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About ThePriest909

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    Amnesia Rebirth
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  1. Damn! My black break sounds too good. Like this:
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    2. Aenya


      So a single name holds no meaning. How many names do you have then?
    3. ThePriest909


      Well, for practical reasons, just like most people I have a First and last name but... Here's the way I think of it.

      The name we 've been given reflects the past romantic thoughts of our parents at the time they thought about giving us a name. The name we've earned reflects our actions at the time the name came up. In a different time of our quite long life we could have earned a different name as a result of different actions and of course the name we've chosen reflects ...

    4. ThePriest909


      ...and I'm out of lines....

      ... the name we've chosen reflects what we'd like to be or think we are, or maybe the way we want the society to think of us.

      I hope that doesn't sound too crazy lol.

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