcome to nexusmods. First question: Do you use any form of a mod manager (for example FOMM or Wrye Flash). If not: Use one! It makes life much easier. I don't know about Fellout, but FWE and Ironsights both need the Fallout Script Extender to work. If you don't have it, you will never be able to play these mods. When playing with FWE, Ironsights and MMM please read the description of FWE very, very carefully. There are a lot of hints and tips for using FWE together with Ironsights and MMM (and a few others). By the way: I don't think it is possible to get FWE and Fellout running at the same time as both are really huge mods altering a huge bunch of features in the game. There will definitely a lot of problems/conflicts. I hope I was able to help you a bit. Greatings, Ulthar
  16. First I recommend to load the official plugins (Shivering Isles etc) directly after Oblivion.esm. As you having a bashed patch I assume you are using Wrye Bash, aren't you? Does Wrye Bash say something about missing masters for one or more plugins because this will always lead to a crash at the beginning.
  17. I (personally) don't like dual-wielding in video games. I'm more the silent, tactic guy than the super-hero firing with two guns on everything moving, but that's my personal attitude, of course. I don't think that Bethesda will implement this feature in future's Fallout-games. It is really hard to get that work and to look realistic at the same time (think about all the animations needed for reloading etc).
  18. Hi, I would say most of your frame-rates are excellent. I never have such high rates. The real problem with the frame-rates in Oblivion is, that it can only use 1 or 2 cpu-cores (after all it's quite an old game) and most things in Oblivion are calculated by the cpu, even things that could be calculated much faster on a graphics-card. So I don't think that there is any possibility to increase your fps any further. Greatings, Ulthar
  19. Hi guys, DrakeTheDragon is completely right. Scripts in Oblivion are stored in a folder only if you export your scripts via the Construction Set but this only makes sense if you want to edit a script outside CS or to move it from one mod to another. Greatings, Ulthar
  20. A remake of all the old parts of The Legend of Zelda would be nice, especially Majora's Mask or Ocarina of Time.
  21. Hello and welcome to Nexusmods. I must admit that I don't know what your problem on the screenshots is (looks really strange), but I think I can help you with the console. Once activated in the ini-file (I hope you modified the right one; it is NOT the ini-file in your Oblivion-folder; the right one is usually in C:/My Documents/My Games/Oblivion/; the one in your Oblivion-folder is only a template). After that you should be able to open the console. The standard key for this is circumflex ^, but you should be able to assign another key in the options menu of the game. I hope I helped you a bit. Greatings, Ulthar
  22. My last movies were all the parts of Lord of the Rings a few days ago. A bit old, but they are still amazing.
  23. My favourite game music comes from Company of Heroes and Medal of Honor (all of them). I love this kind of orchestral, epic music. The soundtrack of Gothic 3 is also very good (sadly the game itself is not as good as its soundtrack). Greatings, Ulthar
  24. Hello guys, I agree with HeyYou. Charity from one person or a few individual persons does exist. I must admit that it's not very often these days, but it exists. The problem is organization. When charity reaches a certain extent it has to be organized, but then it is (most of the time) not longer a charity without reward. Greatings, Ulthar
  25. Hi guys, you can also use Wrye Bash for managing your screenshots (look here http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/22368//? ). Greatings, Ulthar
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