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  1. Hmm running it as an admin in windows 7 did not work, and no i dont have any ENB mods running. I did however get it to work by deleting 2 of my other un-used .esp files. Could it be a case of the creation kit limiting how many esps i can have?
  2. Hey guys recently came back to modding skyrim to check out if anything has changed and to try and implement an idea ive been pondering for a while now. Only problem is, whenever i try to save my work to test it out ingame the creation kit stops responding. Anyone else having this trouble? Any know how to fix this? Thanks, big
  3. Hey guys i recently duplicated the entire tamriel worldspace, as im planning on using some of the beutiful scenery created by Bethesda in my mod, but im having a few issues. The duplication all went fine, however when i load up my duplicated worldspace(named TamrielCOPYxxx), every single static item/decorating item is under the landscape. So i either need to know how to drop the land down, or move all of these static items back up into place. I experimented with loading one cell in the cell list(cant remember what this is called, the little window in the bottom right of the creation kit that lists everything in a cell), selected all items in the cell, then loaded a new cell and selected all items in that second cell with the shift button pressed down. This successfully selected all the items in the 2 cells and allowed me to move them up and down on the Z axis, however I was just wanting to know if there is a better way to do this before i go on and try and do this for huge areas. Is there any way to select all the items in a large area? Or is there a better way to do this in general? I also experimented with default land and water heights in the worldspace propery window, but changing these values seemed to have no affect on my land/water height, so maybe im not doing something right to preview these changes? Or maybe these fields dont actually work? On a side note, my duplicated landscape has a lot of holes in it(i believe these are called under and over gradients) for some reason. Does anyone maybe know why this has happened or how i can fix it? Thanks for any help you guys can offer, big
  4. Should all be in the tutorial that 'you've already read...' (well except for weighting the model in blender of course) Link us to this tutorial and we will gladly highlight the sections that you must have missed
  5. Hey guys Recently tried exporting and re-importing the heightmap for Skyrim back into the game, but hit a few snags i was hoping you guys could help me out with. I have no experience using heightmaps in modding, so any help is appreciated. So i exported the heightmap out using the creation kit's heightmap editor, which gave me four files, q1.raw through to q4.raw. I opened these up in photoshop and combined them into one, and saved them as testspace.raw using the appropriate settings i found in a tutorial. I then moved testspace.raw into the folder which i extracted tesannwyn to. I then ran the tesannywn command prompt, typing in "tesannwyn -i Skyrim -w TestWorld -p 1 -b 16 -d 1024x1024 -s 0.1 -h 256 testspace.raw." This created my tesannwyn.esp file successfully and then i moved it into my Skyrim/Data folder. After this i loaded up the CK, set tesannwyn.esp as the active file and loaded up my world space. Upon loading it in the rendering window this is what i saw http://img542.imageshack.us/img542/5233/helpic.jpg As you can see there are seams and artifacts which are obviously not in the Skyrim heightmap, or else you'd see these ingame. So i was wondering where i went wrong? I just had a look at my re-imported heightmap(the one for TestWorld) in the Heightmap editor and there are some artifacts on the heightmap for some reason. Could this be due to incorrect file compression in photoshop? Or maybe because TESAnnwyn imported the .raw file wrong? Any help on this issue is much appreciated. Also on a minor note, and this applies to all modding i do, not just custom worldspaces. In the Render Window properties I have set the "Render Window Clipping Distance" to "Far"(the furtherest one on the right) and still it seems my clipping distance is horrible. Like i said this happens in other mods im making so its not just because this new worldspace has no LOD. So i was wondering if there was any way to further adjust how much 'distance' i can see in the render window of the CK? Thanks again guys, big
  6. I use max not maya, but hopefully i can help anyway. Instead of trying to use the nif plugin for maya, instead why dont you just export as an .obj file and import that obj file into your template .nif file? Thats what i do, even though i have the max nif plugin installed and working perfectly, just because i try not to be lazy haha ;) Also this way if something ever goes wrong with the plugin(even though i only use it for animations) i still know how to get my models into the game/creation kit. Hope i helped, big
  7. I too woudnt mind knowing if a tool like this exists, though i doubt it. What is this "So Much Morpher" you speak of Durai?
  8. Hey guys i was just running around in skyrim before and came upon some caves and was thinking "wow i like how you dont actually have to open/activate a door to enter these dungeons, i wonder how they do that in the CK?" So my question is, how do you make those seemingly doorless doors that dungeons sometimes have at their entrances/exits? (If you still dont know what im talking about think back to when you first play your character and you exit the Helgen dungeons near Riverwood for the first time) Thanks, big
  9. Yeah you dont really need the havok tools. If you are just editing vanilla skyrim animations you just save them as .kf files and then convert them to .hkx files to use in skyrim anyway, so no need for the havok tools.
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