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Posts posted by golem09

  1. As you said, you can't use two furnitures at once.


    So the solution is to sit down without the use of furniture:


    Debug.sendAnimationEvent(Player, "IdleSitCrossLeggedEnter")


    Of course for that to not screw up your character, you gotta put a bit more work into the code. If anybody wants to use my solution, just copy and paste:

    	Game.DisablePlayerControls(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    	while (Player.IsWeaponDrawn())
    	Debug.sendAnimationEvent(Player, "IdleSitCrossLeggedEnter")
    	int i = 0
    	while (Player.GetSitState() != 3 && i != 15)
    		i += 1
  2. Thanks, but that brought me only halfway to my goal so far. I can now activate the menu without an animation....


    but it still won't open the menu when seated. When I use the activate command, my character just sits up. Then using activate again will bring up the menu.



    My current method for sitting anywhere is creating an invisible furniture below me to sit down. When I bind any of my other sitting commands to a key that moves the player, or E, the standing up happens as well. So maybe using the table is like one of those other commands, and I have to change the furniture script?


    It does work fine for using Activate(Player) on a container though, no sitting up there. Even when I not use an unloaded cell, and just place the invisible container next to me.

  3. You are going pretty wild with your brackets. Every if statements has to have brackets around the whole condition(s)


    if (enabled == 0)


    would be correct.


    Around your Game.GetPlayer() you always have too many brackets:


    If (Game.GetPlayer()).IsWeaponDrawn()


    It should only be:


    If (Game.GetPlayer().IsWeaponDrawn()

  4. I'm currently trying to somehow make the player put a potion into a container, and upon closing the container increase the potions duration and then activate it on the player.

    Potion Potion_01 = Container.GetNthForm(0)

    lets me determine what potion the player put into the container, it works, but then I have no clue how to proceed.

    Is it somehow possible to create an objectreference on the fly and active it? Or can I maybe get the Magiceffect of the potion, increase it's duration and the cast it on the player?

    In both cases I found I need some help to proceed.

  5. Thank you so much :D

    The only think missing is " as Perk" behind the perk definition you posted, but then it worked. I thought about making Requiem a master as well, but hadn't read up on how to do that. Seems like I'll download TES5EDIT today.

    Now let's see if I can get my actual mod to work ;)

  6. I want to do something very simple in my mod, check if the player has a certain perk from Requiem. I can connect it to the property just fine in the Creation Kit, but HasPerk always gives out false ingame.

    When comparing the Form IDs, I get 031xxxxx in the CK with Dawnguard, 041 with Dragonborn, and 371 ingame with DG and DB loaded. What am I missing here?

  7. Hi guys, I recently got into modding and now try to make my first proper mod.


    What I basically want to do when the mod is triggered is taper all potion effects so they run longer.

    I am using a magiceffect already to poll for the triggering (Using the Wait Menu).

    So after having figured out how to trigger this at the appropriate time, there are two things my google skills haven't revealed to me yet:

    1. Is there a way to get a list of the currently active Magic Effects?


    2. Can I check if the source of the Magic Effect is a potion?


    I would like to do it with these two steps, so I get maximum combatibillity and low performance impact, because my script is only run at very specific times.

    But so far I've only figured out how to access the magic effects of a potion/spell/whatever, not on actors.

    Is the check for potion as the source maybe doable with keywords?


    I'm wondering if there is an easier method, because the ingame magic menu already has a list providing the sources.


    If all that is not possible I'd have to somehow track the user consuming a potion while my magiceffect is active.

  8. I have to say I really like the idea of a favourite menu, but it could have been much better.


    What I hate most about it, is that it mixes all kinds of selectable items up. Magic, Shouts, Equipment und Potions all in a strictly alphabetical order. SUCKS.


    So what I had in mind was something like this:




    You navigate in one column by using up/down or w/s and simply switch columns by left/right a/d. At the selected entry you can do the same stuff you can normally do, equip to left hand, right hand, hotkey or use.

    Gotta say, I have no clue about modding, my coding experience ends with html, but this would be BEYOND AWESOME.

    Would be my absolute dream for Skyrim.

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