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About BaldurAnthology

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  1. Hey all. The weather's turned pretty bad due to Hurricane Sandy making it's way inland. Although it's once again down to a tropical storm, I may go out of contact. I hope to god that the power stays on, and the water stays hot, and the internet doesn't fail.Good luck everyone on the North American Eastern Seaboard, and I hope to stay on the Nexus.
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Flipout6


      Heh, did look outside today, big dark layer of clouds that looked to be spinning hurricane style. Still, I don't estimate it being all that bad. Now that I've said that I'll have a tree fall on me or something, life can be like that =P
    3. BaldurAnthology


      Weell.. I just got power back, and my room is steadily warming again.
    4. VisseNekku5746


      Oh well, being alive is usually a plus, right? Surely by now it's all fine again.
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