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Posts posted by RetroGamerUK

  1. I believe I may have a fix.

    I just encountered this bug when Hayward (trader, Freetech Broadcast Building - A.W.O.P. mod) ended up with over 50,000 caps, probably due to his repair services.

    Any transactions would not actually transfer money from the vendor to my character, however items would be taken by the vendor (how annoying).

    The simple fix was to "resurrect" Hayward.

    Open the console (` key), select the vendor (click with the mouse pointer so the the vendor name appears), enter "resurrect" into the console and hit enter.

    This reset Hayward's inventory, and his caps to nearly zero.

    Further transactions worked correctly after this fix.

    I waited two days and Hayward's caps has jumped up to just under 10k.


    I have not tested this on any other traders.

    Thank you for the correction.

  2. I believe I may have a fix. *EDIT* this is a workaround.

    I just encountered this bug when Hayward (trader, Freetech Broadcast Building - A.W.O.P. mod) ended up with over 50,000 caps, probably due to his repair services.

    Any transactions would not actually transfer money from the vendor to my character, however items would be taken by the vendor (how annoying).

    The simple fix was to "resurrect" Hayward.

    Open the console (` key), select the vendor (click with the mouse pointer so the the vendor name appears), enter "resurrect" into the console and hit enter.

    This reset Hayward's inventory, and his caps to nearly zero.

    Further transactions worked correctly after this workaround.

    I waited two days and Hayward's caps has jumped up to just under 10k.


    I have not tested this on any other traders.

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