Okay guys, I'll lay it on the table, I don't know the first thing about scripting or sourcing nor am I tech savvy at all. However I am driven to assemble a group of people together to take part in an ambitious project that would make skyrim truly legendary and not the microsoft ten of the elder scrolls franchise. Why skyrim NEEDS an open source. Skyrim lacks in SO many of the most BASIC things that made an elder scrolls game, it doesn't have classes, it doesn't have birthsigns, it doesn't even have ABILITIES. Further more it gives you only FOUR Just FOUR possible armor slots (not including the shield), and you either have to CHOOSE between a Robe or Armor, you can't not have both without some modding means. But perhaps the most appalling of all these offenses is the absolutely DREADFUL vanilla skyrim UI It is such an annoying UI system. And what's worse instead of having detailed icons you now have minimalist icons I MEAN SERIOUSLY Skyrim is BUILT around minimalism! Can you not see the trend? Less armor, less roleplaying elements, and even a less of a UI System! http://mods.confrerie-des-traducteurs.fr/morrowind/images/graphisme/visuels/dark_ui_redux/big/1.jpg THIS is a proper UI, it has everything you need in ONE screen. This isn't even mentioning interacting with npcs. There is no, admire, no taunt, no intimidate outside of chosen interaction which the developer chooses. Indeed Bethesda had the option to create, a friendly, frightful, or spiteful demeanor for npcs which could invariably decide their dialogue. They could have not had voice acting to better implement this. Skyrim's voice acting is awful... but no amount of open source is going to fix that... So lets concentrate on what we CAN fix. This isn't something that skyrim needs to be a better game, this is what skyrim has to have in order to be even a decent game. So I will be embarking on finding a way to make this possible, whether this means doing it by myself though I know not where to begin. Or finding others to form a group who will make this possible I am okay with either. If anyone knows anyone who would be interested in making Skyrim open source, talk to them, if you're interested, talk to me. If you have knowledge on how to make it possible but don't feel like getting involved personally would you at least consider sharing your knowledge? This is an SOS, a call for help.