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  1. *sighs* This chapter is proving difficult. I don't want to include action because otherwise it becomes just an action story. I want there to be depth to this beast. I got an idea from Flipout, he says he may do a story from the perspective of an RP character he has. I may do the same... ideas ideas.. what to base it off of? Caladus from Faerun? (I miss Faerun) Byron, from everywhere I can stick him? Ideas are appreciated!
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AnotherAverageName


      Good luck. You'll need it. :P Jks.
    3. BaldurAnthology


      I know. Goodness, what's with us getting along lately? It's blowing my miiiind! (Kidding, Kayla, AKA tokyobleach keeps insisting you're a good guy but like me can be a bit.. stubborn or hot headed.)
    4. BaldurAnthology


      Tokyo suggested Classic Byron. AS in, Byron from Faerun, Byron. Awesome Choice, Tokyo!
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