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Everything posted by Lava2007

  1. Okay I just tested it for the 3rd time since my last post. The first two times I did NOT get a notification at all, so I fast traveled to my settlement only for one the settlers to give me a radiant quest (Help clear out <locationname>). So my question is how do I disable the radiant quests just for testing purposes. I've tried disableding the "MinRecruitmentAfteOwned" to false as opposed to it's value of false as opposed to it's normal true.
  2. Okay I got into the game and waited until about November 3rd (In-Game) and finally got the notification. I'm still going to extensively test this, but here's to hoping that fixes my problem. I'll keep in touch.
  3. I had to add a few things and change a few things to match that section, gonna test it and will let you know.
  4. It says that it found 38 WorkshopParent Workshops, 0 Errors, and 0 error overwrites.
  5. So I'm working on a settlment mod that adds locations, and I got most of it working properly. When I go in game and I get the notification it usually shows up as "[...] is under attack" in all my testing I've seen it pick a random location (in my testing it was Country Crossing - even though I did not have that location active). On the very rare occasional and I CANT get it to be repetitive in showing the proper location What I Did: I took the vanilla (Fallout4.esm) attack quests so the one i'm currently using is called "WorkshopFeralGhoulAttack01" I duplicated and gave it a unique ID with the prefix to seperate mine from the vanilla games. When I test it like i said above it shows [...], now I THINK I read this someplace but that is supposed to mean that the alias did not fill? Quests: PREFIX_WorkshopFeralGhoulAttack01 Messages: PREFIX_WorkshopFeralghoulAttack01Message - Owner Quest: PREFIX_WorkshopFeralGhoulAttack01 (Quest) Story Manager: WorkshopScriptsEvent > WorkshopAttackNode > PREFIX_WorkshopFeralGhoulAttack01 NOTE: I've tried to place a image but can't figure out how to place it within the forum post. I've also tried to attach it to the "attach files" section but apparently it's too large. NOTE: I'm still learning about aliases and the CreationKit.com doesn't help my comprehension. So if you could possibly elaborate your answers. My Goal: Make a quest(s) that will add my custom locations (vanilla locations made into settlements)
  6. Okay, so I figured it out after several days of frustration (3 days of actively testing - trial & error). Turn out it was the simple tag "S GetInCurrentLocation LocationName == 1.00 AND" which is what I was missing ever since I put that in I've gotten attacked by Gunners, Raiders, Super Mutants. However there is NO "SettlementName is under attack!" Again another two or so days and I got it to work however I'm still going to take one piece from here and there to find out what I was missing. Now it's showing " [...] is under attack !" instead of [Wicked Shipping] is under attack!" I remember reading someplace (dont remember the location (website wise)) and it said something about if you get the three dots in the middle of the brackets that it means the alias didn't fill. So I'm thinking it's my location alias that the message form is the culprit, however, I'm just learning and have the most basic understanding of aliases and what they can do. If you can further assist that would be splendid! Also if you require some screenshots I'll more than happily take them of the CK. ~ Lava2007
  7. Does anyone know how to make a custom settlement to recieve BOTH the notification and the attack at a custom location ? As I put in the title this is like my 3rd day trying to figure it out, I've tried adding my WorkshopParent (not the original) to the Story Manager, I've literately tried everything I could think of. Please tell me there are people who can answer this question I'm am I frustrated I just want to rip my hair out. Thanks for viewing and hopefully responding to my question.
  8. Thank you for your response, I've tried everything I could think of. I can't get a settlement attack while i'm out of the cell, however I do get the quests like "defend location" & clear the raiders quests. But I just can't get them to attack my settlement while i'm out of the cell. (I never get the attack notification there.)
  9. I'm trying to get random enemy attacks to spawn but the only attacks I get is like when the settlers come up to you and say "Are you here to help". Then Raiders OR Gunners attack yada yada yada, but I can't seem to get my settlement to be attacked and get the notification that "settlement name is under attack". Does anyone know how to make them attack? Which is what leads me to my question, I know one is for In-Cell and the other is when your Out-Of-Cell. Can anyone answer this for me.รข
  10. Okay so to make a long thread short I have the vendor (NPC) created, the container set up, and created a cusomt (duplicated) store and renamed it to my vendor's name. When I go up to the NPC and go through his dialogue and select his "Do you sell anything" prompt and he responds "Of Course" it then proceeds to open up his inventory which I want. The problem comes when I assign him to his store and I go back through his dialogue it then shows his inventory again. Instead of his "Specialist Container" that I have him setup to. I have the store script setup to be a level "2" vendor and I have my NPC set to be a level "2" vendor as well. Any thoughts?
  11. Here is a youtube playlist that covers most aspects of quests. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLElczpoUwHC7fO20B5AM054cbxH7Yjho9
  12. I'm not sure which mod it is (as I typically have both loaded) one of these two mods actually allows you to throw a stimpack dark, med-x dart and other forms of darts. The two mods are called "Crafting workbenches" and "Grenade Expansion Pack 2". There both fun as one of them allows you to throw artillery shells by hand at enemies. lol
  13. Hi all who are reading this I used to play (and am thinking about getting back into playing) a game called "Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain", there is a character on their name "Quiet" who I absolutely love. I am sending a request in for her (Adult-Only Style) outfit. Personally if I had the programs and the know how to do this, I would likely do it myself, but I don't so I am asking the community to please and I mean please make this outfit.
  14. Hello all I was on the discord called "Bethesda's Mods" and I was asking about what kind of loot I should give for a person who completed the section of the cell. One person mentioned it would be a good idea to give them a mod for their gun like say the Deliverer, so what I would like to do is make a mod to convert the ammo to a .50 caliber. It would be greatly appreciated if someone could come out with a tutorial to go through the steps of how to make a brand new one explaining each of the steps, or duplicate an existing one and go through each of the steps as previously mentioned. My second tutorial I would like to request is using the Object Template like to make a power armor suit have let's say the blood cleanser mod on it already attached and functioning. NOTE: I have troubles with coomprehendsion so if you could do two things 1) include pictures or a video and 2) bare with me if I have any questions.
  15. I got to step 8 of 9 of the upload process but it asked for a .zip or a .rar file, I have no clue how to do this. Can anyone help me convert this into those files? Also what file type do I use ? .esp??
  16. Thank you for the welcome and thank you for the link.
  17. Hi i'm brand new and I read the post that said "readme" next to it and I have tried looking for the specific game. Does anyone have any advice on how to navigate this site? I am trying to get to the Fallout 4 section of this forums, more specifically to ask ... well maybe this is the forum. I am wondering how to convert a file to a .zip or .rar. I need to convert these files so I can upload my mod(s). Thanks for your help and sorry if this is the wrong section.
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