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About slash0mega

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  1. anybody know of any mostly bug free vertibird mods? I was using neutral vertibirds but the important VCU or vertibird control unit flat out doesn't work anymore... i was wondering If anybody knew of any working vertibird mods, especially ones where you can build a vertibird on your settlement, and have the ability to call it to your location anytime. i did try going through the mod search for some, but almost all of them seem to have critical bugs judging from the comments. I doubt anything new will turn up, but i figured it was worth the ask. particularly because fallout is super fun when you replace fast travel with a vertibird and I don't want to give it up quite yet, though i may have to.
  2. this makes no sense, why would Preston and the minutemen EVER become raiders? that is really out of character...
  3. assuming flashlights textures can be detailed, could someone add a light emitter to the vault tec workshops projector, a spotlight/flashlight that casts shadows using the "please stand by" textures specifically. it would be really cool if someone could do this.
  4. my twitter was hacked, i think the data came from this breach. don't be lazy peaple, change your passwords ASAP luckaly my email was allready deferent and the only thing done to my twitter was mass following.
  5. also, i would like to point out that most of these mods are in unofficial "compilations" which have been pleaging pc for years. #notsodeferent
  6. ok oh "gloreus pc master race" you are leages above the "console pesents", this fiasco is proof that "we" are better than the pesents right? ALL OF THEM, THE WHOLE LOT are dirty theves, stealing OUR mods, we are better than them RIGHT? exepct, i remember somthing... somthing that was a gloreus exlusive to "us" pc master race. it's knows as steam workshop, no console peasents there, and its a wonderfull perfect platform... except "glorues pc master race" uploads other peaple mods there too, so ya, you can not just lump everyone who plays on a console as bad, its a large diverse group of people, just like we are, people who just prefer pc for whatever reason. and in that large group there will be horrible individuals, just like us. and above all else, DO NOT PUNISH THE MOD USERS, DO NOT CORRUPT SAVES, THEY DID NOTHING. they are just looking for fun, they have no idea if the mod was stolen!!!! instead of corrupting the saves. detect console and spam the message pop up "one of your mods is incomparable with consoles, which may lead to poor performance or damaging your game, please remove the offending mod, chances are if you are seeing this message then the mod was STOLEN, so please leave a nasty comment on the mods page, thank you!" set that message in a loop so they game is unplayable till the mod is removed. tl:dr WE ARE ALL FREAKING HUMANS, AND HUMANS ARE A-HOLES. and dont punish non-a-hols for the actions of a-holes.
  7. i have seen this before, basicly someone makes a radio station that plays a bunch of blank mps files, and players can replace the blank files with their music and it would play ingmae
  8. hm, i wonder how powerfull that would be, most things would work perfectly with the autonamatron station, things like hair, hair color, blimishes, but what about sliders?
  9. wait, is this a console crowed thing or a internet thing? er, again, i could imagine that beth net thing being from ANYWHERE on the internet, including the nexus.
  10. vocal minority! these "console peasants" are your typical run of the mill internet idiot. the only "problem" here is accessibility, suddenly you don't have to screw with files, download mod managers, or anything like that. its BOOP BOOP modded. now people who have no idea how modding (or courtesy) works are now included. so total idiots think they can now mod. of course, there are plenty of peaple who are not flooding the nexus making demands, but nobody knows about them BECAUSE they are not yelling at peaple.
  11. it might come back, trolls you know.
  12. so a god mode? or do you mean one more hit at 1hp will end you?
  13. I felt the same way, so i made this Wasteland Workshop Defenders makes it so that tamed creatures are willing to fight their own kind and not kill friendly's that are a different species. also if your emitter ever goes down they fight each other so you are not stuck fighting 30 deathclaws. warning, i have no idea how nicely it plays with beast whisperer that loxly linked
  14. i think streaming would be impossible without engine modification.
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