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About CaptainStarlight

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  1. Given that the method of modding the game is changed at pretty core level, how likely is it that something like AMUMSS can be updated to support the new modding method? It was really good at detecting and resolving conflicts without having to manually merge files... Is this something that is in progress based on the Experimental or is there a replacement tool being worked on?
  2. I've been sending all food to camp, but a way to combine them into a camp-pack when you get 40 supplies worth would be really nice.
  3. NP If anyone finds this and needs to know how to remove it from a mod that has it added (or to check a mod for it if you can't use the mod-manager). Obviously don't remove it from the standalone fixer [ ]. If you want to take it out of a mod, unpack the mod with the bg3 multi-tool (https://github.com/ShinyHobo/BG3-Modders-Multitool), look for " ForceRecompile.txt " delete that file, repack.
  4. As far as I can tell you will need mod fixer for ANY mod that edits the nautiloid (possibly only ones that edit the tutorial chest, but I haven't gone back and taken those out to confirm). If you remove mod fixer from any mods that have it built in youi can install the standalone mod fixer to get through character creation and then uninstall it once youi have a game save. As far as I can tell mod fixer forces the story cache to rebuild so you should only need it to run once (at CC) then you should be good, but I haven't finished ACT 2. If youi get the naked dudes and no ability to do anything later on my guess would be install mod fixer to get past and then take it out after saving a bit further, but YMMV. (I would say this is a LOT riskier on an Honor mod b/c I made a save both before and after each install/uninstall.
  5. It would be interesting to see 'The Artifact' with a texture / mesh replacement to make it look like the Lament configuration I think, ideally with at least a glow effect for cutscenes. (If it could have the animation that would be fantastic, but I have no idea if the game could do that).
  6. Theres a console command that will let you upgrade all equipped weapons to legendary, just have to be careful what you have in equip'd slots. Works in CET console itself. There is one for weapon slot only to legendary. Look for the categorized all in one command list. https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/521
  7. Unfortunately 1.6.1 seems to have broken that mod, and it only affected the Arch motorcycles.
  8. It seems like 1.6.1 may have swapped the broken windshields texture on motorcycles with the clean texture. Not really a big deal on the rides having a sport screen, but the Apollo is almost undrivable with the screen covered in cracks and dents. Could a mod be made to swap them back? The screen magically goes clean when you punch or shoot it so I think its swapped textures or effects.
  9. Keyboard with volume hotkeys as a temp band-aid... but yes a scripted button for music volume would be awesome, a scripted hotkey for music volume only would be pretty good. I'd say a CET hotkey should be pretty doable, making an actual "physical" control given how hard the vehicle interiors or even exteriors are to edit now might be a massive project.
  10. Best I've seen is a mod that replaces it with a stuffed cat. Possibly a replacer with the AMM mod... havent tried that one yet
  11. Is there anyway to mod what weapon you get when you are in the "on rails" shooting scenes, IE after the first Act 1 mission, when being chased by drones in a car, etc so its not the crappy "Unity" pistol or just modify that gun so it acttually does damage? Even on easy mode they tend to hit for almost nothing if you are leveled up and past the cheap "starter" pistol. In TW3 I know you could modify the "cutscene" weapon in one of the script archives, but its been awhile since I messed with that sort of thing.
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