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Posts posted by ThePriest909

  1. planning on using kickstarter? or kickfinisher in this situation.

    To be honest we haven't yet decided if we'll be supporting this all by ourselves or try kickstarter or any other funding method. It depents on the feedback we get from our fans as we make progress. Although the big black ugly truth of capitalism is "the bigger the budjet the better and faster the job is done", we'll do the best we can to present an interesting and unique game when the time comes for a release.

  2. Lethe is a first person adventure with survival horror elements. Explore an atmospheric and frightening world and uncover the dark secrets of your origins.



    Crushed under the debts of his recently deceased step-father, Robert Dawn, a journalist with an unremarkable career, decides to hunt down his origins. Everything points to a quiet mining settlement. Shortly after his arrival, Robert comes into contact with an unknown substance and develops psychokinetic abilities that feed on his life energy. As tension rises, he is faced with another, even darker threat, quickly turning the trip into a terrifying battle for survival.


    -Stealth Gameplay: Run or hide to survive.

    -Psychokinesis: Manipulate the environment and use it in your aid. But be careful! Your newly gained abilities can only affect inorganic objects.

    -Quality Graphics: Immerse yourself in a highly detailed and horrifying world.

    -Story: Lethe isn't your typical adventure game. Learning the story behind the places you'll visit, is entirely up to you.

  3. btw, anyone gonna make a morrigan CM character in oblivion?..little hut with morrigan and flemmeth would rock (of course, if your going to do that, you would have course need the proper wild mage robes of morrigan, and hmm...is there shapeshifting magic already in the mods? time to check


    CM Partners tent to a share the same "slave" brain. Good for those who like "yes" as a reply for the most of time.

    Considering Morrigan's character though, a more "agressive" logic is required. That's Morrigan's charm anyway. That she's a hard to get woman... and of course let's never forget the unique voice-acting.

    I could script a copy of Morrigan's AI and the exact same DA dialog process in Oblivion but I don't think I'd ever do such a thing. It sounds like blasphemy to my ears.

    I 'm sure though, someone else is going to do it eventually. Poor Morrigan. lol.

  4. DAO is more than anything else a game by bioware. And the dialogues and character designs show this every single second. But right after that, it is a group-based rpg, and I hate that! I try to love this game, some of the dialogues are so great, I just connot leave DAO behind just because of its gameplay. But I hate having to pause and check 4 different characters for suitable attacks and only 10 seconds later I am doing the same thing again and again. I want one character to focus on, I dont care about these other guys, you can come along but you better be smart yourself! It worked in mass effect, but its not working here. I honeslty tried to love this game...


    That's why you have the option of tactics.

    Add an amount of pots and maybe other kind of required material in your inventory, set the right tactics and auto-level option on for the rest of your team and you won't have to deal with pause ever again.

    That's what I personally do.

  5. Greetings!


    I've worked on several game engines and editors, DA's editor seems a bit messy though so...


    A short and simple question:

    How can I modify the looks of an already existing character in game?

    For example if I want to change the hair-type of my companions, is it possible to access the npc's face model and modify it?

    So far the only info I found on this matter is how to completely replace a facemodel which is not what I'm looking for.

    Any info 'd be much apreciated,

    Thank you.

  6. Also, I found the thing that made me keep reloading DAO was the random interactions partners would have with other partners or noting the surroundings...some real good laughs with morrigan and allistar bickering in the backround...and if a game makes me randomly laugh, that certainly becomes memorable.


    That's indeed something to be noticed in DA!


    About the system Bio used for dialogs.

    Beth could simply add 3-4 different cameras sticked around the player and simply switch cameras during the different dialog stages.

    It would be much more intersting comparing to the system they're currently using. It feels like watching the news on TV for Hell's sake. ...And besides, adding a few more dialog lines on specific NPCs (companions for example), wouldn't be that much of extra work. They could always use generic lines for the rest non-important NPCs just like they already do through the Faction-System.

    One more thing to consider would be the improvement of the .nif format and their animations. It's not that they don't do nice anims it's the damn .nif format ruining the movement and making it so unrealistic and "robotic".


    Well, in any case, we should never forget that Oblivion is being around for a few years now and that Fallout 3 is based on the same old engine so, I can only hope for a more intersting and groundbreaking TES coming out and that someone at Beths spends some time in reading similar posts around the net.

  7. Quoting myself from Beth's Forum DA thread:


    Dragon Age Origins.. Maybe the best game I had the pleasure to play in my entire life.


    What makes this game so special is that Bioware's target was player's emotions, something missing from Oblivion or Fallout 3. They developed that great in game cinematic system that totally lights up your dialogs/combat/gameplay, by making it more cinematic, emotional, and eventually personal.


    What DA lucks is the feeling of exploration, and definately a better engine and graphics.

    Exploration: There's no such a thing if you are able to run around a map in less than 30 seconds.

    The engine: Really small levels without serious data to manipulate but still DA requires the very last drop of PC or console power your system can give.


    Oblivion is not gon'a die because of Dragon age simply because DA is not able to give the feeling of "freedom" TES IV does... But...

    Bethesda should consider making their future games more "personal" and emotional just like Bioware did with Dragon Age: Origins.


    The factor of being able to have companions (as a part of a vanilla game) and actually have a decent dialog with them was something to be noticed. Not just "Follow me"/Return to your Duties" crap. Those virtual NPCs made the main quest in DA more important, simply because you were not just fighting to save the world but also those little friends of yours.

    Romance was another strong factor of DA's success. And I'm not talking about the sexual part, I'm talking about the fact that, Bioware were able to make the player caring about a virtual npc for the Nine Devines's sake!

    Morrigan for example is considered as one of the most memorable game characters of all times. That has something to say. Graphics and open ended enviroments is not what makes a great game.




  8. One more voice for removing the negative endorsements system. Even if negative votes don't affect the rating of a mod some people still use it to bug the authours just because they have nothing better to do for the rest of their day... and besides that what does " The file caused conflicts with the game or other popular files " and the rest of those lines mean?... It means that "I have no idea how to install this mod". Seems a bit useless. Just my opinion though. As a reminder modders are not getting payed for what they do and the hours/days/months they spent for creating it... and that's why they shouldn't have to deal with those "ambusers". Either if a mod is good or bad its author deserves some respect.



  9. Greetings.

    Some people have asked for the soundtrack I used for my Gates to Aesgaard 2 modification for oblivion.. but... Zip-ing and uploading the file isn't working for some odd reason. Although the file seems to be uploaded succesfully, when I try to DL it in order to test it the file comes as corrupted or as an empty zip file... any ideas? My Java script is on and I use no "block" sub-programs. I tried both with Google Chrome and Internet Expolrer.


    ...about the mp3... I'm the legal owner and composer of that music track.. so.. no copyright problems.

  10. In my editing and play-testing, I move things around all the time. It is not very fatal. Often you can get near-instant results to see how things will look. If the change doesn't appear immediately, it will often appear if you wait a bit, or if you load your second or third-newest savegame. You won't necessarily need to start a whole new game back in that prison cell. Just try some old savegames.


    It might even be a load order problem. Your mod should be last in the list, then it should override all other conflicting changes to Cheydinhal Church.


    Things change when it comes to doors and activators... You may be able to move statics and npcs around but when it comes to activators they remain static at the position where you have the last savegame.

  11. un-killable with normal weapons


    But this would make it killable with enchanted weapons and silver or daedric weapons. There would need to be some way to deal with that problem.


    Are you thinking of having a script which would make the creature essential, except when the specific weapon is equipped? That part would be easy to script, but the creature is supposed to be able to die as many times as you kill it, but always respawn unless the special weapon is used.


    If Player.GetEquipped SuperSpecialAwesomeSword 1
     SetEssential GrendlesMother 0


    When I said normal I meant all the known in game weapons besides a specific one the player would use created by our modder. ;0) Setting creature as essential is not a bad solution but not a good solution either. Getting a creature unconsious doesn't make it special. From the other hand making it immortal by tweaking its HP in real time by a script would make the whole thing more intersting.

  12. ...or you could create a script in order to control your creture's HP (health)... for example you could make it un-killable with normal weapons and if the player has equiped your specific weapon then its HP could fall normally. A bit lazzy to post a script at the moment. but it's not hard to figure it out if you're familiar with this kind of stuff.
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