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About Morattis

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  1. Wow, that is too complicated for me, my modding abilities are tinkering with numbers and adding items already created. Thanks for the info though.
  2. Nice. I was a little scared to touch leveled lists and containers.Ok Back to the CK. Thanks man
  3. Thanks Brasher, I thought this containers (like TreasBanditChest) was just one, so I thought there weren't enough containers. So is it better to edit leveled lists or containers?
  4. I want to put some custom armors/weapons in all random containers, but all I can find is some named ones, but very few. Does anybody know where are all of them? The idea I want to implement with the custom armors is that you can find any armor at any container of the world(except merchant/especial ones), but in the CK I only find like 10-15 under CONTAINERS.
  5. I agree with kryptopyr "I think the cleanest way to add the requirements without interfering with the story is probably to prevent the initial faction quest from beginning until the player meets the necessary conditions". The cleaner the better.
  6. well for example to gain entry to the companions you could need 70 in a 1hskill or 2h or achery, and to gain entry to mages guild something similar or perhaps casting a mid-level spell to show the girl that you are worthy. For the thieves guild requirements there is already a mod, the one that brynjolf doesn't aproach you if you have not stolen or pickpocketed a certain amount of items.
  7. yes please, I hope you are right and it is an easy fix.
  8. The main idea is the same as a mod that already exists in which Brynjolf doesn't let you join the thieves guild unless you have some items stolen/pickpocketed. I always thought it is too easy to join the companions(greatest skyrim's champions) or the mage's guild. If I knew where to start I would do it myself, like requiring for example 70 in a warrior skill(archery or 2h or 1h)and requiring 60 in some magic school to enter the mage's guild. Any ideas?
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