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Nexus Mods Profile

About RenytheFox

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Fallout 4, LoL, ME:A, Civ VI
  • Favourite Game
    Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
  1. You sir are a god and I love you. It worked, thank you so very very much. No where that I looked/read said anything about either of those things.
  2. Hi, I'm sorry if this is something that gets asked often but I can't seem to get any mods to work. I've followed the directions to the letter, tried every fix and work-around I've found on Reddit and elsewhere and nothing works. What happens is I hit launch in Frosty, Steam says it's loading the game, Origin starts up then minimizes, a few seconds pass and then Origin pops back up and thats it. I've tried deleting the ModData folder, I've tried setting the launch params to Frosty, I've tried reducing the amount of mods(literally only trying to use Battlefront 2022). Even if I just try to use something like a replacer and only that it doesn't work. Help me Nexus denizens, you're my only hope.
  3. Simple as the title says. I was cruising on through the Museum and was looking around and thought that it would make a nice little home. Looked for a mod on the site that did it but I couldn't find one. Also if possible, the ability to scrap the debris and other static clutter would be great. Thank you for your consideration.
  4. So I saw that someone did a Pug version of Dogmeat and it gave me new hope that someone out there might do a Corgi version. My Corgi in real life is the center of my world, I love that silly beastie, and I would love to have a digital Corgi to accompany me through the Commonwealth.
  5. So I downloaded Enhanced Character Edit, and I also use UNP, but now my character looks.....strange and has clipping issues I had not had before installing ECE. I was wondering if there was/is a mod that makes the two play nice.
  6. So I had never had any experience with the Warhammer franchise prior to the recent Total War game. But I found myself falling in love with the Demigryph and it got me thinking....this seems like a plausible addition to my favorite fantasy game series: Elder Scrolls. I will admit that I have no experience with creating mods, but I would think using the body/skeleton of the sabre cat would be a viable start to the process. Morphing the head into that of an eagle seems like the most challenging part, apart from making the cat rideable if that hasn't already been done that is. While I would be of no help in the actual process of making it into a digital reality as it were, I at least wanted to put the request and idea out there.
  7. Should just be a mod that has a few different dog breed options. Could also have an optional plugin that changes the dogs that spawn in the world to be different breeds too.
  8. So I know this is a bit of a long-shot but I figured I'd put it out there anyway. The idea/request is simple in nature, though I've no doubt it'd be hard to implement; make Dog Meat a Pembroke Welsh Corgi.
  9. Thank you very much, I tried searching under Necromancy and Lich and didn't find what I was looking for. But that is definitely it!
  10. I had it a year or two ago, it was a mod that allowed the character to pursue a path of Necromancy with the end reward of becoming a Lich. I can't seem to find it, and I cannot remember it's name. I bought a new computer a year ago, and no longer have my old one to retrieve the mod from(I usually archive my mods). If someone would be able to help me I'd greatly appreciate it. Some other information I can remember: -There were 3 different kinds of Lich -There was a quest line -There was a castle/tower home for your Lich. -I seem to recall it somehow being related to the Lycanthropy mod and maybe another one that introduced hunters of Werewolves and Necromancers.
  11. You heard the title right, I would like to request a Camel mount mod. Now we all know that Skyrim is a very harsh, cold environment and we typically think of Camels as being middle-eastern desert dwellers. Well step back because I'm about to blow your mind (though that probably isn't about to happen) Bactrian Camels, the ones with two humps, live in Mongolia and are more than capable of surviving in a cold and harsh environment. They are really cool animals and would make amazing mounts. Bactrian Camels in the snow. Bactrian Camel Saddled Bactrian Camel Saddled and mounted. **Note that these images do not belong to me, I pulled them from Google image search to be used purely as a reference** I could totally see like various things being carried on the sides of the saddle and behind the rear hump (sacks, bundles, weapons, tools, equipment of various sorts) I would think it'd be possible, though a lot of work. And given that there aren't any(that I've found) there probably isn't a huge crowd of people who'd get super excited. But it'd make my day, Camels are amazing animals and totally underrated. I would appreciate your time and effort, and I do appreciate people at least looking over this request. ***Bactrian Camels are categorized as critically endangered in the wild, human's expanding and claiming natural oasis has led to a dwindling habitat. They are the largest of the only two remaining Camel species on Earth, the other being the more well known Dromedary(the ones with only one hump). Just food for thought, raise awareness one person at a time :D! ***
  12. I too would like to see this in game, but your link is to a page that no longer exists. Did it get taken down?
  13. I like that, though I don't use any body mods(I don't mind the vanilla body and whether a set is compatible with a certain body mod is too hit-and-miss). Roman and Greek styles are similar, mainly because Rome took(or stole if you prefer) a lot from Greece. But what I'd really like to see is straight up clothes like those worn by citizens of all walks in ancient Rome. Thank you for replying, I hadn't come across that mod and I appreciate your help :D but it's not quite what I'm looking for/asking for, close, but no Amphora.
  14. There are all kinds of fantastical clothing mods out there that add Asian style clothes, Medieval Fantasy armors and clothes, and even Roman Armor. All kinds of mods for various clothes based on movies and stories. Some superb, others a bit on the garish and gaudy side. I would like to request that someone take on making a set of clothing based on the various styles of dresses, togas, tunics, ect... worn by the ancient Romans. It may not be expressly lore-friendly however I feel that such clothing is more befitting the style of the Empire as we've seen in Skyrim and Morrowind. There are some links below, just examples pulled straight from Google, and not that I would really know but aside from the sort of below-y and loose fitting nature of the style it would seem to be relatively simple compared to some of the more complex armors and clothing that are represented on the Nexus. http://favriellesatelier.files.wordpress.com/2010/03/scan0001.jpg http://world4.eu/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/ancient-roman-clothing169.jpg http://courses.missouristate.edu/juliejohnson/graphics/clothingdiagram.jpg
  15. @Moony22 Sounds great! please do post a link I'd greatly appreciate it!
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