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About LucasAlex92

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    United Kingdom

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Apprentice (3/14)



  1. please few variants of her dress in different dark colours would be nice, and her style if someone could do it :D
  2. on nexus mods there us was mod that gives all item apperance so would need to find this mod maker and ask him it would be great, and also maybe all customisation to room of requirements
  3. So normally if u want to buy or sell u need to hold it, any way someone could make mod to just allow us click ? or tag many items for sell and then click sale ?
  4. that would be great ! and different colours also of this, plus her hair
  5. or some kind of crystal would be cool too and add maybe small passive to each of the cores would be great
  6. would be nice to have some hats getting recolour as its borring to have them only stuck colours ...please anyone ? and maybe colothes - as certain clothes have only one colour
  7. Any chance someone could make mod to light them up a bit more when using revelio and without it ? and same with moonstones please ?
  8. does anyone know about any mods for No level required to dominate captain ? or a way to remove this restriction please ? I'd be willing to pay small donaion if someone could make it if there is none xD
  9. hey Mate ! I only have question because I got only pj's with "live like Viv" mod , and rest crafting once it seems like its only for warrior and rogue , is there also file for Mage so I can craft nice long dress for mage character?
  10. Hi and Thank you ! Though I meant something a bit different and sorry I didn't specify, My English can be poor at times, or sometimes I think ahead and imagine I wrote it … what I mean : - Leliana armour , thank you for sharing it I will try definitely you it , if there is any way I can wear it in early stage of game, can I dye it ? or craft ? - Vivi, I though maybe there could be face style in creation menu like when someone posted mod where u use leliana or sera or solas faces to customize to your liking. + I would love if there would be exactly mod to allow any mage female human to wear vivis clothes or create same like hers but allow us to colour ( on the other hand would love mod to allow me/ give me more colours from materials or nicer colours ) - also I wonder is there a Duncan/DA:O Dwarven armours for DA:I / Bethany Clothes for DA:I like she was running from lothering ? / Templar Archer armor / DA:O mages robes ? and in lastly I wanted to ask if there is mod that add more spells for mages, or active skills for all rogue and warrior and specializations ? ( I have mod that add extra passives) you are great and thank you for your amazing help ! please before I ask to close topic , do you know of any mod for approval ? I think something went wrong with my Varric tarot card , I did "seeing red" quest , and sacrificed strout warden instead of hawke got loads of approval always with him but his tarot card is one that he is on his knees ...
  11. Hi and Thank you ! Though I meant something a bit different and sorry I didn't specify, My English can be poor at times, or sometimes I think ahead and imagine I wrote it … what I mean : - Leliana armour , thank you for sharing it I will try definitely you it , if there is any way I can wear it in early stage of game, can I dye it ? or craft ? - Vivi, I though maybe there could be face style in creation menu like when someone posted mod where u use leliana or sera or solas faces to customize to your liking. + I would love if there would be exactly mod to allow any mage female human to wear vivis clothes or create same like hers but allow us to colour ( on the other hand would love mod to allow me/ give me more colours from materials or nicer colours ) - also I wonder is there a Duncan/DA:O Dwarven armours for DA:I / Bethany Clothes for DA:I like she was running from lothering ? / Templar Archer armor / DA:O mages robes ? and in lastly I wanted to ask if there is mod that add more spells for mages, or active skills for all rogue and warrior and specializations ? ( I have mod that add extra passives)
  12. Is there anyone , who have any link if there is existing ... mods for: -lelianas armour in DA:I for Inquisitor -Some nicer simple wooden bows - Templar Archers Tunic/armour for all classes / schematics - Viviane Armour for Human female mage and viv face for character creation ? -Sebastian Armour for Human male or Meredith for human Warrior ? - Morrigan Armour from DA:O for Dalish ? - Flemeth armour from DA:2 and DA:I and hair with ability to colour them
  13. Hi guys , can anyone explain me why i dont get bows and arrows as in smithing ? i have max smithing and this is only mod use , i isntal it with nmm
  14. Hi guys ! I'm New to modding and nexus, ive just downloaded Skyrim Special Edition , and I would love to mod it to become even nicer , as Faces in game are a bit ugly both Male and Female , Male faces are dirty and ugly , and ladies look dirty and not so young ! For example Dark Elf Woman all faces look old , skin not so lore at all !, its same with males , and other races ! If someone could recommend some program to easy instal mods , and some mods for Faces / eyes - Clean younger just a bit ,(No bags or wrinkles for dark elven ladies and others) no dirt . also Vampire eyes like Lord Harkon for every race - and more faces as vamp like those vampire that eat at the table whole human :D i would love have my character have that face after becoming vamp! :D and or if u know some vamp armour /weapons and other mods please ? But most of all i need some program , because im not good in looking into files and and replacin etc in normal skyrim i tried to instal mod and broke it and want to try again with some help :) Thank you LucasAlex
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