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  1. Based on how they're pricing items, I highly doubt they'll ever release even an Automatron-sized DLC through the CC.
  2. According to my math, when you buy from the Creation Club marketplace, at worst you pay $1.07 per 100 cc and at best $.73 per 100cc. At the best value, the Enclave Armor is worth $3.65 which means that the five original Power Armors in the base game "must" be worth a collective total of $18.25, representing almost 1/3 of the game's original $60 price tag. Now since there are about 29 unique weapons in the original base game, and the "new" Gauss Rifle costs 400cc ($2.92 at the best rate) that means that the 29 original weapons represent....$84.68 worth of content?
  3. I honestly don't want the mod myself, but the thought occurred to me that someone else might. Basically, the Companion AI is too stupid for the Survival Mode requirement to heal downed Companions lest they get sent home. They always seem to fall off walkways or ledges to their "death", and require you to go down for them. The problem is that often this in itself requires you to go through a loading door, in which case they'll be sent home regardless. This is where it'd be nice to shoot them with a Stimpack dart. :laugh: Like I said, it's not really a personal request. I might be able to figure it out myself later. But I'm busy with other stuff, and figured I'd share the idea.
  4. Thank you sir. I was looking to use a weapon mod here on the nexus with meshes already set up to work properly in the CK. I was mostly concerned about CK entries for the Assault Rifle in general. For instance, if I use the R91, then I don't think that all the weapon mods correlate exactly to the vanilla Assault Rifle. I'd have to edit the Assault Rifle's mod entries, which means I'd have to edit the leveled lists. I don't really want to, but I suppose I'd have to. Unless that weapon distribution script here on the Nexus can take care of that too. EDIT: Oh and that is cool. The scythe, I mean. :thumbsup:
  5. I'm to replace the Vanilla Assault Rifle with the R91 by Cloudstrife. Any advice or pointers....tutorials? I see that the CK needs to point to new models for the base weapon and mods. I'm just wondering if replacing the assets is all it would take?
  6. This would obviously be for my own personal use, and not to distribute in ANY fashion. But does anyone know a good guide or what I need to do? Specifically, I'm trying to get certain alien body models into the CK as a unique playable race.
  7. I'd suggest not posting when you don't posses relevant information to the topic. - back to topic - I haven't made mods for 3 or NV, and all I can find tool wise is here http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php?title=BSA_Files Thanks. I did read through that already though. It doesn't seem to apply. Talks about naming structures for esps and esms, yet neither work for me. I never made mods for these games either. Just Fallout 4. Don't know why. I've always liked these games more. Go figure.
  8. I've made BSAs for Fallout 4 no problem, but I've been having a terrible time getting them to work in Fallout 3. Using FOMM, I try to pack NMC Textures into a bsa and give it a dummy esp, but nothing shows up in-game. If I unpack the "Fallout - Textures.bsa", override them with NMC textures and then pack it all back up in the vanilla named "Fallout - Textures.bsa" then everything shows up fine in-game. Again, if I pack only the NMC textures into its own bsa nothing works. Doesn't matter how I name them or package them. NMC.esp with "NMC.bsa", or "NMC - Textures.bsa", or "NMC - Main.bsa". Nothing works. The only BSAs the game can detect are ones with the vanilla naming structure: Fallout - Meshes.bsa, Fallout Sound.bsa, Fallout - Textures.bsa etc. i know about the 2 gig limit per BSA and I can even split files up if necessary and game will recognize them. For example, if I use NMC Maximum pack on top of Vanilla Textures, I can split the whole package into 2 or 3 archives named: Fallout - Textures.bsa, Fallout - Textures2.bsa and Fallout - Textures3.bsa. That will work. I've been at this for a few days now. Nothing I read seems to get me anywhere. Oh and yes, AI is active. Loose assets show up fine.
  9. I'm a bit dense. I had NifSkope set up fine already, I just didn't see the BSShaderTextureSet drop-down. I see all the dds files now.
  10. Well, I figured it out in a few minutes using the latest version of NifSkope. I guess it works with all the games? Still don't see where the Fallout 3 and NV nifs store texture data. But either way, I got the glasses to fit properly on the head.
  11. Thanks. I was afraid of this. I know how to mess around with NifSkope for Fallout 4, but it seems different for the other games.
  12. I have everything in game and working, but the model is misaligned on the face. The Glasses sit sideways and off to the right side of the face. (Looking at the PC in third person) This is my first time porting, so I'm sure I missed something.
  13. It's not a file structure issue. I just unpacked the vanilla "Fallout - Textures.bsa" into a desktop folder, overwrote them with NMC textures and then packaged it all up again into two bsas: Fallout - Textures.bsa and Fallout - Textures2.bsa. The game launches and the NMC textures show up in-game. This works, but I'd rather not do it this way. The problem seems to be with the dummy esp.
  14. I tried the Fork FOMM BSA packer. No change. I packed the NMC Maximum textures into two BSAs, each smaller than 2 gigs. Didn't use compression. NMC - Textures.bsa NMC - Textures2.bsa NMC.esp No change. Nothing shows up in game. The BSAs are being packed though. I can unpack them and see all the assets in their proper folder structure.
  15. Thanks for the reply. I will do all that. I might have the second updated version of FOMM instead of the fork version. But yeah, I was using FOMM. I'll report back once/if I can resolve the issue. Thanks again.
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