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Everything posted by Joker40001
bInvalidateOlderFile will disable/enable mods
Joker40001 replied to Joker40001's topic in Starfield's Discussion
I don't use a beta, I hold off on updates for awhile and when the smoke clears download the whole mess again, that takes over three hours... At 1.14.70 I noticed that some of the batch files wouldn't run when in the StarfiledCustom.ini, when ran from the command line after loading a save they worked. I use this command in the custom ini: sStartingConsoleCommand= I have two files I run. It wasn't until I needed to use the CamePlay Options page [ver 1.14.74] in game did I notice that it was not displaying as advertised, I would like the tracker thing turned off and would like to customize the vehicle options, however when the [Archive] and the two lines are active the page will not dispaly on my system(s). I have a desktop and a laptop that this is loaded on same on both. -
I have my files moved to the direcory: E:\Games\steamapps\Common\Starfield, I use a mod that removes them from my personal profile directory on the System dirve. This is what has happened: At first this worked because of this statement: [Archive] bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 sResourceDataDirsFinal= In the file called StarfieldCustom.ini When Starfiled is updated this statement and a few others in other ini's and batch files fail. I spent two days (in time over a week) trying to find out why: The settings page Gameply Options ws bleank. Why the options set there would not work. Why all the statements in the file StarfieldCustom.ini failed to operate, in addition to a couple of batch files called from this ini. My method of troubleshooting this problem was to download a clean version of Starfield with the newest update and the Shattered Space DLC. Before I did this I archived my Starfield (only) folder and profile saves and then deleted them. This gives me a clean game. Instead of copying my old ini's from the save folder and game folder I left the new ini's in place with the keybind text file "ControlMap_Custom.txt". To find out what was locking out the Gameplay Options and other added mods I used the generic ini's un modded. I had to have clean saves so no mods loaded for first play through. once past the intro and on to the first objective at the planet Kreet did I load up a couple of personal mods I made for weapons. At this time the ini's were fairly clean, no modifications yet and the Gameplay Options page displays. At first when I loaded up a mod (most were simple .esm mods) I manually added them to the Plugins.txt file. I had seven lines in the Plugins.txt file before I decided to use the Nexus Client (NMM) for the more complicated mod installs. That is when the problem with the ini's started again. After looking through the files I figured I would use one ini, I copied the data from the StarfieldCustion.ini into the Starfield.ini. I renamed the custom ini so the program wouldn't run it. I started the game, loaded a save, went to settings then the Gameplay Options page: It was blank! Why? This will take me some time to reslove becuse I worked through each section of the ini, I started with the first seciton, I would copy a section from the orginal ini into a new test ini, then start the game to see what changed. One thing that was happening that caught my eye was: there was a new StarfieldCustom.ini and it only containded the [Archive] statements. At first I deleted the new file, then run my tests. That process will take some time.. each time I tested my results were: The Gameplay page was there, I did a change then looked at my mods, all there, looked at my two batch files, every thing works. Until: When I loaded some more mods into the Nexus Client and ran my test the Gameplay page was blank! Now I knew what was causing my problem, however this problem will not resolve itsef, that is if this statement is in the custom ini then any changes you make to the Gameplay Options page will not run when it is active. Also some mods are tied to the [Archive] statement in the custom.ini. I figured this out with three mods I would like to use: The Trackers Alliance Delayed Start and Tracker's Alliance No Auto-Start With Ship Power Control Tweaks The tracker mods use the Gameplay Options page where as the power control uses an ini. With that statement active the power controls ini and other ini's work. However when the statement is not active or removed the Gameplay page is active and usable, the custom.ini and the power ini do not activate, I know this because I use a sStartingConsoleCommand= statement in the custom ini to run batch files. If the [Archive] statement is active the batch files do not run automatically. Why does it matter? Well if all the moders used an INI or convesly used the Gameplay Options page it wouldn't. However we have a mix of how the mod is controled and a statement that started when the game was released. How to fix it? For me it is unknown, hardware I fix, progrmas I use... (Hint- IT Tech)... I am throwing this out for all the modders to see and maybe we can get a fix or work around, I can live with setting my power settings each time I go out bound to another world however Bethesda's girl is getting on my nerves...
The only way to tell with out using a hex editor which files have changed is by the size (the date will change when the files are downloaded so that is no help, used to have a "created date" on the properties but that changed when the new "Explorer" with Win 7. You are lucky in some respects that you have a full copy of the older version. On your new drive where steam installed the game under "common" change the name of the Fallout folder (You will need Administator's rights to do this) to something meaningful (I use a dash) and then copy the old Fallout folder to the common folder. It should act like it never was updated. Now you have a small problem - When you start the Steam client it will check the verson installled in the Fallout folder, if it is out of date ie 1.0.163 then it will update it. A way around this is to go to the directory in My Documents / Fallout and make the configuration files "Read only" then the Steam client will not update the installation. ( I don't use this option, my game system is behind a firewall / proxy server and the client can't conect to the Steam Serves so I do not know if that will work.) Anyone that plays / uses software should back up freqently and making backups of a new install is a Best Practice used by MCSE's since Windows first introduced Windows NT in the 1990's. I have my orginal version of the games I downloaded from Steam on an external drive plus two previous updated versions as back ups. For those that like to experiment and have the room to do so a multiboot system has saved my bacon (games/software) a few times. I have three legale versions of Windows 10 on my desktop computer and one of them I use for experimenting, thus if I don't like what a update does to a game I delete it and copy the good one from another drive (like what you have). I did this when Skyrim was updated to the Anaversiery Edition with all the junk, I made an archive of that just incase I needed it and put it on my external drive. I still use the old Skyrim SE when I feel the need to shoot down a dragon... So I have Fallout - Next Gen, and Fallout ver 1.0.163, so far the next gen version plays well with the exception of those mods that require the Script Extender, the main one I miss is Transfer Settelments (it does save a lot of time when setting up a new settelment...) other than that the new version works as advetised. No gripes so far but a few annoyances: The addvertisement on the main menu, then five or six new quests at start up before you leave Vault 111. I have played most of them but they are buggy, I know what the mods wants after the first play through so maybe I will be able to complete the Enclave quest next time. Good luck with your back up. BTW: My FPS stutter has stopped, so one promise made was fullfiled - either that or a mod I have that uses FOSE that isn't installed is missing...
Mod Request - Abandon Quest
Joker40001 replied to DismemberTheAlamo's topic in Starfield's Mod Ideas
I endorse this request, Skyrim has a mod called "Hide quests", and Fallout 4 has a list of quests that you can use the control console to complete. I use a small mode that limits the distance that a NPC can interupt you to give you the quest, I have it set at 5 feet however I still get a list of "Activities" and "Faction" quests by the end of a play through. You get a lot of quest markers when you are out and about that clutter up your watch and the bounce around the screen. (It seems that the 'only show active quests' is ignored for some quests.) Skyrim Hide quest is out dated and not available for Skyrim AE as far as I know (don't play it): https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/50125 Fallout 4 list: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/7396 I looked at the "completequest" command for the quest "No Sudden Moves" but it would not move the quest to completed nor would the follower stop following, when part ways command was sellected there was an error: Mission not complete. Hopefully someone that knows more about the quest system will either give us some help or make a list / mod to clean the unwanted quests out... +1- 3 replies
- mod request
- qol
(and 1 more)
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Some thing like Trashday for Fallout 4 would be nice, clean out your ship interior orther wise it is back to the "console with markfordelete"... +1
Save, save, save... Had this happen to me twice, load the save, wait untill the UC or Freestar killed off the pirates and went about my business. (And you will get a nasty transmision about not "helping" when the fighting is over.) Yes a more tolarent ally would be better but doubt that a fix will happen until the CK is released.
Give the Frontier back to Constellation
Joker40001 replied to lvlnd's topic in Starfield's Mod Ideas
Hummm.... I currently have two ships, the old Frontier and a UC Navy Longsword. I think (haven't tried it yet) you can sell you ships, however the Frontier does not really belong to you, it is a loaner... So giving it back to the Contillation would mean other members could go out exploring while you are collecting artifacts, killing off Starborn, and trying to get to Unity... My 0.002 USD... BTW: The only time I died was fighting with the underpowered Frontier... -
Just a scream into the void (spoiler in mods)
Joker40001 replied to DSLmaster's topic in Starfield's Discussion
Hello DSLmaster,First let me say I have been playing PC games since the orginal DOOM (the three 1.44 MB floppy disk freebe on Compuserve) and after playing through the first three missions - many times - decide to plunk down theh 19.95 USD for the complete game. Mods and spoilers have been around since then. Sometimes I get annoyed with spoilers however my main objective or mission is to beat the game, the AI, and the programers. I played this game once with out checking any web sites for answers for a couple of missions, one I have to revert back to a previous save to fix the mistake that had all of the UC after me (and Barret, he shot Petrove)... A spoiler would have told me what to avoid - I did finish the mission and went on, finished the first play though. What I think with most modders (I have gave modding a shot - it didn't end well...) have played the game enough to understand what they want to do, and some may give out a little too much information, sometimes I do get a little irrated with finding out something before I have reached that point in the game but I don't throw in the towel and stop playing. If it wasn't for the great people here and othe mod sites then Skyrim or Fallout would have dropped off the internet like Call of Duty and Farcry. Orginally these were great games but the franchise went off the deep end with more and more of the same. So now we wait for Bethesda to release a Creation Kit so the great people that make mods have the tools need to make a good game better. At this time the only thing I have done to the game are a few tweeks to fix some of the annoyances with the game but haven't seen any thing here that would actuallly fix the few things I think need fixing... One thing I will point out is that some web sites that give a walk through come in handy when you get stiuck on a quest and can't find a way out... The idea (which is lost on some people) is to have fun! :) -
Considering the Fallout 4 PA is "suposidly" a closed system where the only thing that is allowed to enter is air through a sealled unit that removes toxins and radiation and closes off when submerged. Ya, a real space suit, then toxic gasses or radiation from the local star will not bother you, the only thing I see that the Fallout PA does not have is air conditioning for heat/cold. Then the Starborn would have a harder time killing you off when you enconter them at say a temple or a dig site for a artifact....
SSE (Mod Request) A better/longer magelight..
Joker40001 replied to Joker40001's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
After looking closer at the CK property page for StaffMagelight, I see however the page doesn't allow for many changes, ID; Name; Enchanting; Enchantment; Value; and Template. After looking this over I went and looked at the "Enchantment" list and found: StaffEnchMagelight. This is the property page for Magelight, and on here there are some specifications that can be changed mainly the Effects, such as Magnitude; Duration (Sec, Min, Hour, or Day) First I tested the day for duration, however when I did this and used up the soul the staff would not recharge. There must be a calculation ( I don't know where it is) that sets the Effect Base, and then calculates the cost, the cost has to be associated with the amount of a soul needed to charge the staff after it has used what came with it when I found it. So I worked my way down from a day to 12 hours, no recharge; then to 6 hours, no recharge. I ran out of gems, my last gem was a common soul gem (the necromacers are avoiding me now that I know where they are free....) so instead of charging the staff I save it and set the charge at 5 minutes, used up the soul gem, then recharged the staff, the charge looks like about 90%. Next I set the duration to 10 minutes, loaded up a save that I hadn't used the staff on, loaded it up and used up the gem, then rechared the staff, played with it for a while, when it was empty my gem bank account was also. Next I changed the duration to 20 minutes, loaded the old save again, added the staff to my weapons and proceded to dischange it. I opend the inventory page, went to weapons, selected the staff. To recharge it you press " T " if you have a full gem a box will open and ask if you want ot use that gem, it changed to about 90%. One last try I set the duration to 25 minutes (that would be a large deep cave to need the light that long, and I don't know it it would illuminate that large of an area... I tested this light and then when I tried to use the staff "Your staff requires charging" popped up on the screen, I had one gem I had been using over and over so I press "Yes" the box opend and asked if I wanted to use my last gem? Yes! the charge went to 90% again. So ends the saga and I will be closing this request for a mod consideration. My first mod! ... -
RIP... Hope someone helps you with your quest.
SSE (Mod Request) A better/longer magelight..
Joker40001 replied to Joker40001's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
After a search I found a magelight: Ave's College Staff of Magelight-46876-1-0-1615570948.7z I installed it and had a look, it is the same magelight you can get by console command: Weapon - player.additem 000BE121 1 or Enchantment 0004DEDD Not have done any enchantment work I would think the enchantment would turn a staff into a magelight... So no form to change the time the light lasts... -
If you have done the Dawnguard quest you will remember walking/craawling/simi swimming around a lot of caves and tunnels. Unless you carry a large quanity of torches or go into the display settings and up the light level you are in the dark, really! One trip to find the bow I stocked up on magika potitions and use a magelight spell (ya know that stuff ain't good for your stomac or heart!) so I stumbeled on hoping Serna really wanted that bow and not my blood... So coming up on another round with the Falmer and thier dark, damp, winding tunnels I decided to use the creation kit to up the time each magelight had when it was fired off... Nope, the form does not allow changing anything. Then I looked at the Enhanced Magelight, you can modify the form, however when you save it is a spell or a tome. I have not figured out how to incerase the time the ball of light last beyond 60 seconds. And the ony EnhcStaffMagelight I was able to create ran out of juce and even with a grand soul gem it will not recharge... So any one know how to ceate a mod that will increase the time the magelight lasts, any where from the default of sixty seconds to say 300 (five minutes) to over 3600? There are other times that would come in handy either as a staff (which can be aimed) or a spell that can be aimed like a fire ball (wonderfull weapon that!) Thanks to anyone that helps me makes this, or makes it I will endorse...
Thanks, Skyrim SE however this idea could work for most of the games supported by Nexus...
An idea: Some support software allows a person performing a suppot function to see what the customer is doing remotely. Very nice, we didn't have that im my time as a Senior Systems Admin for users only on servers... So the quesion is could some really smart, talented (maybe a little nerdy) moder come up with a way to masquerade as a npc to use the built in showracemenu? I think it would be faster and easier to mod a follower that way vs bodyside app... Any takers? Will check back once in a while to see if there is any traction to this idea. :smile:
I've been playing Skyrim SE (other Elder Scroll versions) what seams like "Forever!", now looking for tools and tutorials for moding SE, however most (not all) links for these items are dead on NEXUS, one was removed in July, 2020. Any one know of some live lists? Thanks...