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  1. And that means no Settlement Modding anymore. This happened after update to Bethesda Launcher, so maybe connected? Anyone else having this issue or is this simply Bethesda telling me to "give it a rest, enough Settlement MODs already man!"
  2. I also do what speedynl says: set encounter zone on all markers. Now, it isn't necessary on all, but I prefer to do little extra to make things smoother. And speedynl is one of 2 guys who most taught me settlement modding originally, so never listen if he starts on 'I am n00b' -speach. HAHAHA
  3. 1. not critical at all 2. You rename only Commonwealth/Wilderness cell that has your Workshop, and most of markers, the building area can then be expanded lot from that 3. No idea, I'e never used them myself MapMarker and other markers plus Location and Zone are the important stuff to get settlement show on map and settlers to find it!
  4. Yes, that sounds like a tedious solution for anything more than a room or a small house interior. BUT it is a solution, and maybe gives some clue as to what this bloody bug is, LOL.
  5. Since in 3 of my last 4 Interior Settlement attempts this issue has come up, I can definitely say that this is TEXTURE issue! How come you ask? Because: 1. You can place items in Workshop Mode 2. You can use them out of Workshop Mode 3. Both in 1. and 2. they are invisible, while in 1. you can also see the outlines of object, in case you wonder how I placed them As a curiosity, I was able to place Turrets visibly while in Workshop Mode quite well in one of the problem interiors. Totally baffles me! Will now check if I can do same in other two Interiors, as if yes, that should give a clue as to what is going on.
  6. Sorry, nothing has so far fixed this for me, so I am fresh out of ideas, my own and others'.
  7. Nice that you got it working! As to making mistakes, that's how I learn, I suppose all of us really. :cool:
  8. Happiness is supposed to show 50! If it is 0, then you have problem. I am making Settlements MODs myself this week, but I try get time next week to look through yours.
  9. Regular workbench works just fine inside also. What you need to do however is to point your Location on Map to MapMarker itself instead of XMarkerHead. And also you need to change location AND zone in Cell, and that can be tricky, mainly you can't have the Cell you handle active. Activate another Cell and then change things in Cell you need to.
  10. Have you tested them separately? I mean that load only one MOD and check if it also looses name after some time. I will look into these after holidays like I promised, bye for now!
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