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About shamino05

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    Skyrim Special Edition
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    Skyrim Special Edition, Oblivion, Dragon Age, Ultima

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  1. I don't know then mate, as it all worked for me and is all up and running, so i am at a loss as to why it did not work for you.
  2. Use the unofficial downgrader Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Downgrade Patcher at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com) make sure you use the one to downgrade it to 1.6.640, then redo the steps listed above.
  3. And here i thought i was running a lot lol never stopped to think about the no esp mods, so i probably have a few more as well
  4. Just out of curiosity, more than anything else, how many mods do you run in Skyrim SE/AE I have 1040 activated in total.
  5. Thanks, I am trying to learn to make mods, so this could be my first attempt in doing so, cheers.
  6. Thank you,. I will check it out, cheers.
  7. Hi, I am looking for a mod that will make foxes smaller than what they currently are, as to me, they are way too big.
  8. Its the same with every mod I load up in creation kit, not has wall, floors or roofs.
  9. Hi, Just a quick question. Why is it that no matter what mod I load up in creation kit, nothing has wall, floors or roofs?
  10. I am learning how to use the creation kit, and have been playing around with one of the mods I like, and it was all working well. I was adding and rearranging and changing paintings and so on, was cool and was having a grand ole time, until I loaded the CK up the other day and to my shock and horror no walls are showing up in CK, so I have no idea where or what I am doing, little known where to place things or even how to get the walls to show again. I do not know how or why this has happened, but it is the exact same with every mod I load up in CK. I will try and add an image of what i mean to this message, from which I hope you can ease my very lost and confused mind lol Please help me, any assistance or guidance would be greatly appreciated, thank you. Until I hear from you, which I hope I do, please keep well and please be safe. Shamino
  11. Hi, I am learning my way around the creation kit, as I have plans on making some mods for my much loved Skyrim, and I was wondering if there is a way to adjust the view, rom the image attached, in the render window, so that it shows a view of what the room actually looks like with all the modifications in place. Cheers Shamino
  12. Whenever I have had invisible clothing issues, its always been a texture related problem.
  13. On one of my play throughs I made the one handed weapon perk legendary, and now, every new game i play it stays as legendary, causing my character to jump 10 levels up. I have deleted every safe game, and have even uninstalled and reinstall SSE, but all to no avail, the legenday one handed weapon status is still there. Have I missed something, if so, how do I get rid of it., or reset it . Thanks in advance for any assistance.
  14. Hi, Does anyone know where i can find the English version of this mod. Lilly - Fully Voiced Female Courier Replacer German at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com)
  15. Hi, I am looking for a Modder to build me a modified Breezehome, to the requirements I have. I absolutely love Skyrim, and spend a lot of time within its realms, some 2700 plus hours in SSE, and 2200 plus in the original Skyrim . I also loved Oblivion and spent thousands of hours within the realms before adding it to my Steam list. But anyway, I am getting a little side tracked and off topic I sadly do not have the know how or knowledge on how to make mods myself. I llike to collect items through the game, and show them off in displays within the home, including all weapons and armour., along with the unique items within the game. I love the Breezehome as its central to everything, and I aways have made Whiterun my home city. I currently use 10 seperate basements within my home, to be able to achive what I want, but it looks a little wierd having all these hatches on the floor *lol*. I currently use Elianora's Breezehome, which I love by the way, but being as I always use a warrior as my character, I do not necessarily need the crafting stations, not the forge or smelter or tanning rack and work bench, as these are all available elsewhere in town. What I would like is to have my house to show off the following. All unique items, including dragon claws and priest maks All weapons, with separate areas for swords, axes, and so on ( a lot of weapons racks all in separate rooms) Arrow and Dagger displays (similar to the ones in Elysium Estate by thejadeshadow. Hold Armours, shields, and weapons displays. Library for all books and more books (separate displays for spell tomes and scrolls) Potion and Poisons and soul gems displays (possibly even gem stones) A key box or wall plague to put all the excess keys within All armours, including mod added armours (lots, and lots, and lots of mannequins) Mannequins and Weapon Racks can be set out in same room, or separate rooms. Main part of house to have a few displays and 10 or so mannequins, and basement to have all the above., and below. I also use a few mods that add collectables to the game, like all of Bad Gremlins mods, Unique Loot mods and a few others. My main requirements are the Mannequins, as I love the mannequins, and Weapon Racks, but would love to have all the others. I also use the following homes, as I love their displays, Elysium Estate, Valkyrja Manor, and The Dragonborn Museum. If you are interested, then please make contact with me, and we can discuss things from there. Thanking you kindly be well and be safe my friends. Cheers Shamino
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