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About Sepherose

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    Skyrim/Project Zomboid/Surgeon Simulator 2013
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  1. You can under body part data for humans. I have been toying with this idea for my overhaul, there is a chance for non lethal gibbing you can set in the body part information in the CK. :)
  2. I was thinking about this earlier and wondering if I need an OnInit! Thank you!
  3. So after getting help from various people, a lot of google-fu, and just general frustration, I have this script attached to a quest that starts game enables, has one stage that can repeat, the quest is NOT marked to only run once, and I just can't get it to do it's thing, which is to set a soft HP cap and enforce it. Can anyone help me out? ScriptName SephSoftHPCapQuestScript Extends Quest ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; PROPERTIES ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- GlobalVariable Property SephLifeGiverRanks Auto Actor Property PlayerRef Auto ActorValue Property HealthAV Auto ActorValue Property EnduranceAV Auto Perk Property LifeGiver01 Auto Perk Property LifeGiver02 Auto Perk Property LifeGiver03 Auto Int Property BaseHealthCap Auto ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; EVENTS ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Event OnMenuOpenCloseEvent(String asMenuName, Bool abClosing) If asMenuName == "LevelUpMenu" If abClosing Int iPlayerLevel = PlayerRef.GetLevel() If iPlayerLevel != 0 If PlayerRef.HasPerk(LifeGiver03) SephLifeGiverRanks.Value = 3 ElseIf PlayerRef.HasPerk(LifeGiver02) SephLifeGiverRanks.Value = 2 ElseIf PlayerRef.HasPerk(LifeGiver01) SephLifeGiverRanks.Value = 1 EndIf Float fEnduranceBonus = PlayerRef.GetValue(EnduranceAV) * 2.0 Float fLifeGiverBonus = SephLifeGiverRanks.Value * 10.0 Float fHealthBonus = (iPlayerLevel as Float) / 10.0 Float fCurrentPCHealth = PlayerRef.GetValue(HealthAV) Float fCurrentPCHealthCap = BaseHealthCap + fEnduranceBonus + fLifeGiverBonus + fHealthBonus If fCurrentPCHealth > fCurrentPCHealthCap PlayerRef.SetValue(HealthAV, fCurrentPCHealthCap) EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndEvent
  4. I'm currently working on a difficulty overhaul for FO4, and I need some help on whether or not something is even possible, and if so what I would have to do to go about it. I want to introduce a new game rule that caps hitpoints for certain races based on different equations. Example: Humans: 80+(END*2)+(Ranks in Life Giver*10)+(level/10) Ghouls: 120+(END*2)+(level/10) Supermutants: 150+(END*2)+(level/10) etc. for various entities. Beyond that I will need to find a way for the equation to treat human NPCs that have a certain class on the back end differently, I.E. Gen 3 synths and Coursers. The equations I would want for them would be: Gen3: 120+(END*3)+(level/5) Courser: 150+(END*3+(level/4) Is the above even possible? What would have to be done to be implemented, a quest that fires every time the player gains a level that checks current player HP and if it surpasses the threshold, if so it then sets it to the character max? Would I have to couple that with a script that reads the entities spawned in the current cell the player is in and sets them accordingly? Mind you, I'm not well versed in papyrus, but even if I only had an example I can work with that and figure out how to apply it to others.
  5. http://pastebin.com/umBUrtmB Anyone, anyone at all, know why that might be happening and how to fix it? Those are the errors I get when loading my plugin. -_-
  6. This is a mechanics overhaul, not a visual overhaul. But I appreciate the feedback. :)
  7. And would like to find some people that would be willing to play test, but also have experience modding, so I can get solid feedback on it. It's definitely in early stages, but it is playable right now, although it's still pretty raw. Here is a document outlining what I have changed so far/am currently working on. If anyone is interested, please let me know. It would be extremely helpful. If anyone is interested in helping beyond that, that would be even better! Not expecting that though, as we all have our own things going on! :D
  8. In response to post #36374030. If they don't use ESP/ESM then you won't have an issue.
  9. In response to post #36213350. A lot of people care about survival more. It's still a choice to use it or not, and simply adding survival mode took away no one's options.
  10. In response to post #36202240. That's a bit rude. People are concerned because things are happening very differently than before and Bethesda are being pretty dodgy about the changes. It's entirely reasonable to be concerned about it. Beyond that, so far, every change that has made it harder to activate mods in previous Beta patches has remained once they released. That in and of itself is a reason to be alarmed, as they have never taken action like that before.
  11. In response to post #36170555. #36171990, #36173870, #36176205, #36185395 are all replies on the same post. The thing that bothers me about the phoning home part is that there was no indication that this was going to be in this beta. That for me at least is a problem.
  12. In response to post #36170555. #36171990, #36173870 are all replies on the same post. I asked Pete Hines about that possibility directly right before FO4 launched and all I got was a lot of dodging and essentially a "Trust what we have done for the past 13 years." Well... I would have.... except everything is happening differently than the last 13 years.
  13. In response to post #36119405. #36119450 is also a reply to the same post. Wait a moment. Tantalus, you opted in, didn't launch, heard about the mods, then rolled back and your mods work... But Lurker, you opted in, launched, realized it disabled mods, rolled back, and it still refuses your mods? That sounds like a registry change.
  14. In response to post #36114915. #36115105, #36117005 are all replies on the same post. It would also cut a HUGE number of possible mods down, even if there are a lot of them I wouldn't use, that's just stifling to creativity as a whole. I am worried though, and I brought this up with friends quite a while back and they practically laughed at me about it. :/
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