Solved: The issue was SSE Fixes. I'm using Vortex as my mod manager. So my game CTDs when I'm loading after sleeping on the bed. I first thought it was a skeleton issue. I read a ton of posts with simmilar issues to mine and it seems that it's usually caused from an incompatible skeleton or enb. I'm not using enb and I reinstalled any mod that could cause a skeleton issue. Didn't work. Then I realized that it didn't happen the first time I did it, only the subsequent times ( I changed the starting option ), so I figured that the issue was most likely something to do with the cell being loaded. The first option I chose that worked was in a cave, whereas the others were outdoors, so I was thinking it was a conflict between Realistic Water Two, Majestic Mountains, and SMIM, so I made sure they were loaded in the correct order (as recommended by the mod authors) and made a bash patch. Still getting CTDs. So at this point I have no idea what the problem is. Maybe it's just a load order conflict I'm missing. I got a papyrus log and don't understand most of what's on it, but it seems there are a ton of errors for missing mod esps for a ton of completely urelated mods. It seems like Sneak Tools has some problems, so I removed it, but I still get the same CTD. I should probably also mention that SKSE crashes if I try to load a save file of in the Alternate Start dungeon place, so I make a new character every time I test the main CTD issue. I figured I would deal with that once I leave that location and see if it still happened, but it might be related. Here are my load orders and logs and stuff: SKSE Log: Papyrus Log: