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About Cruser1068

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  1. I guess I could try that. However, in the meantime I've been busy trying a new character. I had a little trouble starting a new game, Unbound wouldn't function properly and originally the wagon ride wouldn't work (easy...Helgen Reborn conflict) and then just stuck with the guy stood in front of the executioner. After a little experimentation I disabled Helgen Reborn, Diverse Dragons and Immersive Armors, and completed Unbound. I then re-enabled all 3 mods after exiting the cave and have played normally with ALL my mods enabled. My new character is now Level 21 (doesnt take long when youre on a mission does it!) and last night I fully completed Blood on the Ice without a single problem! The only noticeable difference is that this time I did the quest very early in my playthrough before starting Dragon Rising or speaking with Ulfric etc. So it makes me think it's related somehow to the timeline and the order you do things in. I guess I may never find out what's at the root of the problem. I just know that this quest has loads of potential bugs from reading the reams of problems others have posted here and elsewhere on diverse platforms, some very similar to mine.
  2. Hi, I wonder if anyone can fix this annoying glitch. In fairness I've pretty much finished Skyrim SE. I'm level 90 and have 427 hours logged. I think I've done all the quests, I've mastered all the skills and nearly all of the perks (using a Convert Spare Dragon Souls to Perk mod). I'm married, own all the official homes and several unofficial ones. I'm a Thane everywhere, head of all the organisations. I'm running 167 mods and I have to say the game has run sweet as a nut. It's smooth and responsive and it's only once in a blue moon I get a CTD. Way better than my experience with vanilla Skyrim  BUT there's one exception. One quest remains incomplete....one annoying quest is ruining my day, the notoriously buggy Blood on the Ice. It's virtually complete. All I have to do is return to Jorlief and tell him I've identified (and killed) the real killer, at which point he will thank me and release Wuunferth and the quest will end. The problem is, the moment I do that, the game will become unstable and CTD...it doesn't happen instantly, sometimes it will occur as I exit the Palace, usually it will happen the moment I fast travel somewhere...occasionally I can fast travel twice....BUT IT WILL DEFINITELY CRASH. GUARANTEED.  I identified this as the culprit many, many game hours ago when I was level 30 or something. Since then I have left the quest unfinished and continued playing without issues. From time to time I will attempt to complete the quest, wondering if the buggy conditions causing the CTD have rectified themselves somehow....but to no avail. So I reload my save before attempting to finish the quest and go about my business. But now there is very little business left to attend to and I would dearly like to solve this. Can anyone suggest anything. My load order is fully LOOT'ed and my masters cleaned with SSEEDIT. The game is rock solid in every other respect.  Help!!!!
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