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  1. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/5320 <--- THIS but Starfield please? I'd like to go into build mode on my ship and scrap all the useless racks, boxes, and other such and place more useful stuff down instead.
  2. I found the game settings you spoke of, but I can't find anything that implies you can change the boost time limit/consumption. The only thing that comes close to implying that is the setting "fVehicleBoostCeiling". BUT... I can't change it. When I type a number to change it and hit enter... it doesn't stick. The CK won't let me change it. I've even tried adding it to the .ini files in My Games/Starfield as different values (fVehicleBoostCeiling=#) and no changes happened that way either. The setting, when seen in the CK, is in purple lettering.
  3. With my limited knowledge of the CK, I tried to find anything listed under "Rev8" to see if it had a simple stat that could be changed for the vehicle's boost capability. Unfortunately, I could not find anything to my knowledge to manipulate it's boost function. Could somebody help in that regard, both vertical and horizontal boost?
  4. So... it's been a bit... and I figured I'd resurrect this request, to see if anybody may have made a mod like this?
  5. So, an adapter piece of some sort... reversible so it can go back the other way too, I'd think.
  6. I'd love to see a mod that adds ship hab modules to the list of structures than can be built in outposts, mixing and matching them together at will. Anybody else?
  7. Similar concept found here: https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/6968/?tab=description&jump_to_comment=130583093
  8. Heya peeps... So... hull plates please? O.O I don't think I'd be the only one who would like to mix and mesh different ship company modules together for different interiors. The problem unfortunately is the exterior. Mixing modules basically makes a ship look like a bunch of Lego blocks stacked together. Hull plating of the same sizes of modules would be awesome to slap down atop, side, and under the ship to make one uniform look, hiding the modules underneath. Take an earlier version of my ship for example: This has Taiyo and Deimos modules. Slap some 1x1, 1x2, and 1x3 hull plates over them (and the vital components) with a uniformal pattern, and ya got a slick ship that looks like it's one piece.
  9. I've never seen a flat square or rectangular panel you could simply stick onto the anchor points of a ship while in the builder. Just bumpers, cowlings, braces, and other such. I'm talking, just a flat @$$ piece of metal you can slap on the sides and ends of a module to make it all look like one whole piece, not a bunch of legos with accessories.
  10. I have found that ships end up looking like high tech Lego blocks snapped together. Flat, thin, straight and angled hull panels or plates that can attach to the outside to hide all the nooks, crannies and crevasses to make the ship look more uniform on the outside would be awesome.
  11. I would think it's still being made. I have a vague memory of reading somewhere that the right/permission to continue the development was granted. With it being such a hot hit with Skyrim and Fallout 4, (and the pervy nature of people in general) I can't see it not coming to the game.
  12. @ArchAngelAries... I'm no expert at using this... only in passing have I done so, but if you haven't already heard of it, there is a program called Nifskope. I've only used it in passing, but it loads and presumably edits nifs. https://github.com/niftools/nifskope/releases
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