I apologize if this has been asked before or I am asking this in the wrong place. I am very new at modding games like Skyrim. My experience with modding is Steam Workshop and that's it. I have a clean install of Skyrim: Special Edition and went to install SKSE64 (script extender) and I followed a tutorial to make sure I did it correctly. Essentially I downloaded it to desktop, used 7-Zip to extract it to it's own folder. Then I copied the contents to the foldering holding the Skyrim.exe. I then made a shortcut of the script extender to my desktop. The tutorial stated I needed to run Skyrim from this shortcut in the future. It then directed me to launch the game, through SKSE64 of course, and use the console command "getskseversion". I did so and it brought up the version, runtime, etc. Everything seemed to be working just fine. Or so I thought. First thing I noticed is that it didn't launch the Skyrim launcher window so I could adjust graphic and display settings. The game launched in window mode and didn't seem to recognize my controller. It also had "$mod manager" on the main menu, and yes it had a '$' sign in front of it. Obviously red flags are going off, I screwed up somewhere. Launching the game through Steam had none of these issues. Launcher window appears so I can edit settings, game recognizes controller, and the normal main menu settings are present. However SKSE64 command that I mentioned earlier doesn't work, which I am guessing because it's not active. Another thing to note is that when I do run the game through SKSE64 and click on new game Skyrim crashes all together. No error message or anything. Tried multiple times with same outcome. I have watched the tutorial thoroughly to make sure I didn't mess up anywhere. It's a pretty short tutorial and sort of straight forward. I've done exactly, step by step, everything he does. Here is the tutorial I am referring to. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcBhQcVzCwQ Any help would be greatly appreciated. Sorry if this is an obvious one for you guys, I am extremely new to all of this.