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About Slayorwrath

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  1. So I waited in game for the cell to reset, and it looks like it has re set the respawn flag to on. Not sure of a way around that just yet. I'll keep trying though.
  2. Here you go Mkr1977. It took me a while to find the right place as I thought the door was in the interior section of Corvega. turns out it was outside. I only removed the ability for the chain to respawn. You'll still have to clear Corvega at least once and remove the chain. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/23339/?
  3. It's not quite the same but the only mod I could find for Fallout 4 that does this is http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/1944/?
  4. Hi all, After playing an ARMA 3 mod a while back I saw that when Ammunition containers were destroyed it would emit the contents in random directions into the area (I believe with lowered damage for bullets). Using the Creation Kit I managed to make explosive/flammable ammunition and items (logical stuff anyway) explode with their damagetype with "add destruction data". Now i'm interested in setting up Ammo boxes the same way *if they have something explosive in them. I can add destruction data to the containers. But I don't know how to check the contents and use an appropriate explosion type (I also have no idea how to make the container "emit" bullets randomly if I went that direction). I assume I would have to use scripting for this and I'm not too confident in that field. Anyone out there interesting in helping out? I would greatly appreciate it.
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