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Everything posted by Miyukarou

  1. Yep, it's that missing texture purple. And only my mutfruits. I know they're kind purplish, but it's the "missing textures". It's just strange because everything else works fine.
  2. Yes, and that is my problem! It enables my mods but at the same time it screws up my textures!
  3. Hello guys, I hope somebody can help me. I edited the .ini files like it have been said in the (updated) YouTube video by Gophner. Still, some mods won't function. I found out why: I had to add this line to the Fallout.ini files (picture 1) But when I add this line, my textures become violet. For example mutfruits. Actually, only my mutfruits are purple. Nothing else. I can't upload a picture of it, but maybe you know what I mean. Why is this happening? And yes, I added any additional stuff to the custom.inis. I did everything like the video but it still doesn't work? It's so frustrating, I just want to to play Fallout. Here are some examples of mods that won't function if I don't add this stupid line: CBBE, Fusion City, Scrap Everything, Homemaker, heroic power armor poses,.... I really hope that anybody can help me. Thank you in advance!
  4. Thanks for your answer. Still, it doesn't work properly. Am I able to download texture packs, because it seems like I either ruined the whole game or a mod is disabling a texture, because my mutfruits are violet and have no texture and it's so annyoing. ^^
  5. Hi guys, I hope I have the right place for my topic/question. I really need your help!! It seems like I messed up the .ini files a lot. Or, to be more precised, I have no clue at all what to do. So first my problem: I am very new to the modding stuff and didn't know about the role of the .ini files until yesterday. I was always wondering why some mods function and some do not. I just thought they were broken or something like that. But, as I read here very often, I have to add some new commands (?) within the FalloutCustom.ini and Fallout.ini files. Firstly: It often says that I have to change "sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\" into "sResourceDataDirsFinal=" or "sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\, TEXTURES\, MUSIC\, SOUND\, INTERFACE\, MESHES\, PROGRAMS\, MATERIALS\, LODSETTINGS\, VIS\, MISC\, SCRIPTS\, SHADERSFX\" Some say, one have to do that in the Fallout.ini, some other say, one have to add a further [Archive] within the FalloutCustom.ini. What do I have to do now? Secondly: If I add these files under FalloutCustom.ini, do I have to delete the "sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\" in Fallout.ini? Thirdly: Do I have to add "bInvalidateOlderFiles=1" to the .ini or the Custom.ini? Fourthly: I tried a lot and changed everything to standard, because non of it worked! Now with changed .inis, some plants are always violett, eventhough I may have everything correctly changed. This only changes back to normal when I totally delete all changes in the .ini files and leave it like it was before any change. This problem is bothering the most! My .inis looked like that, maybe you can figure out the source of my violet plants? Fallout.ini - just like they are, didn't change anything at the "sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\" Fallout.Custom - [Display] iLocation X=0 iLocation Y=0 [Archive] bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 and maybe sResourceDataDirsFinal= I am just totally confused right now. I'm deeply sorry but could some of you bring some light into this? I just feel like stranded. Thanks for everybody who will help!! (I hope, you understand what I meant. Sorry for any understanding mistakes)
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