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Everything posted by logandp7

  1. As in the title, I had a computer wipe after a Windows update. It's a long story. I managed to recover most of my saves (though I believe most of them were corrupted), but I don't have the .xml file for my character. Is there any way I can recover my character? I've set up the correct folder structure, but I still need the .xml for it to actually work. I'm also missing the character picture but that's not a problem since I can just create a placeholder I think. I had just finished the story and was beginning Awakening when my computer got wiped. I really don't want to have to start all over again. If you're able to help, then you have my thanks.
  2. My game continues to crash on start-up. What mod/mods do I need to disable to stop the crashing? This is my load order of mods: FalloutNV.esm DeadMoney.esm HonestHearts.esm OldWorldBlues.esm LonesomeRoad.esm GunRunnersArsenal.esm ClassicPack.esm MercenaryPack.esm TribalPack.esm CaravanPack.esm Project Nevada - Core.esm QSkunkwaterGulch.esm CINEMATECH.esm WillHavenNav.esm Military NV Backpacks.esm Niner.esm NVR-Strip.esm SCAV.esm SelectFire.esm SomeguySeries.esm New Vegas Redesigned II.esm Shogo_Heavy_Industries.esm iHUD.esm SaxxonsQuestPack.esm Lings.esm ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esm ELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esm FOOK - New Vegas.esm FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esm CFWNV.esm Project Nevada - Equipment.esm Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp NCR CF.esp YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp DynamiCamera.esp Readius_NV.esp Men of the Wasteland.esp The Mod Configuration Menu.esp The Weapon Mod Menu.esp GBMM - Gun Behavior Mod Merge.esp Dry Canyon.esp 9A91.esp AEK971.esp AK-12NV.esp Cuter Veronica Felicia Day.esp Prime_Boone.esp Cafe Of Broken Dreams - Jericho.esp Better Burned Man.esp Brotherhood and House Alliance.esp NVR-NPCs.esp Water _Tower_Hideout_Reworked_v101.esp BlackMountainThugArmorComplete.esp Scout Armor.esp NVR-Version_10.esp FOOK - New Vegas.esp FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esp Bullet Fixes.esp Extra Rounds.esp No Tracer.esp No Hitscan.esp AG Weapon Reload SFX.esp Improved Sound FX.esp Improved Sound FX - Weapon Sharing Fix.esp NewVegasBounties.esp CourierCacheWSE.esp shut up musicspeakers.esp Fallout 1 and 2 ambient music v0.2.esp FalloutNVCheatTerminal.esp AK_AR15WP.esp AKS74u.esp StrikerNV.esp ASVAL.esp B92FS.esp AK47.esp AK74.esp Jmod Bullpup Pack.esp BM4A1.esp CamonPack - Blachnick - Scottmack.esp CaymanNV.esp 1911.esp CShotgun.esp Cz52_Ver1.1.esp Cz75 Ver1.0.esp Exciters M4 Pack.esp Exciters MP5 Pack.esp G43.esp G3SG1.esp HomemadeSMG.esp ScottmackImprovisedPPSh.esp L96.esp LeeEnfieldNo4.esp LewisNV.esp VelociRaptorNV.esp Luger.esp M14.esp M37Ithaca.esp M40a5.esp Makarov.esp Duplet.esp MCL_Weapon_Pack.esp MosinNagant.esp NambuType14.esp P38_Pistol.esp PPSh41.esp Remington870SO.esp Ruger Mini-14 Ver1.0.esp SapphireNV.esp ScottmackWeaponPack.esp StenMkII.esp SVT40.esp Exciters MCW ACWS Pack II v.2.05.esp Exciters SCAR-H Assault Rifle v.1.00.esp Exciters SIG SG552C II.esp TruckRifle.esp Millenia_Tokarev.esp M1 Carbine.esp HKUSP.esp VP70.esp Vz61 Ver1.1.esp Boacombat2glove.esp ClearWindows.esp boa ncrpahelmet.esp bzArmour.esp DragonskinTacticalOutfit.esp DragonskinBonusPack.esp DTO-ProjectNevada.esp JustAnArmorPack_NV.esp JustAnArmorPack_WithCheatBox.esp DragsModernGunslinger.esp WastelandGasMask.esp TheLozza's_Gasmasks.esp Geonox_Restored_Riot_Armor.esp DTOBP-ProjectNevada.esp Geonox_Riot_Armor.esp Holster Gear.esp MercWanderer.esp MoraelinsProfessionalsSuitMod.esp NCRTrooperOverhaul.esp KDS Wearable Backpacks.esp Beards.esp TFH Rugged Race.esp TFH Rugged Race 2.esp Converge T-Shirts.esp Military NV Backpacks - BumBagUseSlot1.esp Military NV Backpacks - Vendor Script Replenish.esp QDesertFox.esp PimpMyScarf_v2.esp QS_Blackwolf_NV_Backpackmod.esp Blachnick90 Armor-Addons.esp TGsArmorCollectionVegas.esp MilitaryArmorPack.esp w44Satchels - Full.esp 1nivVSLArmors.esp 1nivPNSLPatch.esp 1nivVSLArmors Cheat.esp T46b Power Armor Standalone - PN.esp TFH 1st Recon Helmet.esp NVR- Recommended.esp New Vegas redesigned- Honest Hearts.esp Voice dissonance fix.esp Companion Module Pack.esp delilah.esp desmond companion.esp Tess.esp BrigComp.esp Nicky1.esp Russell.esp NVWillow.esp QHarlandFollower.esp CasinoHeistPack.esp CasinoBankMoney.esp ColossusBOSXV.esp UsableCigarettes neunen Ver for New Vegas.esp smartass.esp Vurt's WFO.esp TFH Better Authority Glasses.esp Modern Warfare 3 - John Soap MacTavish.esp ProjectRealityMkIv5HDR.esp HardcoreFourEyes.esp RealisticReloading.esp DK Caucasians.esp Lings-PlayableRaces.esp LegendPresets.esp LegendsQuigley.esp LegendsPlissken.esp Hannie Caulder.esp LegendsBourne.esp LegendsDaryl.esp LegendsDredd.esp LegendsEli.esp LegendsElliott.esp LegendsFirefly.esp LegendsPike.esp LegendsRifleman.esp LegendsTheMan.esp LegendsValdez.esp LITE factions reloaded raiders v1dot1.esp MAD - GunsAddon.esp MAD - Core Gameplay.esp MAD - Day of the Dead.esp DynamicTimeScale.esp SideburnsBeardFlare.esp SideburnsBeardLong.esp FalloutMaleHair.esp SideburnsBeardShort.esp Sideburns.esp XVSharlArmour.esp nu_women_of_the_wasteland.esp Total Plug-Ins(ESPs/ESMs): 223
  3. For me, it's a tie. Both series have had recent f*#@ ups with some of their games recently GTA Series: GTA IV Elder Scrolls Series: The abomination called Skyrim
  4. Yes please, I hope you post it. I loved that mod for Fallout 3.
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