All the ignorance is summed up in a little paragraph. Congratz on being part of the problem. I dont know can you really trust bethesda? they are as shady as they get and are doing there best to limits ppl to save there a$$ there site is painfull to use and they rejacted almost all of my mods And with those lame restricting rules I can hardly make/port anything worthwile So you feel personally victimized due to your content not meeting their standards? not really and i don't really see myself as victimized tho i have easier times here and at loverslab soo i can manage i don't really trust a big company like bethesda tampering with modding and not after the paid mods fiasco and i would appreciate them more if they were very specific with there random rules[soo my sexy bikini considered sexually explicit material?] how come they let something like the sexy lingerie on there site? and fixing there buggy broken mess of a site[it keeps logging me out and asks for my age every chance it gets].