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  1. Â How did you figure out the mod load order number? I can't seem to figure it out. Wow this is an old thread. Itâs been a while since I last played the game, but it should list your load order in whatever mod manager you use.
  2. Solved: The issue was SSE Fixes. I'm using Vortex as my mod manager. So my game CTDs when I'm loading after sleeping on the bed. I first thought it was a skeleton issue. I read a ton of posts with simmilar issues to mine and it seems that it's usually caused from an incompatible skeleton or enb. I'm not using enb and I reinstalled any mod that could cause a skeleton issue. Didn't work. Then I realized that it didn't happen the first time I did it, only the subsequent times ( I changed the starting option ), so I figured that the issue was most likely something to do with the cell being loaded. The first option I chose that worked was in a cave, whereas the others were outdoors, so I was thinking it was a conflict between Realistic Water Two, Majestic Mountains, and SMIM, so I made sure they were loaded in the correct order (as recommended by the mod authors) and made a bash patch. Still getting CTDs. So at this point I have no idea what the problem is. Maybe it's just a load order conflict I'm missing. I got a papyrus log and don't understand most of what's on it, but it seems there are a ton of errors for missing mod esps for a ton of completely urelated mods. It seems like Sneak Tools has some problems, so I removed it, but I still get the same CTD. I should probably also mention that SKSE crashes if I try to load a save file of in the Alternate Start dungeon place, so I make a new character every time I test the main CTD issue. I figured I would deal with that once I leave that location and see if it still happened, but it might be related. Here are my load orders and logs and stuff: SKSE Log: Papyrus Log:
  3. Thanks, that helps me figure out the problem. Nevada Skies makes nights darker. After turning it off, the dark circle goes away. Now I'm wondering if there is another darker nights mod that won't cause this or if there is a mod that changes the nightscope to get rid of that effect.
  4. There is a weird dark circle in the middle of the scope that makes it very difficult to use. I have to use the edge of the scope to actually see whats happening. Any idea on how to find what's causing this? I tried looking through fnvedit, but couldn't find anything that changes the nightscope. My load order FalloutNV.esm DeadMoney.esm HonestHearts.esm OldWorldBlues.esm LonesomeRoad.esm GunRunnersArsenal.esm ClassicPack.esm MercenaryPack.esm TribalPack.esm CaravanPack.esm YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm Interior Lighting Overhaul - Core.esm ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esm NVInteriors_Core.esm NVInteriors_ComboEdition.esm NVInt_ARoomWithAView.esm Project Nevada - Core.esm Project Nevada - Equipment.esm ELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esm Interior Lighting Overhaul - L38PS.esm MikotoBeauty.esm oHUD.esm Detect Traps.esm Advanced Recon Tech.esm NevadaSkies.esm Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp Project Nevada - Extra Options.esm YUP - NPC Fixes (Base Game + All DLC).esp Armor Replacer Child NPC Fix.esp Interior Lighting Overhaul - Ultimate Edition.esp Vurt's WFO.esp ILO - NVInteriors Project.esp vault22FloralOverhaul.esp REPCONN Test Site Fixes.esp Femalepowerarmor.esp BabyDoll.esp DarNifiedUINV.esp DeadMoneyFemaleTuxedo.esp FONVAyumi.esp FONVMoon.esp FONVTona.esp FPSWeaponWheel.esp ILO - Nevada Skies Patch.esp MikotoBeauty.esp Mystyks Faces NV.esp OWB-Path Lights - Darker Nights.esp OWB-Path Lights.esp populatedcasino.esp Reload Speed Game Start Fix.esp The Mod Configuration Menu.esp UnlimitedCompanions.esp NevadaSkies - Brighter Nights.esp Advanced Recon Armor.esp Advanced Recon Gear.esp Advanced Recon Gear - Project Nevada.esp Advanced Recon Range Finder.esp Detect Traps - Perk.esp Detect Traps - Traponator 4000.esp Advanced Recon Tech - Detect Traps.esp Detect Traps - DLC.esp Advanced Recon Desert Ranger Helmet.esp Project Nevada - Rebalance Complete.esp Project Nevada - All DLC.esp Advanced Recon Riot Gear Helmet.esp Improved Sound FX.esp EVE FNV - ALL DLC.esp CompanionDe-Equip.esp dD - Enhanced Blood Main NV.esp CONELRAD 640-1240.esp Advanced Recon Tech.esp Improved Sound FX - Merged Major DLCs.esp Improved Sound FX - Weapon Sharing Fix.esp Improved Sound FX - EVE.esp PerkEveryLevel.esp Roberts_NewVegas.esp 1nivVSLArmors.esp Better Burned Man.esp Improved-ammoingredientsloot.esp LFox Bottle That Water.esp Burning CampFire.esp CASM.esp FlashlightNVSE.esp Quicker PipBoy Light-0_2Sec.esp The Weapon Mod Menu.esp BrighterPipboyLight.esp AllCompanionsEssential 2.0b.esp RWD-NV v1.4 [standard Version].esp RWD-NV v1.4 [standard Version] Update+DLC.esp Project Nevada - Dead Money.esp Project Nevada - EVE All DLC.esp Project Nevada - Gun Runners' Arsenal.esp Project Nevada - Honest Hearts.esp Project Nevada - Lonesome Road.esp Project Nevada - Old World Blues (No Cyberware).esp NevadaSkies - Ultimate DLC Edition.esp
  5. well that's even better - didn't even know there were separate DLC patches. I don't see them in the files list on the mod page, are they somewhere else?
  6. So there are several features of project nevada that I like, but some I don't. The Cybernetics is the main part I don't like, mostly just because of the limit it places on the number of implants you can have. So I reinstalled PN without the cybernetics just to run into the problem that the extra options dlc patch requires cyberware.esp as a master. I tried removing it in fnvedit but I don't have a lot of experience using it and couldn't get it to work. How would I go about removing cyberware.esp as a master so I can use extra options?
  7. So I realized my problem was that I wasn't putting in the mod load order number - for example, a steel circlet - the default number I got from creation kit was 020C0C52, but the tytanis mod it comes from is in my mod load list as number 1D so i have to change steel circlets number to 1D0C0C52, replacing the 02 with 1D. Even though I solved this another problem I have is that the 'help' command does not work for anything, even default skyrim stuff.
  8. So I'm trying to player.additem a modded item, but every time I try this it says "compiled script not saved!" How do I fix this?
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