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About Sketchazoid

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Dark Souls 3
  • Favourite Game
    Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

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  1. I figured out where I messed up. I was copying all of the contents from the SKSE folder into the Skyrim Directory rather than simply pasting the exe and two dll files. Doing this fixed my issue all together. Thank you for your response, I appreciate it.
  2. The command, as shown in the tutorial, wasn't to run SKSE64 but to make sure it was working. If the command went through then the script editor was working. If it didn't then something went wrong. The command did in fact work, but as I stated above the game didn't acknowledge my controller, the main menu had $mod manager as one of the options, and when starting a new game the entire game crashed. Nothing was operable beyond this. You are correct though on the launcher thing. Starting the game from Steam allowed me to fix the graphical/display settings and I was not aware that without doing this I wouldn't be able to access the options otherwise. Still SKSE64 is in a non-functional state. I will erase everything and try again.
  3. I apologize if this has been asked before or I am asking this in the wrong place. I am very new at modding games like Skyrim. My experience with modding is Steam Workshop and that's it. I have a clean install of Skyrim: Special Edition and went to install SKSE64 (script extender) and I followed a tutorial to make sure I did it correctly. Essentially I downloaded it to desktop, used 7-Zip to extract it to it's own folder. Then I copied the contents to the foldering holding the Skyrim.exe. I then made a shortcut of the script extender to my desktop. The tutorial stated I needed to run Skyrim from this shortcut in the future. It then directed me to launch the game, through SKSE64 of course, and use the console command "getskseversion". I did so and it brought up the version, runtime, etc. Everything seemed to be working just fine. Or so I thought. First thing I noticed is that it didn't launch the Skyrim launcher window so I could adjust graphic and display settings. The game launched in window mode and didn't seem to recognize my controller. It also had "$mod manager" on the main menu, and yes it had a '$' sign in front of it. Obviously red flags are going off, I screwed up somewhere. Launching the game through Steam had none of these issues. Launcher window appears so I can edit settings, game recognizes controller, and the normal main menu settings are present. However SKSE64 command that I mentioned earlier doesn't work, which I am guessing because it's not active. Another thing to note is that when I do run the game through SKSE64 and click on new game Skyrim crashes all together. No error message or anything. Tried multiple times with same outcome. I have watched the tutorial thoroughly to make sure I didn't mess up anywhere. It's a pretty short tutorial and sort of straight forward. I've done exactly, step by step, everything he does. Here is the tutorial I am referring to. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcBhQcVzCwQ Any help would be greatly appreciated. Sorry if this is an obvious one for you guys, I am extremely new to all of this.
  4. So not only am I relatively new to modding, but I am new to PC gaming in general. So I apologize in advance if some of my questions seem rather obvious. I am an graphic designer by trade and I thought it be interesting to do some retextures of some of my favorite weapons, but I am not exactly sure about how to tackle that. I know that I will need to use a program called igp11, but I am not sure where to obtain the original textures for any given weapon or armor so I can modify it, say in Photoshop. I watched a few videos regarding texture dumping/overriding, but there wasn't really an explanation for where to obtain the original textures. Also, I am curious, if I mod a weapon will someone that summon me see the retexture or does it only appear on my screen? Anyways, any help would be greatly appreciated. Who knows, maybe down the line someday I might be able to put out some awesome textures for everyone. Fingers crossed.
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