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Everything posted by MarioD10
Im trying to find a mod that makes hair not disappear when u wear helmets or hoods. Im looking for something like this http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/images/17335-2-1328240761.jpg
I am trying to find a mod that allow me to keep having hair when using hood.
Trying to find a mod that let me see my hair when I wear a hood, is annoying being bald when wearing things :S
Is there any way to down the noise this weapon makes? honestly, is running me crazy :S
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SPOIL---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was on Dark brotherhood quest to kill the fake emperor, when the cooker tell you to follow him to the room, she just stood there, cooking, and I had to go there alone and kill him with blade. It happened too on the thieves guild, on the mission when you have to guive proofs to the guild that you have found from mercer, karliah tell you to follow her, nothing happened xD. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Trying to find a mod that can dismember enemies when I kill them. TXS
In almost every quest that got some step that imply you got to follow someone, I have a bug that make the person I have to follow dont move, I dont know what is causing this, but if someone can somehow know, tell me. PD: sorry for english :)
Up, help pls
Im having a little issue lately and is that I am having my game crashed on some specific places that doesnt allow to complete some quests, as for example, when going back from Sovngarde big building (donnow name in english :P) I have a broke, or trying to enter X city. After I run other game or simply dont fast travel there and start doing any other thing and go back, I´m able to complete the task almost everytimes, but get crashed each short time is such a annoying thing I want to ask you for a solution. This are the mods I have installed Skyrim.esm Active Update.esm Active Populated Cities NPCListMaster.esm Active WARZONES - Civil Unrest.esm Active JSwords.esm Active CMNewCompanions.esm Active PrometheusCapes_armorsfix.esp Active SoS - The Dungeons.esp Active SoS - The Wilds.esp Active BanditsEyepatch.esp Active dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp Active Immersive Patrols.esp Active lovecraftbooks.esp Active Populus.esp Active SabreFurBag.esp Active SkyrimLive.esp Active StormcloakArmorVariety.esp Active adventurersandtravelers.esp Active SIM- NPC Additions.esp Active SIM - NPCAdditionsWEREWOLVES.esp Active SIM - NPCAdditionsHOSTILE.esp Active SIM - NPCSUBMITTED.esp Active SIM - Treasure Anywhere.esp Active Auto Unequip Arrows.esp Active BarbarianArmor.esp Active Barbarian Jewelry.esp Active Cloaks - PC Only.esp Active Cloaks.esp Active Cloaks - No Imperial.esp Active 1nivWICCloaksCRAFT.esp Active 1nivWICCloaks.esp Active 1nivWICSkyCloaksPatch-No Imp.esp Active 1nivWICSkyCloaksPatch.esp Active Dreadweave Axes.esp Active EinherjarArmor.esp Active HedgeKnight.esp Active JSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.esp Active Northborn Fur Hoods.esp Active VagabondArmor.esp Active Smithing Perks Overhaul - Balanced.esp Active Weapons and Armor fixes.esp Active Weapons and Armor fixes - Hacks.esp Active Complete Crafting Overhaul.esp Active DeadlyDragons.esp Active DeadManor 1.0.esp Active RiverWood Redux.esp Riverwood Redux Expanded Basement.esp WindhelmBetterDocks.esp Active essentialhorsemen.esp Active getdrunk.esp Active NoHelmet.esp Active OpenFaceGuardHelmets.esp Active WATER.esp Active SkyTEST-RealPredators&Animals.esp Active VendorsHaveMoreMoney8000.esp VendorsHaveMoreMoney5000.esp VendorsHaveMoreMoney2000.esp Active VendorsHaveMoreMoney10000.esp VendorsHaveMoreMoney.esp Better Villages.esp Active Populated Cities.esp Active CityForestV2_6.esp Active dovahkiinrelax.esp Active DeadlySpellImpacts.esp Active Duel - Combat Realism.esp Active Killmove +.esp Active CMNewCompanions.esp Active UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp Active FollowerWander2.esp Active DBaddmembers.esp Active Blades upgrade.esp Active Yngol.esp Active Creepy Dungeons.esp Active Executioners.esp Active ExtraBlades.esp Active The Visitors.esp Active morewr.esp Active ruefulaxefix.esp Active Sikki's Followers.esp Active RePopulateSkyrim.esp Active Companion_Pack.esp Active StormcloakFactionKeep.esp Active StormcloakFollowers.esp Active TCGImperialSoldierFollowers.esp Active thedovahphrasebook.esp Active The secret of steel.esp Active UFO - AllwaysDrawWeapons.esp Active Western Watchtower Rebuilt.esp Active
Problem is my control over creation kit is poor, so I dont know very good how to change textures and all thoose, if someone could help me to make thoose shields, or give me a guide to follow xD
As the title says, I would like to have a group of realistic shields to use with my char, but I am unusefull at all using the creation kit, so if someone is so charm to help me, I would be very very thankful. The idea would be a mix of steel shield and cities shields, thanks for the good person :) I want this because I do preffer the steel, iron, or, definitively the not fantastic gear (daedra is awful for me :( )
Problem is bigger, I enter some inns and some inside becomes agressive, help pls
problem is guards doesnt even tell me "you have made a crime" they attack me as if they were mobs
Im having a little issue here and is because I dont know what I did on my mods, but when I enter on the jarl room everyone there becomes aggresive, this includes the ones who should give me the reward for quests, Im on the stage of main questline when you have to give back the dragon stone to the Jarl magician and is impossible, when I go near him everyone on the room becomes aggresive, as If I had enter a dungeon. Help as you can pls. Here are the mods I have installed: Skyrim.esm Update.esm CMNewCompanions.esm JSwords.esm Populated Cities NPCListMaster.esm DBaddmembers.esp AdventurersAndTravelers.esp BarbarianArmor.esp Barbarian Jewelry.esp Better Villages.esp Blades upgrade.esp CityForestV2_6.esp Cloaks.esp CMNewCompanions.esp StormcloakFollowers.esp Yngol.esp EinherjarArmor.esp dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp essentialhorsemen.esp ExtraBlades.esp FollowerWander2.esp HedgeKnight.esp Immersive Patrols.esp morewr.esp Populated Cities.esp PrometheusCapes_armorsfix.esp Real 1st Person View alpha 04b.esp backpack-realistic.esp RealisticWaterTextures.esp RiverWood Redux.esp Riverwood Redux Expanded Basement.esp SIM- NPC Additions.esp SIM - Treasure Anywhere.esp SIM - NPCSUBMITTED.esp SIM - NPCAdditionsWEREWOLVES.esp SIM - NPCAdditionsHOSTILE.esp SkyrimLive.esp SkyTEST-RealPredators&Animals.esp RePopulateSkyrim.esp Companion_Pack.esp StormcloakArmorVariety.esp StormcloakFactionKeep.esp TCGImperialSoldierFollowers.esp The secret of steel.esp UFO - AllwaysDrawWeapons.esp VagabondArmor.esp 1nivWICSkyCloaksPatch.esp WiS IV - AI & Spells for NPC.esp WiS IV - Blood Coins.esp WiS IV - Double ArrowDamage.esp WiS IV - New Equipement for NPC.esp WiS IV - Perks for NPC.esp WiS IV - Races.esp WiS IV - Realistic Combat.esp WiS IV - Werewolf & Vampire.esp WiS IV.esp