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Posts posted by Deleted43016095User

  1. Hi, I'm trying to do something I know very little about and would be grateful for any insight.


    The Animated Fairy Wings mod has "do whatever you want with credit" permissions, and I want these wings on a standalone follower.


    Problem: The wings are a magic effect. There is no Armor or ArmorAddon to copy over. I have to find some way to change the magic effect in some way that would allow me to apply it to something she can wear, or make it a perk (preferred). The closer I can come to making these permanent wings on my follower the better.


    Here are the magic effect as they are, and the potion. Is there anything I can change in the effect that would allow me to have it available to the follower? I've tried adding it as a magic effect to other back armors but it just doesn't show up in game.


    Any help would be appreciated.








  2. I'm trying to port a follower of my own creation to XBox on Bethesda, and CK64 keeps butchering the facegen textures when it packs to the archive. Everything else about the follower works on the other end but that. I've tried several things including just leaving the potato texture CK generates in there, and what results is blackface on their end, and an unreadable texture when I extract the .bsa to look at the facegen.


    Can anyone tell me what I am missing? I don't need instructions on exporting facegen to solve brownface bug. That's not the issue. The facegen is already exported and there. It just gets corrupted when packed.


    Any help appreciated.

  3. I've been trying to get Bolide from Apocolypse (yes, I've checked the permissions) working on a standalone follower, and have the spell duplicated,all dependencies renamed and applied and functioning independent of Apocolypse, but she won;t cast the spell even after I've adjusted all requirements and given plenty of magicka/perks in CK. My player can learn and cast it, so the spell itself works. I have the follower set to combatmage in CK and all the numbers show she should be able to cast it. She shows to know it in game too. Is there anything I may be missing? Thanks!

  4. YES!! Ok, that got the meshes in the workspace, thank you. I'll be going through both tutorials and will try to be as self sufficiant as possible on getting through the rest. I have 3D modeling and texturing experience in other platforms so I think I'll be able to settle in with some effort. I really appreciate your help!!



  5. Sorry, I hope I haven't seriously confused you :D


    You're best off forgetting about Blender 2.49 process flow (and my tutorial). Stick with 2.79. You do not need to "prepare the nif" so to speak. The plugin will support import and export as is. This tutorial will help you with that.


    Thank you so much for helping. I'll try again without the preparations then. I hope that's what the array too long was about. I'm getting so discouraged, I can actually do modeling if I can just get it in there that's what kills me lol. I love this info and will read carefully.

  6. I can't figure out how to install this older nifskope version, but I do think it's something happening in the newer version that is corrupting the .nif I changed User Version to 11, User Version 2 to 34, and then deleted the BSlightingshaderproperties using Block Remove Branch. The whole mesh disappears. When I saved under a new name and then attempted to reopen it it could not be read and both user versions then said 11.....


    This is a basic UUNP unp body mesh.

  7. I am not sure if it will make a difference, but I have Blender, Python, PyFFI, NifScripts and NifSkope all installed in their own folder under C: and I have no problems importing, working or exporting. The only time I have ever had an import problem was when the mod author made the texture location excessively long.


    Thanks very much M48A5 I also tried that approach per the tutorial I was using with each in C;/Apps/the program but got the invalid syntax error.

  8. It entirely depends on what you're trying to do here.


    If you're using Blender 2.49 (which it looks like you are), it cannot directly import Skyrim models without voodoo rituals. I have it outlined in a tutorial here.


    You're better off using more up to date Blender 2.78 or 2.79. You don't need any other external programs with it except the recent nif plug-in. This set up will directly import/export Skyrim (LE) models (there is no support for SE models).


    (You could try the newest Blender 2.80 but I don't believe the plugin supports it)

    Thanks very much for your tutorial Hanaisse! I'll go through it carefully.


    I don;t see anything about what versions to install in your tutorial yet but looks like a ton of great info so I appreciate it.


    I've installed Blender 2.79 and the latest niftools, and Blender does recognize the plugin but even after preparing the .nif in nifskope by changing the user versions and deleting the blocks of BSLightingshaderproperties I'm still getting a python error on import. This time it says array too long. Is there anything I might have missed? No idea what array too long means.


    I tried looking up this error and there were several that said to download the older version of nifskope v. 1.0.22. I found that but it's just a folder with a bunch of source files and no visible way to install. Tried running the makexe.bat in it in cmd and it said invalid command.



  9. Hi, I'm trying to get Blender working on importing .nifs and have been running into ongoing issues with python errors.


    I've followed these instructions exactly, including the exact versions and changing the directories per the instructions.




    I keep getting this python error when importing the .nif. It says compiled with Python 2.6.2...I don;t even have that installed, I installed 2.6.5 per the instructions and double checked that.


    I've also tried going back to the beginning and completely uninstalling and reinstalling each program in the order it is listed. This is the third time I've been through this.


    Would anyone be able to decipher what this is trying to tell me?


    I really want to get started with Blender but this is making me want to uninstall the whole thing, move to a remote area and become a monk.


    Any help would be greatly appreciated.




  10. Hi,


    I've been searching for a very long time to try to find a cohesive, complete set of instructions on how to edit a body in 3DX Max and then get it back into the game with the previous weighting\physics functional.


    I have 3DS Max 2012 and Niftools and can get the .nif in and manipulate it. I know not to change the number of vertices.


    I've gotten some valuable info to save from this tutorial here




    But, what I want to do is take an existing UUNP HDT body, put it in 3DS Max, smooth and change a few areas, and get it back into the game with all the UUNP HDT functionality. I'm concerned that if I just put the properties as shown in the tut on the new .nif it still isn't a physics body. Is that correct or no?


    I see where many sources do talk about the properties to change in .nifskope like BSLightingShader etc, so I can understand that much, but I don't want to lose the HDT jiggles with a new .nif.

    Is there any resource that can give me the full breakdown, or is anyone who does this kind enough to just tell me?


    I see follower mods with custom ridges on the bodies crediting 3DS Max so I know this can all be done, but how?


    I've already seen all the tuts on weapons, armor, horses etc, I need to know more about human bodies.


    Thanks for any help.

  11. There are two default vampire eye textures for the vanilla vamps to use. the first one looks like it was eyevampire_01 and there is an 02 as well. If you deleted the textures folder between playthroughs there are usually texture set backups that a mesh will draw on in case the first one is missing and this may be the case with yours.


    If you want to make sure she has the eyes you want, you may be able to go to textures\actors\character\eyes, find eyevampire_01 and 02 and pick the glowing eye, rename it to both of those names overwriting this other yellow eye.

  12. PORTING actually...can't figure out how to delete my comment to correct the spelling....I'm experiencing a very strange issue with a follower I've ported to SE. I've ported many others with no problems but this one is giving me something I've never seen before.


    It's a female follower, so I've only created texture sets and custom body and outfit for the female follower in CK.


    When it loads into SE, if the player is male and has an SOS body, the feet and hands have a massive weight difference to the body unless he is at weight 100. Putting the player at 100 corrects the mesh seams but leaves the body textures default on the players body and severely distorts the foot and...other extra textures. It looks like it's trying to map some other kind of texture onto the male foot.


    I've double checked everything in CK and the default male meshes and textures are exactly as they should be.


    The only thing I can think of is for some reason the custom outfit .esp that I copied the outfit assets from somehow corrupted the process, but I don't get why a female follower would be affecting a male custom body in any way, as the outfit used was only for females.


    Has anyone else experienced this? An obvious conflict with SOS but I can;t find the connection anywhere.



    I have already tried remaking the entire mod from the beginning and still get this result.


    Thanks for any help anyone might choose to offer.

  13. I'm looking for a voice actress for my standalone follower, Gretchen for some basic custom follower dialogue, and no quests yet.


    She is a tall young Nord and I'd like her to have a strong but graceful voice, not too low but not high or sultry. Something possibly between FemaleEvenToned and FemaleNord, but not as clipped and slightly rude sounding as Mjoll. She's a sweet person and should sound like it.


    A natural Scandinavian accent would be ideal, but could be mildly faked as long as it sounds authentic.


    A film example of the overall tone would be Gwendoline Christie's voice in Game of thrones. Strong, but graceful and not forceful in my opinion. A little younger sounding than her is ok. Gretchen is in her early 20's.


    If this sounds like something anyone can do and is interested PM me to discuss.


    Thank you!






  14. Thank you so much for taking the time to answer this is looking like the exact information I needed and I really appreciate it. I did do a smooth on the whole head and it does look like my vertex count is higher than the original head now because of all the Smoothing so it's great for me to know these things as a beginner. I'm just trying to figure out how to get a smoother chin mainly but I guess I can't do much if I can't increase the number of vertices. I will give the whole thing another shot and see if I can somehow improve the chin while keeping that geometry the same. At least I know that I have a better sculpting tool now than the racemenu sculpt.
  15. Hi,


    I've been trying to get through the process of editing a head and then putting it back into the game.


    I've been searching for any complete tutorials on the full process, and have failed to find anything that is actually a head. It's other parts and the instructions aren't clear to me.


    I exported the femaleheadnord nitrishape and it's information .nif to 3DS Max and smoothed out the rough edges, and am now trying to put the edited part back into the original head .nif file in the place where it belongs. I guess I've made my own "citrus" head. I tried copy and then paste over but the head just disappears even though it's showing up fine in the edited head file.


    I may have to start over from the beginning. I was doing some guessing here and may not have even done this right from the start. It would be really kind if anyone who does this could point me to something conclusive on how this is supposed to go.


    Thank you!



  16. Simple solution is to use Outfit Studio as your intermediate step and work with .obj files instead = .nif --> .obj --> .nif. Outfit Studio has all the tools built in to create working .nif files. Nifskope is also recommended to ensure proper .nif structuring and also ensure that things like materials and NiNodes are set up correctly.


    Thanks for your input! I'll give it a shot. I'm pretty good with Outfit Studio so will try doing a head with that process.

  17. Hi,


    I've been sort of banging my head on the keyboard for some days now trying to get Blender with .nif support going. I have tried every Nexus download that I can see, and When I've installed the Blender 2.49b packages in order with Python, Pyffi and .niftools I just kept getting "python error check console".


    I've tried the portable version here after uninstalling Blender and all the plugins and it had the same result. It looked really promising because it was all prepacked but then it came up with python error check console.


    This tool pack seems cool and obviously works for others, but there is no info on where to actually put the tools he provides https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/62065

    and the instructions on running them in Command Prompt don't look complete. If I knew where to put the actual tools that are included I could run those commands and find out.


    The Blender Tutorial link on this forum seems to be a dead link.


    Would anyone be willing to point me to what worked for them, and possibly just tell me exactly where to put the pyffi and blender .nif tools files that don't seem to have an installer?


    If there is some tutorial link that describes in detail where to actually put every plugin and script I'd appreciate a link. I've been trying to get through this part myself for many hours now on my own and somehow I'm just not getting it.


    I just want the end goal of being able to do this with all of my followers before releasing them. I know that also requires learning how to use Blender, but I need .nif support so I can do more tutorials. I've done 3D modeling in other programs, and do not feel I'd have much trouble getting used to Blender.


    Any sort of info that might help would be appreciated, like current files/complete instructions, where I failed to read, anything. Thank you.

  18. Hi,


    I'm trying to find a specific area in CK and I've read about Cell View in the CK wiki but it's more of an overview, not really a how to guide on working with it.


    I have a location at a small unmarked lake between Cradlecrush Rock and Mara's Pond, and when looking at either of those exteriors this area and the stature of Talos I want to place an item at isn't listed, so it's probably a wilderness cell.


    Does anyone have a trick for getting the cell name while inside the game so I know what to search for in CK?


    Any help appreciated.





  19. I've uploaded a mod to the Nexus and it's using a thumbnail I don't want. I've tried dragging the right image to be top left, and now I've even deleted the image it was using and it's still there. It's not bad but it's just not the one I wanted. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  20. Hello, when you're about to upload to BNET from the CK 64 and your archive list is displayed, are you manually drag n dropping the facegeom NIF and facetint DDS into the archive list? If not then you have to include those files into the upload since the CK64 will not auto-include those files. Forgive me if you already knew that :smile:


    But before you drag n drop those files make sure you remove the CK64, auto-generated facegen data (the facegeom nif and the facetint dds) and replace them with your originals. Can do what I do and save a 7Zip archive file of my originals in the same directories/folders so that when the CK overwrites the files (which happens every time you save) you can just delete them. Then extract your archive files to restore your originals. While the archive list is open, drag n drop the two files mentioned above into your archive list. Forgive me again if you already know that too, hehe.


    If I'm not mistaken, usually a blue face means there's a missing texture -- a particular texture's location path within a nif (ie. facegeom nif file) is looking for a texture that's not where it's supposed to be, and possibly got excluded from the archive list before you uploaded them to BNET. Double check that all textures were included.


    Maybe check the post-SSE NIF Optimized-RM facegeom NIF file in NifSkope.

    From Nifskope, you will want to check all the texture links/hard-codings (ie. BSShaderTextureSet) for each headpart within that nif file.

    Make sure the texture pathway for the 7th texture path is pointing to your facetint DDS file. Rows 1-4 will be filled, 5-6 are blank and then 7-8 will also be filled.

    In row 7 you should have something like textures\actors\character\facegendata\facetint\YOURMODNAME.esp\0000XXXX.dds


    I never have to do that other stuff with the textures but can maybe try the DXT5 setting in the PS DDS plug-in.


    I hope that helps you in someway. GL


    BTW this is a great video for learning how to create standalones



    I really appreciate you taking the time to respond! I did orginally replace the CK generated assets with my own before uploading but will try everything again, reviewing your information and will double check the .nif to just make sure. In my game she looks fine even with the lower res CK facegen texture (a little less fine, but not bad) .


    When I uploaded having put my own facegen files drag/dropped into the mod package, the facegen went black after it "converted" the files and packed them.


    Nevertheless I feel it's always possible that I missed something. I had a scar on her face in the original RM export so I'm wondering if that is somehow missing on the 64 side of things.


    I LOVE Skyla's videos! That is how I learned how to make custom standalone followers :) I'm moving right along with making them for Pc :)




    Thank you again!

  21. I'm trying to get my follower on XBox and I ported her from LE to SE. When I go to upload her CK overwrites with vanilla facegen and for some reason the texture is actually blue? I've never seen that before.

    I've been trough this routine multiple times and pretty discouraged but I'll try here and see what anyone might have to say.


    I originally tried getting CK to generate it's vanilla garbage and then overwriting it with my RM generated facegen 16mb textures. The mesh uploads fine but the packing and uploading actually turns every facegen texture I've tried black once it's in the .BSA. I know because I went back and extracted it to see what it does. Solid black after it says "converting" and then asks me to create the mod.


    I've tried reading around online and found that SE textures should be resaved with "no compression" and make it generate mipmaps but when I'm facing the save menu in PS I don;t know which option means no compression. Is someone able to tell me whether I actually need to do that?


    My next attempt I'm trying is to make the facegen texture from 32bit CK which actually has a flesh color.


    To date the follower is working in XBox except for blue face. I'm now assuming the blue face may be from the blue facegen 64 bit CK is making.


    Has anyone succeeded in getting a non-vanilla folllower ported? I've tested my follower on PC SE and she looks fine with the CK generated facegen and her custom face but on the console side it's always blue. Everything else is fine on their end, armor, body and all. Someone from Beth site tried to help me but it turned out to be a video of basic instructions for exporting facegen textures....I've been doing that.


    Thanks for any help you guys might be able to offer.

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