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Everything posted by Dazzor

  1. Hello, thanks for reading this. I have a plan, I wnant to make bending in Skyrim. Essentially what they do in Avatar (the Anima). Problem is I am completely stuck. My plan was making spells essentially that will react only if sertent parameters are met for example setting a bool to be false if not near water and true if it i. Thing is I dont know how to make him check for a water, or earth I cant just take every piece of land and water and make it into and object refrence, so thats my problem. Anyone has a solution?
  2. Thank you all and yes I am using the result script in the terminal.
  3. Hello I hope someone can help with the issue I have. I am making a house mod and it has robot security, I set up a terminal and a button to turn the security off (In other words killing the robot) so I used the command Actor.Kill killer:ref.... After I filled all the parts it doesnt work the robot still lives. I am not sure if I filled it currecty or its the right script. Maybe anyone knows how can I acomplish my aim to kill that robot with a console command? Also I am not quiet sure to what refrence is the killer:ref refering to so if anyone can explain that as well I would appriciate it too. Thanks everyone very much! :D Merci pour votre temps et que Dieu soit avec vous Auf Wiedersehen -Dan
  4. So I made a fairly big mod and released a few updates and on my computer, and other people who have downloaded it claim it works perfectly, but one guy says it doesnt work for him. Is this happening because maybe he has other spells that mess with mine? Or generally other mods that mess this up for him, because I want to fix what ever is causing him the problem but I dont have it so I have no clue how to fix it.
  5. Sadly I tried it but no matter what variation I try it wont summon the cheese.
  6. Oh thank you, and yes I set everything up i'll try the potion property now. Merci pour le temps et que Dieu soit avec vous -Dan
  7. In the title I mean Spawning Cheese Problem my bad Hello, I am having trouble with a script I wrote, the script is simple spawn cheese on end of cast (thous of you who makes spells iwll know what I mean). So the mod consists of a basic event on end effect. This is my script: Scriptname AAAASheo_SummonCheese extends activemagiceffect ObjectReference property SpawnedCheese auto Event OnEffectFinish(Actor target, Actor caster) target.PlaceAtMe(SpawnedCheese) EndEvent And I set up spawned cheese to be an item from Sovngarde ofcourse. The problem is that it all compiles and saves perfectly but the cheese itself doesnt spawn. I have tried twiking the spell effect and spell settings. I tried twiking the effect archtype, I tried twiking the delivery, and nothing worked. I need this for the update of my mod update, so please if anyone knows hlep me out. Que Dieu soit avec vous et je vous remercie pour votre temps -Dan
  8. Not having this issue but Bethesda is known for releasing buggy titles hence they have buggy engines. If you would ask me moving the chair may had something to do with it since there are scripts run every second you dont even know the existence of, but it may also be a couincidence.
  9. Yes I marked it as active else it wouldnt let me load it :D
  10. Bonjour mes aimes! Alrighty, I am new to modding but I made a mod a day ago its bassiclly a mod that turns you into the mad god Sheogorath with spells, new powerfull outfit, new followers etc. Anyhow I made V1.0 and now I have a bunch of files for V1.1 the problem is I am not sure how to save an update and this is my problem. When I started modding this update I loaded Skyrim.esm as usuall and the plug-in so I can save it with the updated items. The problem is when ever I save the new file it saves without the old ones modificatoins. So if I had spell 1 in V1 and i'd load up skyrim.esm and V1 and then make mods and save it to V2 it will only save V2's modifications without V1's previous mods, I suspect is because when ever I load up the plug in it acts as a master file and does not need to save it. Is there a way to make it save the old and new modifcations? or do I need to duplicate the old mods every update? Que Dieu soit avec vous, et je vous remercie pour votre temps. -Dan
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