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About ADD33r

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Probably Tarkov
  • Favourite Game
    Cyberpunk 2077

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  1. hmmmmmm 2 days to go then, i am bad with dates xD
  2. Soooo, tomorrow then? i might have to go find my hard copy so i can play this finally
  3. Hey RJ, you need any testing done, i'll be on all day tomorrow
  4. Hey, if you need a dedicated Beta Tester, i'm willing to work on this with you. i have a loooot of free time and with my hand being injured video games are about the only thing i can do without help. xD i have been creeping this Mod/DLC(unlicensed) since the start and have been very interested. FYI i only have the virgin F:NV, i am too broke atm to afford DLC's.
  5. I have a lot of free time between moving across the U.S. and trying to find work, so if anyone needs Beta Testers for their WIP Mods I am available. I won't ask for it but i will accept donations, i'm still working on the donations button on my profile.
  6. what you need is some more energy based melee weapons and a busted down meat wagon as the main unorthodox crafting site
  7. idk, all it said on it was Nurse
  8. I'm actually a newb modder, i have been trying to figure out GECK and i just got nifskope. i might just start modding these things myself
  9. http://www.crydev.net/uploads/mediapool/081124mf/image1.jpg I want something like this
  10. WANT! also the sonic disruptor (Captain Jack Harkness' (pistol shape) and The Master's (sonic screwdriver shape))
  11. Il Duce armor/vest or some Boondock Saints armor and weapon kits would be pretty bad ass XD
  12. Or you could have a miniaturized Lincoln memorial with the doors being where Lincoln's Throne would be. have it between Micheal Angelo's Shop and the NCR Embassy. The sign out front could be a MA Custom sign. I also think there should be a "Hall of Flags" to represent the emblems of ours and others' past and have a separate wing for the traitors of American History.
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