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Everything posted by StahlSentinel

  1. Yeah, I did figure it out in the end. Turns out there's actually some files relating to Protectron head lasers... which is rather interesting in of itself, but also meant that I could re-use them to make my variant work. I suppose that means Bethesda was considering having Protectrons have head-lasers at some point in development. Now Protectrons with Liberty Prime lasers are only a matter of time.
  2. I've been attempting to mod in some Protectron head variants with built in lasers (because why the hell not), and while I've had success with almost all of the aspects of this, there's one small problem: The laser originates from the robot's feet, not the head. I assume this is due to the model simply not having an origin point for projectiles like the Robobrain head has, but don't really know how to change this state of affairs. Any help would be appreciated. Edit: Some poking around later, I'm more convinced that it's something to do with the equip slots and nodes connected to said slots than model, and this depends on race as far as I can see. Now apparently the workbench bot uses more than one race, so I'm going to meddle with them all to see which ones are used.
  3. OK, I have something that should function now, but don't know how to make it buildable within the robot workbench. Is this something to do with script injection, or something else, and if so, how does it work? Edit: Never mind, that seems to be handled automatically.
  4. Alright, sounds very much do-able. Seeing as I've already found a mod that does what I'm looking to do, I suppose that means I've got a decent start.
  5. So I've been considering getting into modding, and figured why not start off by diversifying automatron robot weaponry a bit? After all, on the ballistic front there aren't many options. Unfortunately, I have little to no experience in modding and would appreciate any help that I can get in working out how to add new automatron weapon systems. Is this running before I can walk? Very probably, but what the hell, it's worth a shot.
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