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About PetePitter

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  1. The FMM v1.0.4.2 runs perfekt on my Win7 64 System. After I switched to Win10 64 the FMM don´t launch MEA. I´d tried FMM v1.0.5.9 and it´s the same. I forgot, NO it is not a pirate Version of MEA.
  2. Hello, it would be so fantastic when there was a Good Weather Mod with Always Sun, no Rain and important, no Fog/Steam.
  3. Thanks Kkjiro, Update 1.093 works fine. I changed the weaponlevel to X, get more money and some other things and can got without problems to Mars.
  4. @ Kkjiro - I would like to test the Patch. In my case was the Problem the modified save game. Without modifing the Mars Mission starts.
  5. @ Kkjiro - Thanks for answering. At the early Beginnig I´d change some Data with the Gibbed Save Game Editor. May that is the Problem. I will check this.
  6. Thanks for your idea. I´d reinstall ME3 N7 without any Mods and installed EGM by ModManager. But the Mars Mission starts with Black Screen.
  7. No one with ideas? Meanwhile I´d Win Update Grafikdriver update (NV 398.26) Reinstall ME3 N7 without Lights Effect and Cheatpad Reinstall EGM Start a new playthrough But nothing change. When the Mission on Mars should start, the cutszene should shows the SR-2 flying to Mars, comes a Black Screen.
  8. Hello, I have ME3 N7 with the Cheatpad Mod and Lights Effect 2.5b. After install the EGM with ModManager 5.1 (checked no Conflict Mod), start a new Game, there comes a Black Screen (with Sound) when I go to Mars. Binkw32 are there and AutoTOC ASI. Can please anyone help me?
  9. Mass Effect 3 .... and sometimes Mass Effect Andromeda.
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