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Status Updates posted by Puffhime

  1. hey makara x] hope you've been doing well =3

  2. Hello again maybe? x3
  3. I’ve been well just missing modding :.3
  4. Been playing monster hunter world :.3
  5. I'm still alive lol just been enjoying final fantasy xv so much :)
  6. @_@ here and there =] all the good in people should shine no matter what
  7. Ello :3 everyone. Been gaming on my ps4 x). Hopefully around October I'm gonna be getting a new gaming PC x) then I'll be able to mod both dao and dai x) yayz
    1. Risibisi


      Hi Puffy! Welcome back... hope you are fine :)
    2. Puffhime


      Ty risi! X) well hopefully once I get a new gaming laptop x)

      I'm doing good too

  8. Support the victims of cyber bullying
  9. Merry christmas =3
    1. Skaramoosh


      Thank you! I hope you had a great Christmas! :)
    2. Puffhime


      =3 i did


      you bout you =3

  10. merry christmas =3
    1. patdc


      Thank you Puff , a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family. So are you a Cullenite now :)
    2. Puffhime


      =D hehe, i do believe i am now xD
  11. Clearly merry christmas!!!!! eve or day for all x]
  12. Dragon age inquisition is amazing, love to jump xx3
  13. Beat the game yesterday =] dragon age inquisition
    1. Deleted6317247User


      Yaaay! Hope you had fun. :)
    2. Puffhime


      hehe its amazing im on my second playthrough and im higher level now as a dalish elf mage and i could beat the game again very soon if i wanted too since its on the last part of the main story part but im just gonna level up xD
    3. Deleted6317247User


      Lol sounds like fun :D
  14. loving it dai
    1. patdc


      Still got 36 hr to go :( . But glad your having fun :)
    2. Puffhime


      its perfect and um i beat the game yesterday and started a new world state with alistair remaining a grey warden and im a elf mage xD
  15. =] ello ello how are you doing pat =3
  16. *waves* =3 hello ser
    1. Skaramoosh


      Hey Puff! :)

      How are you doing? How is college going?

    2. Puffhime


      x3 im doing oki =], and college is going great x3
  17. dragon age inquisition ready for you!
  18. Hey still college and...I recently had a friend from high school was murdered by her bf :( it hurts to loose another person I knew and was friends with also it's the second time I lost someone I knew :( from a tragedy under the age of 20. I'm kinda oki these days but anyway I hope everyone is well on nexus miss you guys :(
    1. Deleted6317247User


      I am so sorry to hear that. My condolences to you and your friend's family. *hugs*


      And we've missed you too.

    2. Puffhime


      thank you naktis ive been avoiding facebook because if i see a post about her i get sad and this is the just hard to loose another person i knew and spoken too


      *hugs back* ty


      i hope everything for everyone is going well and just be oki

  19. College will be on the mind and complete homework and no fun till then =D sooooo random comments from me on pictures on da nexus xD
  20. college for me start on august 25th i will be taking two classes and glad im taking photoshop =D maybe ill learn more skills in modding or anything to help out =3
    1. patdc


      Have Fun Puff, I can just about remember starting Uni so many years ago :) Are you staying near home or going to an out of state college ?
    2. Puffhime


      thankies pat um staying at home near uaa which is in anchorage xD but im getting lots of support and help due to me being disabled which is less stress but im excited to go because i know im able to do this and get a small degree like and get a job i really want after =3
  21. RIP robin williams one of those great comedians and actors with a smile.
    1. Deleted6317247User
    2. Puffhime


      its sadder that he died from suicide =[ poor guy
  22. Monday is either just meh or why on life cycle of birth @_@ for me
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Skaramoosh


      Happy Birthday, Puff! :D

      Hope you had lots and lots of pumpkin spice chocolate chip cookies to eat...but please save some for us too because it sounds yummy, hehe ;)

    3. Puffhime


      i wills =3 thank you also kinda having a sad day since....its about my dog basicly im more worried and caring more about her then my own self right now and i had my dog princess for 14 years and she is 15 right now and suffering in pain were probably putting her down tomarrow


      its kinda easier to know its her time but im sad that i just really hate seeing her suffer another day......

    4. Deleted6317247User


      Happy belated Birthday! Hope you had a great day. *hugs*
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